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PvP - Story Telling.


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One time, we were owning in huttball, and after scoring, me and my guildie got stuck in the end zone. However, instead of dying or running, we (me as heals, him as tank with 44k health) survived for the entire 2nd half of the match in their end zone 6v2 while our team went and scored 3 more times. Heal to full and sin tanks ftw :D


taz u remember what i was talkin about in hypergate? i was on laet and sek was on kibs lol we owned

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This one time in a Huttball we were getting rolled by a pub premade team (Wish I could remember who it was you guys worked well together) A Vanguard had the ball and stormed to an operative at our goal line. (No... this operative was not me .. ) At this point some of the team gave up on the rest of the match just to troll the operative for not knowing 1. Which classes have a gap closer and 2. Cover = don't get stormed and 3. How to figure out what a class is ... because it's not like you can click on the person and tell or use the game UI to put little icons over people's characters that tell you their class .....



Oh and another good story. This one time I met this marauder and his name was Frequencyz. He was leveling and didn't have a guild but he was straight up destroying folks. Then he made it to lvl 50 and every time I saw him in a warzone match and he was on the other team I tried to run away ... but he would always catch me .. and it was unconsensual .. oh so unconsensual .. Then one day he bought me a Corellian Cocktail and made it all better ... Except for the years of counseling I now need. The End.

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This one time, at inquisitor camp....



WTB More warzones with both of us on the same team. Good things happen where there are delicious green numbers and yours are sinfully decadent. I should seriously pvp more I've taken a long break from it since 2.0 came out. Also in ref to this "inquisitor camp" is this where you give lessons? Sign me up and whip me into shape. I'm out of practice with Sage/Sorc shenanigans.

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This one time in a Huttball we were getting rolled by a pub premade team (Wish I could remember who it was you guys worked well together) A Vanguard had the ball and stormed to an operative at our goal line. (No... this operative was not me .. ) At this point some of the team gave up on the rest of the match just to troll the operative for not knowing 1. Which classes have a gap closer and 2. Cover = don't get stormed and 3. How to figure out what a class is ... because it's not like you can click on the person and tell or use the game UI to put little icons over people's characters that tell you their class .....



Oh and another good story. This one time I met this marauder and his name was Frequencyz. He was leveling and didn't have a guild but he was straight up destroying folks. Then he made it to lvl 50 and every time I saw him in a warzone match and he was on the other team I tried to run away ... but he would always catch me .. and it was unconsensual .. oh so unconsensual .. Then one day he bought me a Corellian Cocktail and made it all better ... Except for the years of counseling I now need. The End.


i was that operative..... sents/guards mar/jugg gap closers Pt TANKS/van TANKS gap closer... but i am a healer and didnt see/target that guy the whole game so how am i suppost to know he was a TANK vanguard who had the leap :(


PS i go hardcore and never use cover on an operative nearly pointless for me and i do just fine being mobile without cover

Edited by Pizza_boy
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i was that operative..... sents/guards mar/jugg gap closers Pt TANKS/van TANKS gap closer... but i am a healer and didnt see/target that guy the whole game so how am i suppost to know he was a TANK vanguard who had the leap :(


PS i go hardcore and never use cover on an operative nearly pointless for me and i do just fine being mobile without cover


actually, with the amount of leapers in the game, i get sad when i see ops not use cover.

Edited by eavn
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If you're an operative/scoundrel healer and not crouching anytime you stop to cast something, or are waiting to receive a pass, you're doing it wrong. Not only can you not get leapt to (except with the 10m smash leap), you can't get pulled.


Plus, it's fun to just watch a mara or sent stand there while having you targeted.

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If you're an operative/scoundrel healer and not crouching anytime you stop to cast something, or are waiting to receive a pass, you're doing it wrong. Not only can you not get leapt to (except with the 10m smash leap), you can't get pulled.


Plus, it's fun to just watch a mara or sent stand there while having you targeted.


ahg, i swear when i go to leap and BAM, freaking harrisonford is crouching, i just want to pull my hair out.

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ahg, i swear when i go to leap and BAM, freaking harrisonford is crouching, i just want to pull my hair out.


Olol...I know how you feel. I've actually seen a few operatives and scoundrels who sit there and heal while crouched. Even more annoying when there's actually a DPS operative on your team or a deception sin both of which could easily get the operative out of cover.


Operative healers are hard enough to kill as is. Even when they are mobile. The crouching makes it even more annoying.

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Olol...I know how you feel. I've actually seen a few operatives and scoundrels who sit there and heal while crouched. Even more annoying when there's actually a DPS operative on your team or a deception sin both of which could easily get the operative out of cover.


Operative healers are hard enough to kill as is. Even when they are mobile. The crouching makes it even more annoying.


Just when you see that operative smiling and thinking he has the upper hand...... SMASH!!! STEAKSAUCE when he realizes that i brought Sage with me!!!

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Tell me something, why don't PVP'ers go to POT5?

Why full pvp players stay on a PVE server farming pugs? Easy game? :rolleyes:



why spend money to transfer to another server who's only benefit is more rwz which are being taken out in 2 weeks

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Wait...how do you know they came back because it was too hard? Speculation?


Not every PvPer enjoys open world PvP nor do they necessarily like being flagged all the time. And of course, the best way to avoid having your lowbies ganked and spawn camped is to go with a PvE server. That actually happened to someone on Hoth last night while he was leveling. Two pubs farmed him for 25 minutes. :eek:


Questing remains the fastest way to 55 and I'm sure most people prefer to hurry on up to the end game PvP.


And yea, sure, you get those people running around on a PvE server hoping for some easy ego stroking but there are people who aren't confident in their PvP skills. So for them, they are happier playing against people closer to their skill level.


15$ to transfer just one character can be pricey for some people. It's also a lot of work to level new characters and establish oneself on a new server. Plus, it's not like BW has been putting a lot of effort into PvP. There's also a noticeable decline in the population lately.


People also have friends on PvE servers they enjoy playing with. Leaving their friends and guild isn't exactly an easy choice.

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Story #1:

Rage Warrior: Me, Kill.. Republican.. Die! Sith, win!

Group of Enemies: "Be sure to focus the sorcerer in the back, theres also an operative @ 12 o'clock incoming, lock him down."

Rage Warrior: "RAWWWR, Hulk Smash!!!" ~cast Smash~

--------------- The screen goes black... 8 seconds later -----------------------

Rage Warrior: "RAAAAAWR, Hulk Smash!!!" ~cast Smash~

Group of Enemies: *crickets*


Story #2:

Rage Warrior: *picks nose*

1 enemy: "Die scum!"

Rage Warrior: *peels bannanna* /cast Smash

----------------- The screen goes black.. 8 seconds later -------------------

1 enemy: ability #7, take that!

Rage Warrior: ORC SMASH!!! /cast Smash

1 enemy: Kelly Claaaaaaaaaaaaaaarksonnnnnnnn!


++++ WZ CHART +++

Rage Warrior: 1.9 million.. Actions per minute: 12

Other Classes: 250-450k Actions per minute: 112 - 240



There is my story. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

Edited by Warlord_Maliken
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