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WTH! Opening collections increas3ed 400% in one day?


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I am sick of the cost of everything constantly going up on cartel coins, I am a sub, have been since beta, preordered the expansion, and I am getting dang tired of my cost constantly being raised. Either give me a major discount in the cartel market or stop expecting me to sub. Yesterday I could open my collections for my account for about a buck, now today you want 4? WTH am I paying a monthly fee for now? And treek doesnt even go across servers now, and you have to be legacy 40!! after we pay 20 bucks? I have to already come up with millions to buy something from the cartel market because that is fair for free to play players to grind out or spend 40 bucks getting packs and never getting what I hope for getting the same item 5 plus times, and now you want me to pay an additional 4 bucks to simply let my other characters use it? You are dollaring me to death and I am getting angry, theres a line when you juice and extort your subscription base to let people play free that they leave.


This is besides the gtn going from level ten when I was at level 9 for my ship, to level 15, then when I got 13 it went to 25, get off this constantly changing aspects of the game I am working for without even giving us notice much less the prices increasing daily when you see us do somethign alot. there is no supply issue to somethign you ahve already made digitally, icnreasing its cost is extortion for your subscribers. I am tired of the general chat diminishing so bad and being spammed by credit sellers and people that don't give a crap about it because you added free to play, but my god the cost to subscribers is getting outrageous. I am tired of havening to pay so much extra for a game I have always kept a sub for as well as the requirements constantly changing right before I get there, which probably means right before mosty get there. Every other game maker charges 50 bucks for a new game, a complete game. I am already paying for a brand new game every three months in price. And my agents mailbox still isn't even on her ship from paying to unlock it in legacy. I want the game to prosper, but if you keep making money and not the game the priority, you will lose both. I am tired of every new thing you do now you expect subscribers to pay the same as free to play players. I no longer believe you want subscribers, if you did you'd stop charging us the same as anybody playing free for anything you make new.


Now I enjoy swtor, I want it to last, and I have stuck by you guys hoping for it to do so even through the graphics debacle of promising us it would be fixed and showing us better graphics in beta then it had when you launched, then lying to us and saying it was never meant to have them after we told our friends how great the graphics were and they should play, while still advertising the good graphics on screenshots on the website for months afterwards, which was false advertising at that point. But this is going to piss alot of people off just like not allowing us to decide the graphics level when the game first started and acting like it was never intended to have the higher level graphics after telling us you were fixing it.


This shady crap is going to far, you are making me no longer trust you and I am a long term sub, whats the rest of the community going to think. You obviously have somebody high up in your company making damn stupid and unwise decisions to juice your subs like this all the time. You need to fire whoever is putting money over quality, if you let money be your master, you will not have a product worth buying, you need to make a quality product, you are acting like the guy on shark tank that only cares about money. And wisdom knows better. Stop screwing up the game to make an extra buck. Do you have people in charge who honestly think it is fair or smart to engineer a product to fail because you make an extra penny that month? You are supposed to be based in Texas, and have a sense of morality enough to understand, that greedy bs isn't good business. If all you care about is your bottom line and not producing a quality product that will draw people to it, this game will fail hard, and I don't want to see it go that route. Look at the other business models of what your doing, startrek is failing, most every game that cares more about making a profit then they do about customer satisfaction and retention FAILS. I think you are hiring stupid people who graduated business school but have no wisdom. DO YOU UNDERSTAND A 400% INFLATION A DAY IS NOT ONLY WRONG BUT GREEDY AND SHADY! Do you not understand, subs are sick of paying you to let everybody else play free when you charge us outrageous prices for something we guarantee your monthly income on? Raise the price of customization and character equity for free players, I get that, but not for your base subscriber, that is called extortion and I am getting sick of the shady type of business this company is doing. You are making blizzard look godly because at least they do not juice their subscribers with increased cost nonstop every week everyday. Look at eve, look at startrek, look at tera, look what your doing to this game and the route yoru following, if all you want is to make afast buck and run off and end the game your following the right path. If you want this game to last, your being stupid. You areacting like Obama, with no wisdom.


I expect your subscribers to stop being juiced at the minimum. Or don't expect me to keep subbing. I hate it is comign to this, but you should not have put me in this position. It is foolish, and you need wiser advisors and decision makers if you want a job next month. I hope you make the right decision.

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Trolls, ie people making personal attacks, calling me stupid mocking what I have said acting like because it takes an actual education to read what i say, and it isn't a tweet, **** off. (this is what has to be said when the player base is free and the general person on these forums doesn't give a crap about player retention) Edited by CriDaDimon
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I hope smarter decision making gets put in place, I really do, because SWTOR is a great game, and worth playing and subbing to play, but not this direction you have started going, yes new cool customization and artwork etc is nice, yes the quality of the developers is awesome, but somebody making the business decisions in this company is being foolish.


