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Hello swtor community..

i have a question :cool:


Theres a Chance that BioWare will return the old gear(columi/tionesa...)

because i heard of it and saw it on characteres...and i didnt have a chance to earn it! cause im new in this game

(few month after patch 2.0 has released - im 9 month at the game somthing like that)


Ty for your time.

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Hello swtor community..

i have a question :cool:


Theres a Chance that BioWare will return the old gear(columi/tionesa...)

because i heard of it and saw it on characteres...and i didnt have a chance to earn it! cause im new in this game

(few month after patch 2.0 has released - im 9 month at the game somthing like that)


Ty for your time.


Not to dis or anything but why in the galaxy would you want that fugly stuff?


That being said, I'm sure that if enough people raise enough of a ruckus they'll bring it back eventually but, truly, for the sake of my eyeballs alone which only now have stopped bleeding from having to look at it on my poor characters, I certainly have to hope they don't or, that if they do, their- er, "popularity" (or lack thereof) remains as it was (pretty close to nil).


That being said, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't bring back the shells at least for people like you who want to wear them if enough people expressed an interest because, at this point the mods just suck in comparison to the new gear which is the reason why they just got rid of them entirely at the end. :)

Edited by Dallayna
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Not to dis or anything but why in the galaxy would you want that fugly stuff?


That being said, I'm sure that if enough people raise enough of a ruckus they'll bring it back eventually but, truly, for the sake of my eyeballs alone which only now have stopped bleeding from having to look at it on my poor characters, I certainly have to hope they don't or, that if they do, their- er, "popularity" (or lack thereof) remains as it was (pretty close to nil).


That being said, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't bring back the shells at least for people like you who want to wear them if enough people expressed an interest because, at this point the mods just suck in comparison to the new gear which is the reason why they just got rid of them entirely at the end. :)


Hehe I certainly know what you mean for most Dall...i ran without my juggernauts set bonuses for a long time because it made my stomach cring just thinking about wearing that gear!


But ironically, there were a few sets that I loved, and i even started a class specifically because i liked the end game look (and it was fun to play too once I got into it). that being the Opoerative and the Trooper. and sadly, neither reached level cap before they snatched away my loved gear sets!


And in all honesty i don't like ANY of the new ones....at all. I'd take the old sets over the new in a heartbeat. But either way, they really should bring those back in the game. even if they're on the market...though for fairness' sake, they should have a "legacy" or "archive" NPC that sells them for discounted comm prices.

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Not to dis or anything but why in the galaxy would you want that fugly stuff?


That being said, I'm sure that if enough people raise enough of a ruckus they'll bring it back eventually but, truly, for the sake of my eyeballs alone which only now have stopped bleeding from having to look at it on my poor characters, I certainly have to hope they don't or, that if they do, their- er, "popularity" (or lack thereof) remains as it was (pretty close to nil).


That being said, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't bring back the shells at least for people like you who want to wear them if enough people expressed an interest because, at this point the mods just suck in comparison to the new gear which is the reason why they just got rid of them entirely at the end. :)




But in my opinion i like that gear...i played after the patch 2.0 and i didnt have a chance to earn that gear.

IM NOT ASKING THAT SWTOR WILL REMOVE ALL THE NEW GEAR , just that i will be able of to buy that gear cuz i think its look pretty..thats all !!

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But in my opinion i like that gear...i played after the patch 2.0 and i didnt have a chance to earn that gear.

IM NOT ASKING THAT SWTOR WILL REMOVE ALL THE NEW GEAR , just that i will be able of to buy that gear cuz i think its look pretty..thats all !!


Calm down! This is why I said:


I don't see any reason why they wouldn't bring back the shells at least for people like you who want to wear them if enough people expressed an interest


The rest was mostly just a joking reference to the complaints and comments that were what got the gear removed in the first place: "Oh god it's ugly!" and "Do we really have to wear this?" being the general attitude of those.


Point is that in order for them to bring those shells back, there would have to be an interest expressed by enough people to make them take notice.


I agree that no one should be denied what they think is a cool looking outfit but a whole bunch of people complained about the old gear so ask for it. Keep asking for it. And keep asking for it because if enough people keep asking and asking and asking for that look to come back, the devs might realize that some people do want that look and bring it back because at this particular moment, the devs only know that those outfits were generally considered a mean-spirited practical joke on the players.



