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What I find really funny is that all you grammar police don't even know your grammar.. What is missing from the game title is not a comma.. What is missing is a colon..


Face it.. You all have a lot to learn about grammar.. ;)


I waited to post this to see if someone would actually catch that.. I am really surprised that you self proclaimed grammar masters didn't.. It is ironic that someone like me, who doesn't really care about grammar, knows more about it than the supposed people that do.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I really hate when people complain about "grammar nazis".


And I really hate it when the grammar Nazis don't really know their grammar..


I hate it when people complain about consular.. It is a game, Bioware can call them whatever they want.. There is no right or wrong here..


There is a time and a place to correct grammar.. I would think that you grammar geniuses would know that.. This is not one of those times or places.. ;)

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What I find really funny is that all you grammar police don't even know your grammar.. What is missing from the game title is not a comma.. What is missing is a colon..


Face it.. You all have a lot to learn about grammar.. ;)


I waited to post this to see if someone would actually catch that.. I am really surprised that you self proclaimed grammar masters didn't.. It is ironic that someone like me, who doesn't really care about grammar, knows more about it than the supposed people that do.. :rolleyes:

I don't think you understand the complaint. Here:


  • missing comma in the Knight of the Republic title. It has to be like that: "[Player's name], Knight of the Republic". (You did it right with the Black Bisector and Founder titles!)

Right now, the title floating above my Guardian's head is:

"Kazmeia Knight of the Republic"

It kinda looks like her name is Kazmeia Knight, and she represents the Republic. :| A comma would properly separate these elements into her name and her title:

"Kazmeia, Knight of the Republic"

"Kazmeia, Black Bisector" <-- currently in-game and proper


Generally, I give a pass to random blips like this in the game, but on a player title, and one of the (IMO) nicer ones a Knight can use early on, it's very visible and very annoying. :p


Bureaucratized language is lifeless language.

The difference between you and me is that you follow a subjective romance (which in this case might be the only thing separating you from an uneducated person) without a standard (like an uneducated person does) whereas I prefer to shape the language of heart into an aesthetic form of mind.

Interesting discussion. ;) Personally, I can (and do) enjoy English aesthetically, both reading and writing it. Words can have a pleasant flow, in addition to simply presenting information. I do feel that, in order to build that flow, an author can take some liberties with the strictest grammar — but they should also understand why that grammar is there, and what rules they're breaking, and perhaps consider why they're breaking it. One run-on sentence to illustrate urgency? Sure! Several run-on sentences because you don't like commas? Eh... ;) (Commas are pauses, and pauses matter! /petpeeve)

Edited by Jenovan
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I don't think you understand the complaint. Here:



Right now, the title floating above my Guardian's head is:

"Kazmeia Knight of the Republic"

It kinda looks like her name is Kazmeia Knight, and she represents the Republic. :| A comma would properly separate these elements into her name and her title:

"Kazmeia, Knight of the Republic"

"Kazmeia, Black Bisector" <-- currently in-game and proper


Generally, I give a pass to random blips like this in the game, but on a player title, and one of the (IMO) nicer ones a Knight can use early on, it's very visible and very annoying. :p


Yes, it appears that I misunderstood the complaint.. I thought the games title was what was being discussed..


Does the character title 'Knight of the old Republic' need a comma?? Meh, technically it does.. But I think this game has more pressing issues than to worry about a ',' that is AWOL..


The people that made this game are human too.. I still feel that certain people here were just trying to showcase their intelligence when in fact doing the opposite..


So for my error, I apologize.. And thank you for bringing it to my attention in such a grammatically correct post.. :D


Seriously.. Thanks!!! :)

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I don't think you understand the complaint. Here:



Right now, the title floating above my Guardian's head is:

"Kazmeia Knight of the Republic"

It kinda looks like her name is Kazmeia Knight, and she represents the Republic. :| A comma would properly separate these elements into her name and her title:

"Kazmeia, Knight of the Republic"

"Kazmeia, Black Bisector" <-- currently in-game and proper


Generally, I give a pass to random blips like this in the game, but on a player title, and one of the (IMO) nicer ones a Knight can use early on, it's very visible and very annoying. :p

Your patience to explain it to him is much appreciated! :) Thanks to you I've decided to ignore his following provocative allegation. :cool:


Interesting discussion. ;) Personally, I can (and do) enjoy English aesthetically, both reading and writing it. Words can have a pleasant flow, in addition to simply presenting information. I do feel that, in order to build that flow, an author can take some liberties with the strictest grammar — but they should also understand why that grammar is there, and what rules they're breaking, and perhaps consider why they're breaking it. One run-on sentence to illustrate urgency? Sure! Several run-on sentences because you don't like commas? Eh... ;) (Commas are pauses, and pauses matter! /petpeeve)
I agree by making a difference between poetic licence and grammatical ignorance. If an author takes the liberty of breaking the rules - which is almost always a loss of quality - the gain for doing so must be greater than the loss. Edited by Estrian
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What I find really funny is that all you grammar police don't even know your grammar..


Face it.. You all have a lot to learn about grammar.. ;)


And I really hate it when the grammar Nazis don't really know their grammar..


There is a time and a place to correct grammar.. I would think that you grammar geniuses would know that.. This is not one of those times or places..


None of us have ever said that we are experts in the English language, or geniuses (genii? debate that one!). I have had no formal academic training in English beyond normal schooling to the age of 16 (when English became a non-compulsory subject in my educational system). We have disagreed with/corrected each other in this thread on several points.


