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Leveling: Cauterize? Riposte? Blade Storm?


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I am only level 18 and I already feel like I have redundant attacks - which make sense? The core of Sentinel seems to be use Zealous Strike to build focus then Slash to burn things down - use Master Strike, Zen, and defensive cooldowns as needed.


But do Cauterize, Riposte, or Blade Storm belong in the rotation? The numbers make my head hurt. I mastered my Raid Paladin Tank rotation tracking 9 cooldowns in another game - I just need a nudge to get me in the right direction in swtor :)


I also assume I am going Combat but have read all three trees and stances are viable.


Thanks for any help to a newbie.

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Disregarding what the above poster said:


Cauterize is mainly for Watchman, but Combat uses it too, especially while leveling, but in end-game as well. Focus doesn't really use it in end-game, but as you won't get a fluid rotation before lv47, Cauterize is as good an attack as any. All specs want it for PvP, as dots are used to deny stealthers from combat-stealthing away. They need to be used smartly, though. :p


Watchman is the only spec that doesn't use Blade Storm in its rotation. But again, for PvP, it's an attack with 10 meter range, so if you can't reach melee and can spare the Focus, might as well use BS. Basically same goes for leveling and while being away from melee range with mobs.


Riposte is used very situationally. It's a great off-the-GCD attack that procs only if someone is hitting you. It is always better to use Strike+Riposte than Slash (Strike+Riposte only uses 1 Focus, while Slash uses 3, 2 if specced into Focused Slash). Its damage also comes on top of Slash, and an even better bonus is the fact that Riposte cannot miss. So yes, while Riposte isn't part of any rotation, it is still a great ability and should be used.

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Disregarding what the above poster said:


Cauterize is mainly for Watchman, but Combat uses it too, especially while leveling, but in end-game as well. Focus doesn't really use it in end-game, but as you won't get a fluid rotation before lv47, Cauterize is as good an attack as any. All specs want it for PvP, as dots are used to deny stealthers from combat-stealthing away. They need to be used smartly, though. :p


Dropping Cauterize from the endgame Focus rotation is a significant DPS loss. You're basically wasting a Slash if the CD on Zealous Leap is already <2s, and Cauterize does a LOT more damage. The ideal Focus rotation at 55 uses Cauterize almost on cooldown.


Riposte is used very situationally. It's a great off-the-GCD attack that procs only if someone is hitting you. It is always better to use Strike+Riposte than Slash (Strike+Riposte only uses 1 Focus, while Slash uses 3, 2 if specced into Focused Slash). Its damage also comes on top of Slash, and an even better bonus is the fact that Riposte cannot miss. So yes, while Riposte isn't part of any rotation, it is still a great ability and should be used.


This is sort of true for Watchman. Combat simply doesn't have the focus available to use Riposte, even paired with Strike, unless it is taking consistent damage and getting focus procs from Rebuke (and even in that case, Blade Rush is essentially always a better option). Focus has more than enough resources to use Riposte whenever it procs without breaking stride, which is one of the nice aspects of the spec.

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Dropping Cauterize from the endgame Focus rotation is a significant DPS loss. You're basically wasting a Slash if the CD on Zealous Leap is already <2s, and Cauterize does a LOT more damage. The ideal Focus rotation at 55 uses Cauterize almost on cooldown.




This is sort of true for Watchman. Combat simply doesn't have the focus available to use Riposte, even paired with Strike, unless it is taking consistent damage and getting focus procs from Rebuke (and even in that case, Blade Rush is essentially always a better option). Focus has more than enough resources to use Riposte whenever it procs without breaking stride, which is one of the nice aspects of the spec.


I am probably headed into trouble here because you are one of the acknowledged gurus of the class, but I play Combat extensively and I use Riposte often enough. I use it because it is off gcd and because it cannot miss or be deflected. I believe it is good against Knights and Warriors who are using Saber Ward IF the opponent is close to defeat and against Operative and their frustrating dodge bubbles. Of course, I always have Bladestorm for those too, in addition to Riposte, and more often use that.


It is a resource hog, though. I tend to use it on healers when I am laboring to deprive them of consciousness in very short order and it looks like just one more hit would do, while waiting another gcd could just mean padding my numbers. Riposte, imho is an attack that depends highly on situations. It's a gamble. That 3 focus used may pay off--and that's the choice you have to make in a split second. I like it as an option, but it is not a go-to attack. I find that very often that a little bit extra is all that is required and Riposte can fit the bill in those cases.


Now, I am opining purely from a PvP perspective. I am not much familiar with the PvE scene.

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I am probably headed into trouble here because you are one of the acknowledged gurus of the class, but I play Combat extensively and I use Riposte often enough. I use it because it is off gcd and because it cannot miss or be deflected. I believe it is good against Knights and Warriors who are using Saber Ward IF the opponent is close to defeat and against Operative and their frustrating dodge bubbles. Of course, I always have Bladestorm for those too, in addition to Riposte, and more often use that.


I agree 100%. I use Riposte quite a bit in PvP to cram a little extra damage into that Precision Slash window. I tend to forget about the "cannot miss" bit, but that is extremely useful as well.


Now, I am opining purely from a PvP perspective. I am not much familiar with the PvE scene.


In PvE, Riposte is almost always a bad idea for Combat or Watchman just because of how expensive it is (Focus has no problem using it). Using it at all gimps our sustained DPS by a lot. That doesn't mean there aren't situations where it makes sense, but precious few (i.e. trying to burst yourself out in a specific window). PvE also rarely sees moments where Riposte procs in the first place, so it's not as if we have that many opportunities. :-)

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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