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Overcoat from Cartel Market


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If you're talking about one called "unfettered" if I recall right name, then no.


If you don't do previews it's helpful before buying. Hold Ctrl and click on the item and it'll show you what pieces look like on your character. You can click on item avatars in the market, at vendors, etc.

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If you look in your Collections, and click on the item you want, it will tell you which pack it comes in. Troublemaker armor is from the Vice Commandant's pack, and the pieces are "super rare", thus the super high price on them.


Note that you won't get the entire set in the pack, but at most one piece of it. The set pieces are random, so not only is it highly unlikely you'll get any piece of the set, it's all the more unlikely you'll actually get the duster.

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I got the overcoat from the Cartel market, but if i want to equip it, i end up wearing only the coat, no shirt underneath. Is there anyway to have a shirt underneath the coat?


There is no shirt for the male but there is a small shirt under it for the female as I have it on my agent.

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I'd keep the unfettered one, I think it looks nice. But if you reeaaallllyyy want the troublemaker one, buy 160 cc price cartel packs and sell them on gtn for about 250-300k a pop (they go fast on my server and you might could charge more)


In addition I would recommend buying the whole set so you can download as many as you want for free to your current character and unlock the same privilege for all your other alts for a measly cc price. That's what I did and its about the only armor I use for me and my companions now


Oh, and btw, it's really easy to dye as all you need is a primary dye so you can make an all white suit for only 15k credits by buying whiteorange dye and color matching

Edited by chasinginfinity
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I'd keep the unfettered one, I think it looks nice. But if you reeaaallllyyy want the troublemaker one, buy 160 cc price cartel packs and sell them on gtn for about 250-300k a pop (they go fast on my server and you might could charge more)


In addition I would recommend buying the whole set so you can download as many as you want for free to your current character and unlock the same privilege for all your other alts for a measly cc price. That's what I did and its about the only armor I use for me and my companions now


Oh, and btw, it's really easy to dye as all you need is a primary dye so you can make an all white suit for only 15k credits by buying whiteorange dye and color matching



What do you mean buy 160 cc price cartel packs?

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