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Carnage vs Rage for PvP


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rage is better but is boring

carnage is fun but is too much dependent to proc


a great carnage player do less dmg than a medium rage player


carnage if huttball else rage




i am going to say. that Rage is the most damn BORING spec EVER... IF YOU have no skills in pvp spec Rage...

and you do well....


back in the days where. then was hard to get gear. where u had to buy a box ... to get a set item

not this easy crap, all 3 specs was good and dit well.. now its just jump 2-3 keys and smash and dead not even fun anymore

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There are an insane amount of smash monkeys in the game all ready, please don't add to the already ridiculous list haha.


On a side note as dps your main job should be killing healers, which carnage is better at. What is particularly fun is when your against an operative healer, once your white barred (resolve) from his stuns its gore ravage vicious throw scream time (with the root) and goodbye operative. (unless he has dodge off cd!)


Rage is insanely easy to play though, carnage is quite a bit harder to master.

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There are an insane amount of smash monkeys in the game all ready, please don't add to the already ridiculous list haha.


On a side note as dps your main job should be killing healers, which carnage is better at. What is particularly fun is when your against an operative healer, once your white barred (resolve) from his stuns its gore ravage vicious throw scream time (with the root) and goodbye operative. (unless he has dodge off cd!)


Rage is insanely easy to play though, carnage is quite a bit harder to master.


I don't like Rage. I've played SW to 50 twice already, and on the first SW, Rage screwed me over pretty badly.

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