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Bounty Contract: Ord Mantell and Hutta kingpin question


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Hello so i just read the patch notes and it said players above level 27 can no longer accept contracts on Hutta and Ord Mantell, i have a level 55 sorcerer who has unlocked the kingpin mission for Hutta, I was wondering, will players over 27 still have access to the kingpin contracts?,I just need the Hutta Kingpin for the achievement
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Hello so i just read the patch notes and it said players above level 27 can no longer accept contracts on Hutta and Ord Mantell


it says

Characters above level 27 are no longer able to accept Hutta and Ord Mantell Bounty Contracts


so you can do KIngpin missions

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  • 4 years later...

Wow, this is really, really stupid. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: So I just figured out that this contract exists, but I will never be able to do it because I was well past level 27 by the time the first bounty week rolled around after I started playing the game.


In fact the only way I could ever do it now is I would have to create a new character just for that purpose, and level it to the point of being able to do the quest, then just sit on that character until the next bounty week came along so I could do the stupid thing at least once.


The worst part is that this quest contains the beginning of the story that leads up to the subsequent kingpin contract quest. But the game won't let me play the beginning so I have no idea of who I am going after in the second part.


Absolutely ridiculous. I really hope they have fired all the people who have made dumb decisions like this to screw over this game by now. And they really should fix this because leveling in this game is so fast now, who is going to be able to catch a bounty week and get this done before hitting the point of being permanently screwed? :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by Signalights
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The problem in the event's very first week was that nobody knew anything about it, so folks camped the informants inside the Hutta cantina, because it was the easiest place to reach. Add to that, that back in the day there was no level sync: The mobs spawned at your level, and their AOE attacks would hit every player nearby, so we had a situation, where level 1 players were getting nuked by level 55 mobs as soon as they left the safety of their starting instance. There may also have been some deliberate griefing... At any rate, not the best first impression the game made to the poor newbies.


Your necro to rant at the devs goes overboard, of course - you can always make a new character to enjoy that "great" story that is the generic henchmen contract - but I agree that BW should allow us to do the starter planet bounties after level 26, now that there is level sync, and the event is no longer all new and fancy.


(Edit: why is this in this forum? Is siccing max level mobs on newbies considered "Community Content"? :p)

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This genuinely upset me because the bounty week was my favorite recurring event, and now I find out there is this one certain bounty contract I can never essentially do, unelss I put myself through a whole bunch of rigamarole, like I said with a new character I would literally have to create just for that sole purpose. And the kingpin version of the quest dosn't make sense without the backstory that comes from the first half of the story.


Maybe this doesn't mean much to you, maybe to you it's "just another boring quest that no one should care about". But I'm tired of hearing that excuse from players that have already played through all the content and are bored with it, and don't care about the new people who are permanetly locked out of it for no good reason. The bounty quests are so limited as it is, and having one extra to add to the viarety of the experience would sure be nice. At least for people like me who actually care about doing this event at all.


My point is that decisions like this have been made in the game over and over, as I have discovered, without any regard whatesoever to how this affects the experience of new players. And this is by no means the only example of this kind of screwy logic that devs in the past have used to mess up the quests in this game.


How long as level sync been in the game now, and no one thought to remove this petty restriction after they implemented it however many years ago? Yet they still bother to run the event every few months, so they expect at least some players to still care about it. It's this kind of negligence that is killing this game and turning new people away in droves who don't have the patience to work around the problems or do like me and write posts about it to try to get this crap fixed.

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the new people who are permanetly locked out of it for no good reason.

I wouldn't call "I refuse to create a new character for this" a good reason. And that's the *ONLY* reason a *player* would be "permanently" locked out. (There *are* other servers in each region, and going to a "quiet" server to create a character there to do that mission actually makes it easier to do because there is less competition.)


In general, though, I sympathise with the wish to be able to do this at higher levels, and at least now you wouldn't get the problem of level 55 mobs nuking the lowest of the lowbies.


Well, you'd still get the problem of low lowbies getting nuked by the spawns, but at least they'd have the satisfaction that the mobs that nuked them were only level 12. Somehow I don't think that's very reassuring.

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I wouldn't call "I refuse to create a new character for this" a good reason. And that's the *ONLY* reason a *player* would be "permanently" locked out.


I don't understand how having to create a whole new character and basically level-lock it in it's early to mid 20's or so, after it gets to the fleet, and then leave it alone until the next bounty week rolls around just to be able to do this one quest is somehow considered reasonable in your mind.


