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Some suggestions...


Far be it from me to say I could make an entire story driven adventure better than bioware, but I have collected some ideas on what could potentially improve the game in small, yet meaningful ways. (sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, couldn't find a suggestions forum)


1.Targeting-The targeting hit box for players and mobs alike in this game is pretty lacking, especially in fast paced pvp where people are moving around, your screen is shaking from getting knocked back, or you simply need to quickly select the healer who is in the fray of potentially eight other people. Believe me, im a fast clicker and i'd even go as far as to say accurate, my reflexes on a keyboard aren't to be trifled with (if they only transferred to IRL all the time) But even so, i find myself having a hard time targeting the person that I want, when my screen is getting thrown every which way because of knock backs or grapples.


2.Healing and health frame bugs- I've been hearing complaints from numerous people that when they're healing people's health bars are actually full, when in reality im at 20% crying like a little girl as the nasty empire people point their weapons at me to finish me off. I've noticed the bug as well, but since im not a healer it doesnt give me as much grief, but in my opinion thats a huge problem for a game that encourages team work and healing


3.Its only happened twice or so, but dying in warzones and then getting kicked out of the warzone because the door that is supposed to let me out takes too long, doesn't seem like working as intended. Just saying maybe I'm just incompetent and forgot the code word to low the door or i missed the button to open it on the left


Anyway, i know we just left launch, but im critical like this BECAUSE I hold bioware in high esteem. Out of only three things i mentioned the targeting is the only one that could possibly be intentional design, so i figured i'd bring this to someones attention if it hasn't been done already. If bioware actually reads this post i apologize to whatever poor sap has to read through wall of text, tyvm

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