TL;DR breakdown/ blunt-as-a-spoon:


The devs think that everyone hates those outfits because a whole bunch of people told them that they hated the outfits so the outfits were done away with. So, if you let them know that a lot of people actually liked those looks, they'll probably be convinced to bring back for you guys. And, I honestly hope they do bring them back because even if I didn't and don't like those looks either, you should be able to play a character that looks cool to you! :cool:


So. please calm down. I. Am. On. Your. Side. I was joking. It. Was. A. Joke.


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Calm down! This is why I said:




The rest was mostly just a joking reference to the complaints and comments that were what got the gear removed in the first place: "Oh god it's ugly!" and "Do we really have to wear this?" being the general attitude of those.


Point is that in order for them to bring those shells back, there would have to be an interest expressed by enough people to make them take notice.


I agree that no one should be denied what they think is a cool looking outfit but a whole bunch of people complained about the old gear so ask for it. Keep asking for it. And keep asking for it because if enough people keep asking and asking and asking for that look to come back, the devs might realize that some people do want that look and bring it back because at this particular moment, the devs only know that those outfits were generally considered a mean-spirited practical joke on the players.



TL;DR breakdown/ blunt-as-a-spoon:


The devs think that everyone hates those outfits because a whole bunch of people told them that they hated the outfits so the outfits were done away with. So, if you let them know that a lot of people actually liked those looks, they'll probably be convinced to bring back for you guys. And, I honestly hope they do bring them back because even if I didn't and don't like those looks either, you should be able to play a character that looks cool to you! :cool:


So. please calm down. I. Am. On. Your. Side. I was joking. It. Was. A. Joke.



I'm sorry, i just think i deserve a chance to wear that gear too...NO HARD FEELING ON YOU DONT WORRY!!:p

oh and By The Way:WHAT AND WHERE I POST A THREAD to people who can return the columi gear...

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I'm sorry, i just think i deserve a chance to wear that gear too...NO HARD FEELING ON YOU DONT WORRY!!:p

oh and By The Way:WHAT AND WHERE I POST A THREAD to people who can return the columi gear...


Oh good.


Now, to your question, Suggestions may be a bit of a black hole but it's at least a place to start would be my thinking and, after that, I suppose trying to kick off a thread over on the General section as being the biggest one probably wouldn't hurt either.


That being said, chances are you're not going to get any yellow posts or direct responses from the developers- like ever, but my thought is that your best bet is to get and keep people talking about it and even debating it enough that it keeps coming up during any Cantina/in person events. That's not a guarantee that it will work, of course, (there are no guarantees on anything really) but one thing is for certain: no one saying anything isn't going to improve your chances at all.


Good Luck. :)

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Oh good.


Now, to your question, Suggestions may be a bit of a black hole but it's at least a place to start would be my thinking and, after that, I suppose trying to kick off a thread over on the General section as being the biggest one probably wouldn't hurt either.


That being said, chances are you're not going to get any yellow posts or direct responses from the developers- like ever, but my thought is that your best bet is to get and keep people talking about it and even debating it enough that it keeps coming up during any Cantina/in person events. That's not a guarantee that it will work, of course, (there are no guarantees on anything really) but one thing is for certain: no one saying anything isn't going to improve your chances at all.


Good Luck. :)


Ty ur awesome!

but i meant to ask you...in what place in the community to post a thread that will be meaningful.

oh and btw ty ...

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Ty ur awesome!

but i meant to ask you...in what place in the community to post a thread that will be meaningful.

oh and btw ty ...


1. Not a problem because I'm not exactly telling you any inside information because, frankly, I've never done anything like this either and


2. As I said before. While I hardly think that appearance is the only thing in an MMO, I also know that no one wants to spend 55 levels + end content, + dailies, etc, etc, etc, staring at an avatar they just can't stand the sight of. You, and every other player should be able to log in and say to themselves: "My character is the coolest looking cool person and ruler of Cool-donia!" Otherwise why would we play them hour after hour after hour. So, while I will admit that my tastes aren't yours (and I do reserve some slight teasing rights) I have less than no problem adding my voice to your campaign for cool.


Now, that being said, like I said before, it seems to me that pretty much what you are going to need to do here is probably going to be like an election campaign- at least, that's what the forums seem to look like when folks are trying to get something done. Some have succeeded (more crystal colors), some have failed (being able to change advanced classes), and some have seen a response that sort of worked because while they didn't get exactly what they were asking for, something along those lines did indeed come around (asking for the ability to change colors at will but getting dye packs).


We're not getting into what of those was cool or sucked or whatever- just observing that all of the forum chatter that led to those changes seemed to go pretty much the same way.