As for being permanently locked out, yes my MAIN character is in fact permanently locked out of the quest. There is no work-around for that.


In general, though, I sympathise with the wish to be able to do this at higher levels, and at least now you wouldn't get the problem of level 55 mobs nuking the lowest of the lowbies.


Well, you'd still get the problem of low lowbies getting nuked by the spawns, but at least they'd have the satisfaction that the mobs that nuked them were only level 12. Somehow I don't think that's very reassuring.


All they had to do to fix the problem was remove the stupid AOE from the mobs that was the actual cause of the problem, instead of locking out 90+% of the game's population from being able to do the quest at all, including everyone who has never actually done it before, and had no way of knowing that they only had until level 27 to get the chance to do it at least once.


And all they actually did was punish people for doing what they are supposed to in the game, which is leveling their characters, by taking away access to an event quest that many people enjoy, or at least want to be able to. I find no valid excuse for that.

Edited by Signalights
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First, I agree that there seems to be no real reason to keep this level lock around anymore.

That said, I also don't see the problem. The Bounty Contract Week is one of very few things I have a 100% achievements for, and I can tell you, there is no continuity. It doesn't matter which character you do this on. The only unique aspect is the Kingpin, and that doesn't lead up to anything.

So here's how you do it: Earn five completed contracts on your main., and keep them. When the next Bounty week pops up in a month or so, quickly level a character on Hutta or Ord Mantell, and send the five contracts to it. Buy Kingpin job. And once you do, it sticks. You can't do the henchmen on above level 27 characters, but the Kingpin is bought and owned.

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I don't understand how having to create a whole new character and basically level-lock it in it's early to mid 20's or so, after it gets to the fleet, and then leave it alone until the next bounty week rolls around just to be able to do this one quest is somehow considered reasonable in your mind.

I didn't say it was reasonable, merely that saying "new people are permanently locked out" isn't reasonable either.

As for being permanently locked out, yes my MAIN character is in fact permanently locked out of the quest. There is no work-around for that.

Depends, I suppose, on whether we mean "new players" or "new characters" when we say "new people". New *players* can't lock *themselves* out of it, but they can lock their *characters* out.

All they had to do to fix the problem was remove the stupid AOE from the mobs that was the actual cause of the problem, instead of locking out 90+% of the game's population from being able to do the quest at all, including everyone who has never actually done it before, and had no way of knowing that they only had until level 27 to get the chance to do it at least once.


And all they actually did was punish people for doing what they are supposed to in the game, which is leveling their characters, by taking away access to an event quest that many people enjoy, or at least want to be able to. I find no valid excuse for that.

Again you talk as if it is impossible to do the quest on a different character, as if the *player* is locked out because that character made level 28. And the function of the AoEs is to remove all the non-mission mobs from the area, not to remove uninvolved *players* from the area.


Having thought about this in more detail myself, though, I'd say that making the "arrival" AoEs only hit NPCs would be a good place to start, and to do the same for the Kingpins as well. Samovan Bann on Coruscant, for example is problematic because he spawns in a questing area (there's at least one mission on Coruscant that takes the character onto that platform - you get it from the security services guy across from the entrance to the Gonthor Industries Heroic), and Lord Trok on DK is inside the effing Dark Temple where everyone has to go.


So yeah, fix the AoE to be anti-NPC, and put the mission back for everyone. You have my vote.

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I didn't know this level lock was even a thing? I never used a character below level 60 with this event and I did everything. So clearly at some point someone is lying.


No, the option to do henchman contracts on Ord and Hutta disappears at some point. I believe the same goes for buying the kingpin contract but I need to check that. The henchmen, of course, are the same everywhere, so the achievements for them are not affected.


ETA: Something similar seems to be the case for heroics. My lvl 70 hunter can't pick up heroics for Hutta on the fleet, for example, but must use the terminal on the planet.

Edited by Eiter
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No, the option to do henchman contracts on Ord and Hutta disappears at some point. I believe the same goes for buying the kingpin contract but I need to check that. The henchmen, of course, are the same everywhere, so the achievements for them are not affected.


ETA: Something similar seems to be the case for heroics. My lvl 70 hunter can't pick up heroics for Hutta on the fleet, for example, but must use the terminal on the planet.


That sounds like a bug, because my level 70 toons can pick up Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban Heroics (I don't have a 70 Agent or BH to confirm/refute your specific case).


