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Vanguard or Commando DPS for PvP.


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Hey guys, I'm looking forward to see your opinions and +/- of each tree :)

To begin with, they're drastically different as far as playstyle is concerned. Vanguard is close range, Commando is long range.


Love Gunnery Commando myself. Tactically flexible, very adaptive and self-sufficient. A little stationary, but can do significant damage on the move, when it's needed. The main disadvantage probably is a significant degree of crit-dependence for burst damage. Moderately susceptible to interrupts, but this can be bypassed with 2x TO instants.


I also run a Powertech (vanguard mirror), switching between tank and AP. The pull is great - highly annoying on the receiving end, and provides you with tactical leverage. Both AP and Pyro (Assault and Tactics for Vanguards) are getting buffed in 2.4, and, from what I've seen, the class becomes very solid. Less self-sufficient than Commando, has limited escape/self-peel options.

Edited by Helig
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Pt/Vanguard. COmmando's still suffer from lack of mobile damage (Only have 2 high damage instants unless in Assault, one of which requires grav round to use.) Commando's overall damage is higher IF left untouched. However, against a good team, a vanguard will deal significantly more damage. PT is my main, and I never -not- come top damage. Even against smashers. I have a Merc alt, but it bores me. However, it's got solid damage, and solid survivability. I still prefer the Powertech, because I can get Immortal much quicker.
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