(edited) Adding I am sorry for getting so upset, tbh most the time I want to tell you guys how awesome the game is and make it better, but the cartel issue has become a real problem. Bounty hunter event starts and one minute its this much and the next its 4 times more, its like WTH! its literally shocking. Can u imagine going to the gas pump and today its 4 bucks a gallon and tommorow its 16 a gallon! You'd be like, Did we lose Alaska? Is Texas gone? etc - But in this case its literally just a decisioon, no extra cost on your part but all the sudden subscribers get hit with a 400% increase, should I just demand 4 more patches and expansions this month or cancel? That is the equivalent. As a subscriber I felt used and exploited and I still do - unless this gets adressed. Just being honest, I want the game to work, but come on. If you are going to increase the cost for me as a subscriber just at whim because you want more money today for the same product, then I want more product. You can't just decide to charge me more without my ok. Honestly to even have to explain this, I feel cheated by a company that doesn't care and I truly do not want to believe you guys have stopped caring about your subscribers to the point your just a racket for new players that don't know. This kind of business practice is literally bordering on illegal, it is definitely immoral if you dont even say anything and hide it. I want you guys to do well. And I can't justify this. And it sucks because a very cool game is being destroyed by somebody just being greedy. Just like the graphics issue when the game started, if you hadn't done that this game wouldn't even of had to goto f2p at all, just stop being shady as a company, the game is great, the company and business decisions running it are losing my trust. You already hurt my security by changing from my email for a log in to my broadcasted username on the forums. I almost quit there. My security, my account, my privacy. This is becoming questionably even legal, some of your decisions. And while your lawyers might get you off the hook with a judge, you are losing the faith of your customers.

Edited by CriDaDimon
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Holy wall-o-text.


Where to start? Well first they are not forcing you to buy through collections. That is your choice to do or not to do. This a feature they gave us, be grateful. Remember that days when you had to get each armor you wanted from GTN, and not pull from the collections?


You can't just decide to charge me more without my ok.


So did your subscription go up? NO! So they infact are not charging you more. You have total access to the game for subscription. Yes you may have to pay for alacarte features or expansion packs. That just how MMOs go. The sub you pay monthly is more for server upkeep and other maintenance issues.

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Holy wall-o-text.


Where to start? Well first they are not forcing you to buy through collections. That is your choice to do or not to do. This a feature they gave us, be grateful. Remember that days when you had to get each armor you wanted from GTN, and not pull from the collections?




So did your subscription go up? NO! So they infact are not charging you more. You have total access to the game for subscription. Yes you may have to pay for alacarte features or expansion packs. That just how MMOs go. The sub you pay monthly is more for server upkeep and other maintenance issues.


Should I even respond?


personal attack, holy wall of text - f off


they arent forcing me to buy my collections - is it not part of a game I already pay for on amonhthly basis, be thankful for any new thing they add that i get to pay more for?


the rest, seriously, you are simply saying, deal with being charged extra for a game i pay for already, deal witht he fact that new features will now cost you more then a monthly fee - you are basically saying, turn off your sub and play free, and just pay for the features u want


All in all, I have to ask, are u trying to make me quit playing the game all together?


As I said I enjoy the game, I have been here since the beginning, and will stay, but my god 400% inflation overnight WTH!


I guess you just do not have the capability to comprehend your being juiced also. I pay a monhtly fee for a service. That service has changed and changed and now cost me more if I want all the features of it. You are right, I do not have to keep subbing as your option. I have


You know what, I dont give a **** about your opinion, in fact the simple fact i ahve to even or had to even start to explain this, means you are not inteligent enough to comprehend when your being taken advantage of.




I will say it simply - at 90 cartel coins, ok I guess I willopen a collection so my alts can use it - at 360 cartel coins, im sorry but its more effieceint now to just buy those off the gtn on the alt and not spend a dime. You pushed the price point so far it became ridiculous and not worth buying


Happy now? Happy you just stopped me from giving them a dime extra?


See what you do not udnerstand and seem to be to foolish to realize, is I am trying to help the game succeed.

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Yesterday I could open my collections for my account for about a buck, now today you want 4? WTH am I paying a monthly fee for now?


Maybe somewhere in those 3 huge posts you should have explained what exactly went up in price.

"Open my collections for my account" makes no sense. Collections are already open. You add things to them and then if you wish you unlock those items or armor sets for your entire account. And the amount of Cartel Coins you have to spend to unlock those items, differs -some cost 60cc others might cost 600CC. That has always been the case.


Also, didn't you just recently ask the devs to close down one of your threads because you weren't going to make any more posts anywhere, especially in an MMO?

Edited by TheNahash
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