EDIT: I think what's going on with the Bounty contract week is that only characters who start on the world the bounty is on may do the bounty. You can't do the Ord Mantell daily with a Jedi, and you can't do the Hutta daily with a Sith. My level 70 Guardian can't pick up the Ord Mantell daily, but my 70 Scoundrel can.


And since people wielding plasma torches consist of roughly 60-70% of the playerbase (from memory of the stats Bioware released earlier this year), that means a lot of people who mysteriously can't see that bounty.

Edited by Diviciacus
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we may still be able to do the kingpin missions, just maybe not the henchman, well, we will find out soon


Hutta Kingpin is still good. My BH was around level 45 when she picked it up and she can still do it now too.


My Sorcerer is level 26 and she can still access the henchmen, for now at least.

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Hutta Kingpin is still good. My BH was around level 45 when she picked it up and she can still do it now too.


My Sorcerer is level 26 and she can still access the henchmen, for now at least.


Yeah, I was just in and checked: Lvl 70's can buy the Hutta / Ord Mantell kingpin contracts, but cannot take the henchmen contracts.

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The Bounty Contract Week is one of very few things I have a 100% achievements for, and I can tell you, there is no continuity. It doesn't matter which character you do this on. The only unique aspect is the Kingpin, and that doesn't lead up to anything.


Actually it does matter to me. Personally, I use the Bounty Week event as a way to roleplay my Republic character as a Republic bounty hunter, which otherwise doesn't exist as a playable class. Yes, people, believe it or not some players actually still like to role-play in RPG's these days.


The stories are short, but I actually do care about them. And the Ord Mantell one in particular has some pretty good dialog in my opinion, which FYI is not just some generic henchman as a previous poster stated. It's actually an ex-Colonel of the Republic who has gone rogue and started committing heineous crimes under the delusion it is somehow helping the Republic. So I am upset that the first half of this story is inaccessible to me, on the one character that I am specifically using as my Republic bounty hunter toon.


When I participate in the bounty week also I like to do the 1 regular bounty and the 1 kingpin bounty that actually correspond to each other. And now the kingpin bounty I have for Ord Mantell is just the odd one out that has no counterpart for me, due to a very silly thing the devs did a long time ago that makes zero logical sense. And I think they deserve to be ridiculed for it.


Again you talk as if it is impossible to do the quest on a different character, as if the *player* is locked out because that character made level 28.


It is practically impossible for me, due to the fact that the only way around it is I would have to make a duplicate of my Republic bounty hunter toon with all the same armor and everything so the appearance would be identical, and then play through all of the story content that is required to get that character to the fleet, then park it on the fleet and just leave it alone, so I don't accidentually over-level it until the next bounty week. All this, all to get to do one simple quest, while pretending I am really on my main while I'm doing it. Which is a gaint PITA no one should have to go through.


And since bounty week is a short event that only gets put in the game every few months, this would require some very tedious timing to be able to catch it on the right toon at the right time when the quest is actually accessible to that toon, when the event is running and the toon is within the right level range. Note that on top of this, epecially with how fast XP goes in the game now, this has become an exceptionally small window that someone would literally have to dedicate one toon for. There is no good reason why this much difficulty must be hurdled just to do one simple solo quest.


And the function of the AoEs is to remove all the non-mission mobs from the area, not to remove uninvolved *players* from the area.


That makes no sense. The mission mobs for the *regular* bounties are always located in and around cantinas, where no regular mobs ever spawn. I'm assuming this includes the one on Ord Mantell, since I can't actually play it to see for myself. But I don't see why it would be any different from all the others. In any case, there was still nothing ever stopping them from reprogramming the AOEs to only do what they were intended to, and be unable to hit any outside players who didn't have aggro of the mbos.


Having thought about this in more detail myself, though, I'd say that making the "arrival" AoEs only hit NPCs would be a good place to start, and to do the same for the Kingpins as well.


I have done all of the other bounty contracts including all the Kingpin ones, and I cannot recall any of them having the mission mobs located in an area where other regular mobs would be within aggro range after the mission mob was spawned. Some of the kingpin ones make you go through some aggro mob areas, but the actual pawn point of the boss is in a blank spot of the area.


Samovan Bann on Coruscant, for example is problematic because he spawns in a questing area (there's at least one mission on Coruscant that takes the character onto that platform - you get it from the security services guy across from the entrance to the Gonthor Industries Heroic), and Lord Trok on DK is inside the effing Dark Temple where everyone has to go.


