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Why does Zahura try to rule us???


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MEAN player,Zahura is always standing around fleet talking horrible things about players that just wanna do some PvP,zahura,this is an RP SERVER,NOT a pvp server "ZU" If your THAT good at PvP,zahura,why do you stay here,if your SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ****** at pvp goto a PvP server and beat sir copperfield and sir marty in pvp on youtube,THEN POST IT! and GET THE **** OFF OUR HUMBLE RP SERVER,WE HATE YOU ZAHURA,GO AWAY TO A PVP SERVER



during one of zahuras violent trash talks,i was playing an alt,my little 6 yr ols sis was watching me do a WZ,we lost,and i got a barrage of mean swears.i had to tell my 6 yr old sis what **** and **** was cause of ZAHURA's aggressive mean,hateful words.

Edited by darhsteel
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MEAN player,Zahura is always standing around fleet talking horrible things about players that just wanna do some PvP,zahura,this is an RP SERVER,NOT a pvp server "ZU" If your THAT good at PvP,zahura,why do you stay here,if your SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ****** at pvp goto a PvP server and beat sir copperfield and sir marty in pvp on youtube,THEN POST IT! and GET THE **** OFF OUR HUMBLE RP SERVER,WE HATE YOU ZAHURA,GO AWAY TO A PVP SERVER



during one of zahuras violent trash talks,i was playing an alt,my little 6 yr ols sis was watching me do a WZ,we lost,and i got a barrage of mean swears.i had to tell my 6 yr old sis what **** and **** was cause of ZAHURA's aggressive mean,hateful words.


I don't know how many times I have to tell you, IT IS ZUHARA not Zahura, so obviously he didn't troll you hard enough, cause you cant even get his name right xD


Anyway we love/hate our Zuhara/Sparkle tank, So back off man :mad:! K thanks :D

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MEAN player,Zahura is always standing around fleet talking horrible things about players that just wanna do some PvP,zahura,this is an RP SERVER,NOT a pvp server "ZU" If your THAT good at PvP,zahura,why do you stay here,if your SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ****** at pvp goto a PvP server and beat sir copperfield and sir marty in pvp on youtube,THEN POST IT! and GET THE **** OFF OUR HUMBLE RP SERVER,WE HATE YOU ZAHURA,GO AWAY TO A PVP SERVER



during one of zahuras violent trash talks,i was playing an alt,my little 6 yr ols sis was watching me do a WZ,we lost,and i got a barrage of mean swears.i had to tell my 6 yr old sis what **** and **** was cause of ZAHURA's aggressive mean,hateful words.




You troll you. Now I know you're just trying to troll me, with the silly little story in italics :p


As for you Dey, where you go? I'm still waiting for that duel you know, along with all of this "evidence" of you owning me in WZs. Haven't seen you around on either side, did I scare you off again? ;)

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lol dev...that fight is one of the reasons i had to name my marauder on the bastion after that song. too bad u never put any of our fights to this song ;)


I think I MIGHT still have one of our duels somewhere in my library, ill check and upload it if I find it.

and yeah I was thinking of having the "Yabish" legacy when I transferred to Bastion. xD ahaaa


Oh and I got some old pre 2.0 vids I saw the other day when we used to run our 4 SMASH premades! imma upload one soon, u should check em out.

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I, for one, welcome our new fierce and deadly overlord.


Fixed that for you Rois. Everybody gets one, for I will only tolerate such blasphemy a single time. However, since you and Nabi share this count number, as I have decided from the fact that you both seem to fancy the title "Sparkle Tank", you have exceeded your one. Therefore, I shall inflict upon you a mighty wrath on the seventh day of September.


Prepare yourself. It will be most unpleasant.


In all seriousness Zu tries to have good intentions, just doesn't express them well on the fleet.


My intentions are clear: I despise stupidity and lack of effort from players. My tolerance for casuals and noobs is relatively mediocre, if I can put a word to it, but it's entirely different to be completely incompetent and tunnel vision like a useless scrub. Whether or not they are good, I intend to either let people know that certain behaviors/mentalities aren't appreciated, mindlessly rage at them, or show them their mistakes. In the reality of things, it's up to whoever reads my rants in PvP chat to decide which one they want it to be.


In short, there are three ways you can get people to listen:


1) You teach them with nice and encouraging advice. I don't believe in this, simply because I don't feel like practicing tolerance and actually trying to keep a level head on a video game where I come to unwind and entertain myself, let alone my distaste for the "everyone is a winner" mentality. In addition, you are manipulating players with uplifting encouragement through this method, which I hope you can understand the contradiction in manipulating people to think for themselves and make an impact on a team. Doesn't work, and everyone who has tried to use some sort of encouraging method to improve the SERVER PvP mentality can attest to that.


