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<Frog> 16man NiM Thrasher - How it's meant to be done (world first ?)

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Hi guys. Till today, we had been killing thrasher the Severity way (thanks to them for that strat). But we wanted to kill it the regular way, to prove it was actually doable. And after a few evening's worth of pulls, here it is at last !!




<Frog> Mänä, Heal PoV.


Feel free to follow the stream : http://www.twitch.tv/manalyssaa

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We went in tonight <Intrepid> and did it on 16m tonight also, took a few pulls but IMO it's actually easier doing it the way it was "intended" to be done.... I joked afterwards that doing it the way it's scripted is a guide to beating it. LOL



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Fight seemed over nerfed on 16 to me tonight from having watched previous 16 streams. Snipers literally aren't a threat to dps/tanks and double knock up is a snooze. Also 16 only three knockup phases before double knock up was disappointing.



On 8 I'm literally screaming for people to aggro drop mid air and or get max distance from snipers so they don't die.

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Well, after that slight change few weeks ago we still keep killing it as originaly, its even easier in some way than before, we rarely have more than 1-2 attemps each week, but anyway gratz for killing this "intended" way. We don't find it easier or necesary, it also makes the fight longer, but if it suits you ;)


JDotter, there could be only 2 knockup phases before 50%, so we (and other guilds as well I think) actually slow our dps for 5-10 seconds, wait for 3rd knockback, then continue to nuke boss

Edited by Shandellon
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Huh, didnt have that problem in 8m... we had tanks get bumped in the middle and Heals and DPS bumped a bit on the side, we found it worked out pretty well...



By the original way, you mean the SG strat ? If so, it's still my favorite strat, but it feels kind of like an exploit... I know it isn't, but it feels like it, thence the fact that we try to kill it "the normal way".


Truth be told... Same difference really. Boss dies, we get loot.

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