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Poor bioware..


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It feels like I'm walking into Apple and everything is $29.99 no matter what it is.


Last time I checked Apple was one of the most powerful and lucrative companies in the world.

If you're trying to show that a specific strategy is not maximizing Bioware's income, you might want to consider NOT using Apple's pricing as an example of what other companies should avoid at least when it comes to "making money".


In this case a dye is more expensive than a month's subscription, but that is not as irrational as you make it out to be.


A company's pricing policy is determined after taking into account a huge number of factors but, since we're not taking a class in economics here, let's just boil it down to them choosing whether they'll follow the "low price -> higher sales -> standard profit" or " high price -> lower sales -> higher profit". Bioware chooses the second model for pretty much everything they think people really want to have.


It all depends on whether you want more people but less money and prestige or more money from less people and more prestige. You, obviously, want as many people subscribing as possible (that's why the price is always relatively low in MMOs) and you also want black/black dyes to remain "prestigious" enough so you can charge more for them.


And, since you mentioned Apple, that is more or less the same pricing model they are using. And it's called "Skimming" (although Apple's pricing could also be called premium/prestige pricing)


The pricing in this case kind of makes sense, to be perfectly honest, if you consider how easily a super rare or rare item can lose its value when it starts being sold on the GTN by people who are looking to make easy credits from it.


300cc (or even 600cc+) might mean that some (very few) people would buy 6-7 of them and therefore spent roughly the same amount of money as they now will for 1 dye module, but unless they restrict these dye modules to your account making you unable to sell them on the GTN, their prices would go down faster than you could say "why is my black/black dye selling for sh$$?".


That would mean people would stop buying the Dye Module Packs hoping to find them and would also mean that eventually people would stop buying the individual dyes because you would be able to make more money from a Cartel Pack than that dye.


They are giving people who really, really want these colors the option to get them and either use them or sell them on the GTN for more rational prices than the 5-6mil credits those things are going for at the moment.


There's a difference between not liking the prices and not understanding them. ;)

Edited by TheNahash
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