So, again, never did this myself before but it seems like all of them did the following:


1) Put a recommendation into Suggestion Box (it's at the top of the page over in the General Forum)


2) Started a thread over in the General Forum about it that got people talking and starting more threads which got more people talking who started more threads and putting it into the Suggestion box themselves which got even more people mentioning it to the developers every time one of them poked their heads up.


So, that's what I would try. Start a thread and mention to all of my guild members to either post to it or start threads of their own and/or put it in the Suggestion Box themselves. I'd also do the same for any friends that I know in the game- heck even passing PUGs as long as they're willing to listen. Schmooze, chat up, bribe, network... in short be your idea's Campaign Manager and, as such, stick to your blasters about your message: that the old Tionese/etc gear actually is kinda cool in a kitchy, retro way that you're sure that other new players would love to wear for the look so, why can't they bring back an empty shell that looks like it?


Basically, get your message out there and keep it out there until you are so sick of it that you swear that all of the world has heard about it by now because that's probably the point that you might have gotten two people who might have heard something.


Like I said, I've never personally done it before but that does seem to be how others seem to go about things and, it may not even work in the end but not trying it just guarantees that you won't get it so, it's worth a shot imo. I'll keep an eye out for any petitions or threads and "/sign" and "/bump" for you accordingly- try not to let the trolls hijack your threads and, Good Luck.



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1. Not a problem because I'm not exactly telling you any inside information because, frankly, I've never done anything like this either and


2. As I said before. While I hardly think that appearance is the only thing in an MMO, I also know that no one wants to spend 55 levels + end content, + dailies, etc, etc, etc, staring at an avatar they just can't stand the sight of. You, and every other player should be able to log in and say to themselves: "My character is the coolest looking cool person and ruler of Cool-donia!" Otherwise why would we play them hour after hour after hour. So, while I will admit that my tastes aren't yours (and I do reserve some slight teasing rights) I have less than no problem adding my voice to your campaign for cool.


Now, that being said, like I said before, it seems to me that pretty much what you are going to need to do here is probably going to be like an election campaign- at least, that's what the forums seem to look like when folks are trying to get something done. Some have succeeded (more crystal colors), some have failed (being able to change advanced classes), and some have seen a response that sort of worked because while they didn't get exactly what they were asking for, something along those lines did indeed come around (asking for the ability to change colors at will but getting dye packs).


We're not getting into what of those was cool or sucked or whatever- just observing that all of the forum chatter that led to those changes seemed to go pretty much the same way.


So, again, never did this myself before but it seems like all of them did the following:


1) Put a recommendation into Suggestion Box (it's at the top of the page over in the General Forum)


2) Started a thread over in the General Forum about it that got people talking and starting more threads which got more people talking who started more threads and putting it into the Suggestion box themselves which got even more people mentioning it to the developers every time one of them poked their heads up.


So, that's what I would try. Start a thread and mention to all of my guild members to either post to it or start threads of their own and/or put it in the Suggestion Box themselves. I'd also do the same for any friends that I know in the game- heck even passing PUGs as long as they're willing to listen. Schmooze, chat up, bribe, network... in short be your idea's Campaign Manager and, as such, stick to your blasters about your message: that the old Tionese/etc gear actually is kinda cool in a kitchy, retro way that you're sure that other new players would love to wear for the look so, why can't they bring back an empty shell that looks like it?


Basically, get your message out there and keep it out there until you are so sick of it that you swear that all of the world has heard about it by now because that's probably the point that you might have gotten two people who might have heard something.


Like I said, I've never personally done it before but that does seem to be how others seem to go about things and, it may not even work in the end but not trying it just guarantees that you won't get it so, it's worth a shot imo. I'll keep an eye out for any petitions or threads and "/sign" and "/bump" for you accordingly- try not to let the trolls hijack your threads and, Good Luck.




haha ur an AWEOSME man...Ty SO MUCH :):cool:

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Oh good.


Now, to your question, Suggestions may be a bit of a black hole but it's at least a place to start would be my thinking and, after that, I suppose trying to kick off a thread over on the General section as being the biggest one probably wouldn't hurt either.


That being said, chances are you're not going to get any yellow posts or direct responses from the developers- like ever, but my thought is that your best bet is to get and keep people talking about it and even debating it enough that it keeps coming up during any Cantina/in person events. That's not a guarantee that it will work, of course, (there are no guarantees on anything really) but one thing is for certain: no one saying anything isn't going to improve your chances at all.


Good Luck. :)


and here is the Thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=6753144#post6753144

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