2) You are blunt, and you show no emotion with your criticism. Success through this method is relatively impossible, considering everyone labels emotions to posts that people make no matter what it may be(IE, people think you're mad when you criticize someone 99% of the time), along with the fact that you are also restraining yourself in emotion. I do this sometimes, regardless of the way people take my message or what emotion they assume behind it, but ultimately it isn't something I personally practice because again, holding back emotions takes actual effort and I am here to unwind/have fun.


3) You rage, and you bash people with your criticism. Flip side to #1, except the manipulation comes in the form of twisting egos in a negative way, often leading people to believe it never works. I, on the other hand, think it's the better method for me simply because I don't hold the frustration back, and at the same time, the ones who truly do not benefit from this method in the very slightest are the ones like Dey here, who have too big of an ego to understand when they are lacking in a certain department or admit when they don't match up to a certain level other players are on (In your regards, tunnel vision ;)). Players like that often cost a team a WZ in very competitive matches and regulars alike, usually being the exploited teammate that gave the opposing side the win. So when the ones that get attitudes come back to me, I have the ability to smash their confidence using examples about their inability to watch doors and etc. Pride helps the player sure, but it often proves to be one of the biggest challenges to overcome in terms of improving your game.


In short, you are presenting a solution to both problems there, while at the same time, venting off frustration instead of practicing tolerance. Which, since I treat tolerance as an actual skill and not an easy feat in most situations in life, I prefer to use the 3rd choice for this game, where I can make sure nothing in this game ever bothers me for more than a couple of hours at most :D




TL;DR Dey's trash, won't duel me again QQ. Figured out duels are liquid, can't afford to lose one to his ego, still hasn't figured out they don't prove real skill in PvP.

Can you fight back now? Sheesh, this attempt to avoid me isn't going to work since you're still here in this thread that was created on hating/trolling me. You have no other reason to be here other than to trash talk, so fight back dam it :/

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Fixed that for you Rois. Everybody gets one, for I will only tolerate such blasphemy a single time. However, since you and Nabi share this count number, as I have decided from the fact that you both seem to fancy the title "Sparkle Tank", you have exceeded your one. Therefore, I shall inflict upon you a mighty wrath on the seventh day of September.


Prepare yourself. It will be most unpleasant.




My intentions are clear: I despise stupidity and lack of effort from players. My tolerance for casuals and noobs is relatively mediocre, if I can put a word to it, but it's entirely different to be completely incompetent and tunnel vision like a useless scrub. Whether or not they are good, I intend to either let people know that certain behaviors/mentalities aren't appreciated, mindlessly rage at them, or show them their mistakes. In the reality of things, it's up to whoever reads my rants in PvP chat to decide which one they want it to be.


In short, there are three ways you can get people to listen:


1) You teach them with nice and encouraging advice. I don't believe in this, simply because I don't feel like practicing tolerance and actually trying to keep a level head on a video game where I come to unwind and entertain myself, let alone my distaste for the "everyone is a winner" mentality. In addition, you are manipulating players with uplifting encouragement through this method, which I hope you can understand the contradiction in manipulating people to think for themselves and make an impact on a team. Doesn't work, and everyone who has tried to use some sort of encouraging method to improve the SERVER PvP mentality can attest to that.


2) You are blunt, and you show no emotion with your criticism. Success through this method is relatively impossible, considering everyone labels emotions to posts that people make no matter what it may be(IE, people think you're mad when you criticize someone 99% of the time), along with the fact that you are also restraining yourself in emotion. I do this sometimes, regardless of the way people take my message or what emotion they assume behind it, but ultimately it isn't something I personally practice because again, holding back emotions takes actual effort and I am here to unwind/have fun.


3) You rage, and you bash people with your criticism. Flip side to #1, except the manipulation comes in the form of twisting egos in a negative way, often leading people to believe it never works. I, on the other hand, think it's the better method for me simply because I don't hold the frustration back, and at the same time, the ones who truly do not benefit from this method in the very slightest are the ones like Dey here, who have too big of an ego to understand when they are lacking in a certain department or admit when they don't match up to a certain level other players are on (In your regards, tunnel vision ;)). Players like that often cost a team a WZ in very competitive matches and regulars alike, usually being the exploited teammate that gave the opposing side the win. So when the ones that get attitudes come back to me, I have the ability to smash their confidence using examples about their inability to watch doors and etc. Pride helps the player sure, but it often proves to be one of the biggest challenges to overcome in terms of improving your game.