But that is only for the Kingpin bounty, none of which they bothered to lock anyone out of, so that does not apply. They only locked out the regular non-kingpin bounties on the 2 starter planets, but left the kingpin versions alone. How does that make sense if it was such a huge problem they had to do something so drastic, but only did it half-assed anyway?


So yeah, fix the AoE to be anti-NPC, and put the mission back for everyone. You have my vote.


Well at least we can agree on one thing, which is the most important thing. They need to fix this one way or another. But will they actually do it? Probably not, because this is only one of the many, many things that are broken in the older content of this game that they have been way too lazy to fix even after repeated requests and complaints on the forums for years on end. Another reason why this recent discovery frustrates me so much. It's just another thorn in my side I guess I have to learn to live with if I want to continue trying to enjoy this game.

Edited by Signalights
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I think what's going on with the Bounty contract week is that only characters who start on the world the bounty is on may do the bounty. You can't do the Ord Mantell daily with a Jedi, and you can't do the Hutta daily with a Sith. My level 70 Guardian can't pick up the Ord Mantell daily, but my 70 Scoundrel can.


And since people wielding plasma torches consist of roughly 60-70% of the playerbase (from memory of the stats Bioware released earlier this year), that means a lot of people who mysteriously can't see that bounty.


This is simply not true. The character I am doing all my bounties on, and that is my main actually, is a Trooper that originated on Ord Mantell. The regular non-kingpin bounty for Ord Mantell does not show up for me in the bounty week missions terminal, but the kingpin one does. As far as I can tell the Ord Mantell regular bounty contract is the only one that is inaccessible to me, on my Trooper.


At first I thought this was a bug too, until I Googled it, and that's how I found this thread, where I discovered people who had insisted that this was an intentional change that was implemented in a long ago patch, in a misguided attempt to protect low level players from being accosted by the actions of high-level players.

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Actually it does matter to me. Personally, I use the Bounty Week event as a way to roleplay my Republic character as a Republic bounty hunter, which otherwise doesn't exist as a playable class. Yes, people, believe it or not some players actually still like to role-play in RPG's these days.


The stories are short, but I actually do care about them. And the Ord Mantell one in particular has some pretty good dialog in my opinion, which FYI is not just some generic henchman as a previous poster stated. It's actually an ex-Colonel of the Republic who has gone rogue and started committing heineous crimes under the delusion it is somehow helping the Republic. So I am upset that the first half of this story is inaccessible to me, on the one character that I am specifically using as my Republic bounty hunter toon.


When I participate in the bounty week also I like to do the 1 regular bounty and the 1 kingpin bounty that actually correspond to each other. And now the kingpin bounty I have for Ord Mantell is just the odd one out that has no counterpart for me, due to a very silly thing the devs did a long time ago that makes zero logical sense. And I think they deserve to be ridiculed for it.


Oh I RP quite bit as well, so I have full sympathy there. And yes, the Kingpins are unique, but not the henchmen. But, as I stated earlier, you can buy the Kingpin contract for Ord Mantell. I checked it specifically.

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Oh I RP quite bit as well, so I have full sympathy there. And yes, the Kingpins are unique, but not the henchmen. But, as I stated earlier, you can buy the Kingpin contract for Ord Mantell. I checked it specifically.


Yes I have the kingpin version of the Ord Mantell bounty already, and it does let me do that. But what happens is my character goes to the customer NPC and basically says, "Ok I took care of all the henchmen you had me go after, now it's time to go after the main guy", or whatever. And I am like, uhhh what henchmen did I already kill here? Because I never actually got to do that.


More importantly the starting dialog with the NPC that explains the backstory of why that character has resorted to the bounty system in the first place to get rid of this guy is not available, because that is only in the first part of the regular bounty quest. It turns out apparently his own family (like his wife and his kids) was murdered right in front of him and he was forced to watch because the guy is that sadistic, even though he is former high-ranking member of the Republic military, the same as my own toon.


I find this whole story very interesting, and I want to be able to role-play it out in its entirety, but I can't. I am only allowed to do the second half and that's all. Which is BS.

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I find this whole story very interesting, and I want to be able to role-play it out in its entirety, but I can't. I am only allowed to do the second half and that's all. Which is BS.


Blame the guys who were even more vocal than you 4 years ago.

One time BW takes care of an issue in a timely manner and they get flak for it years later.


Or rather blame those that dragged the mobs to the newbies in the first place.