Other than that, you ignored all of my points. Do you honestly believe it is fine if people don't know the correct form of their/there/they're and other similar examples? How is that being a "grammar nazi"? They are different words that mean different things. If I can use their/there/they're interchangeably, could I also use pudding/umbrella/cactus interchangeably? Sounding the same has no relevance to meaning and there are a huge number of homonyms in the English language. Ignoring them all would be nonsensical, so why should it be socially acceptable to ignore any of them?

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I love you! Just two things I want to add:


(Virtual) colloquial language in a MMOG is alright, even on a RP-Server (where I play out of naivety), as long as it is not in-game. In "General" it could be practical but it's an ambience-killer to "Say" so.


"BRB" (capital letters, without dots) would be correct for an acronym. ;)


Hehe, I love this thread, however....


The punctuation for acronyms is debatable. Wikipedia (as the easiest source to quote) says:




Showing the ellipsis of letters


In English, abbreviations have traditionally been written with a full stop/period/point in place of the deleted part to show the ellipsis of letters, although the colon and apostrophe have also had this role. In the case of most acronyms, each letter is an abbreviation of a separate word and, in theory, should get its own termination mark. Such punctuation is diminishing with the belief that the presence of all-capital letters is sufficient to indicate that the word is an abbreviation.


Ellipsis-is-understood style


Some influential style guides, such as that of the BBC, no longer require punctuation to show ellipsis; some even proscribe it. Larry Trask, American author of The Penguin Guide to Punctuation, states categorically that, in British English, "this tiresome and unnecessary practice is now obsolete",[32] though some other sources are not so absolute in their pronouncements.


Pronunciation-dependent style


Nevertheless, some influential style guides, many of them American, still require periods in certain instances. For example, The New York Times’ guide recommends following each segment with a period when the letters are pronounced individually, as in K.G.B., but not when pronounced as a word, as in NATO.[33] The logic of this style is that the pronunciation is reflected graphically by the punctuation scheme.


Other conventions


When a multiple-letter abbreviation is formed from a single word, periods are in general not used, although they may be common in informal usage. TV, for example, may stand for a single word (television or transvestite, for instance), and is in general spelled without punctuation (except in the plural). Although PS stands for the single word postscript (or the Latin postscriptum), it is often spelled with periods (P.S.).




So we are both right, depending on who you ask!

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Hi, everybody!

I really don't like to be pedantic but... Actually I do. :D As an enthusiast of language and role-playing-player to me it's not only a matter of education but also of atmosphere to read correct sentences in a potential RPG. As to me the most disturbing grammar mistakes so far are the following, because they're displayed throughout the game.

If you're going to be pedantic, at least be correct. What you note are not grammar mistakes, they are writing or stylistic errors. "Fred are a Knight of the Republic" is an an example grammar mistake.

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Your patience to explain it to him is much appreciated! :) Thanks to you I've decided to ignore his following provocative allegation. :cool:


Oh you mean my apology.. How mature of you.. Grow up will you?? There was no provocative allegation.. At least one of us is mature enough to admit when they are wrong and apologize... Typically the correct thing to do is accept it and be as mature as the person who apologized.. I guess that just isn't you..


Noted for future reference.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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Oh you mean my apology.. How mature of you.. Grow up will you?? There was no provocative allegation.. At least one of us is mature enough to admit when they are wrong and apologize... Typically the correct thing to do is accept it and be as mature as the person who apologized.. I guess that just isn't you..


Noted for future reference.. :rolleyes:


Why do you even keep posting in this thread? You've said you don't care and that we should all ignore any grammar errors, so why do you just want to come and troll? I notice you ignored my points again - presumably you don't have an answer.


If we want to talk about grammatical errors in the game, then we can. If you aren't interested, why are you here except to argue for the sake of it? We were all having a perfectly nice and interesting (to us) discussion, so why are you filling it up with arguments?


Let's get back on topic! Acronyms - periods or no periods? :)

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Why do you even keep posting in this thread? You've said you don't care and that we should all ignore any grammar errors, so why do you just want to come and troll? I notice you ignored my points again - presumably you don't have an answer.


I didn't ignore anything... I chose not to respond to your last post to me.. There was no point.. But as you say, I don't care and you don't understand why I even post in this thread?? So why do you care if I respond to your points or not?? I will respond to whom ever I choose.. If I feel their post is worthy of a response..


I am not the one trolling.. I made a mistake and apologized.. Yet you and someone else have chosen to be rude to me for no reason.. I would call that trolling. Just saying.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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If you're going to be pedantic, at least be correct. What you note are not grammar mistakes, they are writing or stylistic errors. "Fred are a Knight of the Republic" is an an example grammar mistake.


I agree, if one is going to be pedantic at least he should be correct. Punctuation is part of grammar, if you disagree prove me wrong. In science unfounded claims are rejected and so do I in this case.

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Oh you mean my apology.. How mature of you.. Grow up will you?? There was no provocative allegation.. At least one of us is mature enough to admit when they are wrong and apologize... Typically the correct thing to do is accept it and be as mature as the person who apologized.. I guess that just isn't you..


Noted for future reference.. :rolleyes:

Let me remind you of your own words:

I still feel that certain people here were just trying to showcase their intelligence when in fact doing the opposite..
So, come again? "no provocative allegation"? Is there anything productive regarding the topic to be expected from you in the future?
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Hehe, I love this thread, however....


The punctuation for acronyms is debatable. [...] So we are both right, depending on who you ask!

As long as it is also correct without points there is no reason to criticize (if capital letters are given). ;) Edited by Estrian
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