In short, you are presenting a solution to both problems there, while at the same time, venting off frustration instead of practicing tolerance. Which, since I treat tolerance as an actual skill and not an easy feat in most situations in life, I prefer to use the 3rd choice for this game, where I can make sure nothing in this game ever bothers me for more than a couple of hours at most :D




TL;DR Dey's trash, won't duel me again QQ. Figured out duels are liquid, can't afford to lose one to his ego, still hasn't figured out they don't prove real skill in PvP.

Can you fight back now? Sheesh, this attempt to avoid me isn't going to work since you're still here in this thread that was created on hating/trolling me. You have no other reason to be here other than to trash talk, so fight back dam it :/


I technically dueled u three times in that vid I posted since u healed to full and hid until all your abilities came off cd and fought me again.


So that's 3-0


Then when u challenged me again like a month later you got 2-0'd.


Then you tried to gank me on ilum during the gree event, got destroyed and ran away lmao


That's enough Zu ;D 6-0

Edited by Trixdope
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I technically dueled u three times in that vid I posted since u healed to full and hid until all your abilities came off cd and fought me again.


So that's 3-0


Then when u challenged me again you got 2-0'd


Then you tried to gank me on ilum during the gree event, got destroyed and ran away lmao


That's enough Zu ;D 6-0


If you want to make an argument about the sleeper move, try not to play against a class with only two real defensive CDs in comparison to your, what, 4? Where one of mine even lasts only for 2 seconds that I have to use as a cleanse, while half of yours go on for more then 10 seconds. Sins are better for gank and spank, and in duels, that is the only option to do that makes our strongest ability available actually useful to some degree beyond a reset on a proc (which, in the first duel, I even fought against you using a spec that was completely ruined with the 2.0 update). In a duel against glass cannons, missing a burst = lost fight a good majority of the time. Which says a lot in the latest duel, considering I missed a few key bursts on you and still got you to 3%.


So there goes your little count, but it's cute you tried to use math here Dey. As for Ilum gankings.....really? You count me running around on a planet, messing with people as dueling? Even more so, you got me to a little over half health and consider that "destroying"?


Lol, I can see why you decided to come back to a server where most people just shake their heads at your nonsense, rather than challenge it. But don't worry, I can make up for it and remind you why you left PoT5:


Can't handle it when a better that trash talks you and then beats you at your own game. Because we both know that once I get my little win on you in the duels, it'll be the last piece taken care of to you're little "I'm better than you" argument. :)

Edited by ZooMzy
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If you want to make an argument about the sleeper move, try not to play against a class with only two real defensive CDs in comparison to your, what, 4? Where one of mine even lasts only for 2 seconds that I have to use as a cleanse, while half of yours go on for more then 10 seconds. Sins are better for gank and spank, and in duels, that is the only option to do that makes our strongest ability available actually useful to some degree beyond a reset on a proc (which, in the first duel, I even fought against you using a spec that was completely ruined with the 2.0 update). In a duel against glass cannons, missing a burst = lost fight a good majority of the time. Which says a lot in the latest duel, considering I missed a few key bursts on you and still got you to 3%.


So there goes your little count, but it's cute you tried to use math here Dey. As for Ilum gankings.....really? You count me running around on a planet, messing with people as dueling? Even more so, you got me to a little over half health and consider that "destroying"?


Lol, I can see why you decided to come back to a server where most people just shake their heads at your nonsense, rather than challenge it. But don't worry, I can make up for it and remind you why you left PoT5:


Can't handle it when a better that trash talks you and then beats you at your own game. Because we both know that once I get my little win on you in the duels, it'll be the last piece taken care of to you're little "I'm better than you" argument. :)


Lol only had one duel on pot 5 and won that. Left pot 5 cause its an east coast server which I only went to cause my guild decided that's where it wanted to go and its laggy as hell for me. But since the guild died I'm on bastion now, while u continue to stay on your Rp server thinking you're good.


And you got me to 3% cause you use medpacs everytime we duel and I don't which is even more pathetic lmao


Worst Sin ever, you got the best 1v1 class and still can't even win against a jugg SMH

Edited by Trixdope
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Lol only had one duel on pot 5 and won that. Left pot 5 cause its an east coast server which I only went to cause my guild decided that's where it wanted to go and its laggy as hell for me. But since the guild died I'm on bastion now, while u continue to stay on your Rp server thinking you're good.