Maybe this doesn't mean much to you, maybe to you it's "just another boring quest that no one should care about". But I'm tired of hearing that excuse from players that have already played through all the content and are bored with it, and don't care about the new people who are permanetly locked out of it for no good reason..


I do the event, I rarely skip the conversations, and aside from a few times I haven't played SWTOR at all, my merc who has unlocked all 6 kingpins did every single contract. So yes, I would like to have the issue solved. Now that the starter planets no longer have 3 instances full of ruthless high level players ruining the experience for new players, there really is no need to level lock that first quest anymore.


What *I* am getting tired of, though, is people raging on the forum about a (comparatively minor) issue I personally would like to have solved as well. Mud-slinging and demanding layoffs is a way to make sure that the issue will never ever be adressed. What goes around, comes around.


So let's burry this thread again in the depths of Community Content and make a civil request in Suggestions.


And BTW: don't look into what 4.0 did to heroics, flashpoints, dailies and bonus series. You might get a heart attack. There is a reason why many of those who are around for a long time have a rather pragmatic stance to such changes. It's not that we don't care about new players, or never liked the lost stuff, it's more a case of "adapt or become extinct".

Edited by Mubrak
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Blame the guys who were even more vocal than you 4 years ago.

One time BW takes care of an issue in a timely manner and they get flak for it years later.


My main point was, and still is the main reason why I was so annoyed by this, is because there were very obviously better ways that they could have resolved the problem. But since they were lazy and had a knee-jerk reaction to the complaints, they took the extreme route, which was whatever was the easiest thing for them at the time to patch. Or maybe it was just the first thing they thought of and didn't want to put any more effort into finding the right solution. Because any other way would have taken a little more thinking. I don't forgive them of this. It was sheer stupidity.


What *I* am getting tired of, though, is people raging on the forum about a (comparatively minor) issue I personally would like to have solved as well. Mud-slinging and demanding layoffs is a way to make sure that the issue will never ever be adressed. What goes around, comes around.


Well you know what I'm getting tired of? I'm getting tired of people asking them nicely for years on end to fix bugs and broken quests in this game and getting no response whatsoever. The only result you obviously get from that is the problems only continue to get worse, not better. Notice a pattern?


Then somebody comes along once in a while and raises their voice a little since nothing else has worked, and you act like this is some crime against humanity. People need to be held accountable for their mistakes, especially ones they have historically refused to correct, or they will just keep on making them.


So let's this thread again be lost in depths of Community Content and make a civil request in Suggestions.


Too bad that never actually works. I responded with my complaint to this thread because it was literally the only source I could find that even had an answer to my question as to why I could not access this quest in the first place. It's not like there is any in-game warning about this that players are told in advance that this is a thing they need to be aware of before proceeding with leveling. It's not until after it's too late and they have to go look it up online, and only find an answer on a forum where only other players have posted responses.


Do you really believe that re-posting my original complaint in a different section of the forum is going to make any difference at all? I don't think so. Especially not when apparently not any other players have ever bothered to complain about this situation at all for however many years this has been in the game.


And BTW: don't look into what 4.0 did to heroics, flashpoints, dailies and bonus series. You might get a heart attack. There is a reason why many of those who are around for a long time have a rather pragmatic stance to such changes. It's not that we don't care about new players, or never liked the lost stuff, it's more a case of "adapt or become extinct".


Have you ever thought that it is maybe because of this kind of complacency, resignation and acceptance of BS on the part of the players who are too afraid to speak up that they keep getting away with screwing us over so much? The thing that gets me here is why are you so concerned about protecting the devs feelings when they have given you ample evidence that they don't care anything about yours?


I like to call things the way I see them, and I'm not sugarcoating anything for anyone, I don't care who they are. I would say everything I have said here right to Keith or Musco's own face in person if I ever got the chance.


Obviously talking nice to them has no effect. That only encourages them to keep ignoring you, because you are not mad enough to worry about leaving the game or calling them on their BS in front of other players to make them look bad. So basically their pride is not being hurt enough to make them act. Sorry, but that is just human nature, and it's usually the only incentive there is to get someone to change something they are doing wrong.


The current leadership of this game's direction needs to be told that this kind of thing is not acceptable and they will be mocked and ridiculed for letting it continue. If that doesn't change their minds, then screw it, because it doesn't matter what you do one way or the other. In that case they will only get the hint after it's too late and there's no subscribers left to pay their bills.

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