Bastion now, this time? I remember you coming back for a few days son, then left shortly after. There goes your little" RP server" argument, considering you tried to trash talk me for playing here when this is the exact place you came back to before you remembered that you have to compete with me ;)


And you got me to 3% cause you use medpacs everytime we duel and I don't which is even more pathetic lmao


Worst Sin ever, you got the best 1v1 class and still can't even win against a jugg SMH


Umm, what? You popped medpacs in that fight bro, might wanna watch that vid-oh wait. Contradicting yourself is such a negative thing, wouldn't want people to see you screwing your points over for a second time in that video lmao xD


Best dueling class ever, you say? That's a bold statement, probably just because one of the only actual sins you dueled overcame the class imbalance and spanked the living hell out of you lol.


You see Dey, in this game, PvP is like "rock paper scissors" when it comes to class match ups, meaning there is no such thing as "best dueling class ever". You being a Jug, you have more defensive CDs on your hotbar that I probably have in terms of burst damage, while my two serve only two purposes: a cleanse to a DoT you can reapply in about 30 seconds, and a counter to your leap and Ravage (which, in both specs, I can beat relatively easily along with most of your big hits being Force attacks, so the Deflection CD is also kind of useless then). Which means, if you're still following me here and haven't gotten lost, I don't have any defensive CDs that can be real game changers against Jugs, while you got something as effective to my spec as Saber Ward that counters two of my biggest hits Maul and Assassinate, a Fake health increase which is more useful in something as short as a duel, along with that Deflection that redirects my big Force Critical attacks. I'm think you also get another little ability that is like a 40% damage reduction for like 10-15 seconds, but that one could only be for tanks.


TL;DR, you actually have the class advantage on your Jug scrub lol. So there goes your second argument again, considering my only real game changer in that fight against you is the cloak and mez heal up strat.


Would you like to try and argue with me again? I believe your score count is a little off in terms of who actually is stomping who here, but feel free to go over to the Bastion where the PvPers there can spank you down since you couldn't handle the heat here if you don't want to play anymore.


Welcome back btw! It always brings me joy to see you try and argue with me, considering you can't beat me at anything besides dueling with a class advantage lol.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Fixed that for you Rois. <snip> Therefore, I shall inflict upon you a mighty wrath on the seventh day of September.


Nah, I think the way I had it was better. ;) Also, this made me LOL so hard I snorted. If you don't reveal yourself to be Zuul or something of equal epicness, I am going to be terribly disappointed.


Ok intermission's over - back to the main event! DING DING DING!

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Nah, I think the way I had it was better. ;) Also, this made me LOL so hard I snorted. If you don't reveal yourself to be Zuul or something of equal epicness, I am going to be terribly disappointed.


Ok intermission's over - back to the main event! DING DING DING!


Just wait. The seventh day of September will be the day you will come to rue.


And I think he quit. You know how Dey is; left another match up where he couldn't get carried to a win :D

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As Roisinn brought up Zuul, I will now bring the Marshmallow man and crackers to the fire.


"Don't cross the streams" on SparkleTanks day of redemption.


Though of a qualifier for you Zu, SparkleTank of Doom but the acronym may not be suited to all :D

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I technically dueled u three times in that vid I posted since u healed to full and hid until all your abilities came off cd and fought me again.


So that's 3-0


Then when u challenged me again like a month later you got 2-0'd.


Then you tried to gank me on ilum during the gree event, got destroyed and ran away lmao


That's enough Zu ;D 6-0


What exactly can Zu give for advice? 3-0 by a longshot lmao

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As Roisinn brought up Zuul, I will now bring the Marshmallow man and crackers to the fire.


"Don't cross the streams" on SparkleTanks day of redemption.


Though of a qualifier for you Zu, SparkleTank of Doom but the acronym may not be suited to all :D


There is no Dana.....


But at this point, I'm not even sure I know what's going on anymore :/


What exactly can Zu give for advice? 3-0 by a longshot lmao


Oh joy, Serile's going to try and enter this little mudslinging fest too? xD


As for advice, Idk, I can give some good advice on how to kill very weak DPS Sages like yourself. You know, since you think Force Speed will be saving you from melee DPS that know how to counter your simple plan lmfao.


Go ahead, try to queue up for some WZs for a change. Haven't seen you around in them in a long while, but I'm sure you can get over the fear of getting put in your place by your betters one of these days ;)

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