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Everything posted by Bheezhem

  1. i dont understand how you would find kinetic boring in comparison to infiltration. Both have situational moments but an infiltration shadow pretty much does x2 c-strikes->adrenal/relic powered project for max damage. then when they get enough stacks they'll use force breach thats about it
  2. liked the video, good display of what a kinetic combat is capable of. With the vast array of tools at the disposal of a good kinetic player, the situational hiccups of other classes can be overcome well done
  3. Good video, did my own recently only had windows movie maker to work with, hoping to make something more high scale quality with sony vegas soon, your videos are good models to work off of. I'm a fan of kinetic combat, sustained damage with high survivability is always my preference to a bursty infiltration played the spec well
  4. You probably shouldn't use the words zergfest melee in your first post, and then zergfest ranged later on, it kind of takes away from any points you're trying to make for your cause. Playing a shadow with force pull, that pull mechanic is too strong to give it a lower cooldown, and considering you wear heavy armor you should take 2 hints. A.in order to reach your target, you don't always have to go to them, line of sight is usually more than enough to pull in bloodthirsty sorcs/sages and snipers/gunslingers B.If you could pull people in on a shorter than 30 second cooldown, you would essentially have a force leap on an even shorter cooldown, on top of your other utility abilities, something tells me that isnt an oversight, i would consider that a game changing ability change I don't really know much about bounty hunters/troopers other than to differentiate between tracer/grav round spammers so i can kill them first, or the healers so i know the best hope i have at stopping their heals as a tank myself, is to shut them down. So i looked up the power tech advanced prototype tree. Im sorry to say but just from the skill tree alone i see a 30 second cd movement impairing immunity that also increases movement speed by 30%, a movement speed increase proc, self heals, reduced damage while stunned and an already lowered cooldown on grapple. Sounds to me like someone is being a tad bit greedy with the fact ranged actually have a chance by playing their biggest card-being ranged Personally playing a melee, i still hold to the fact a well played and geared melee character has an advantage over ranged players in 1v1 scenarios, and an advantage if the melee is backed by heals on their team, even if the ranged is as well
  5. This guy has it spot on, only thing i would like to add is dont underestimate the shield/absorb relic it's saved my butt a few times in tight situations. If you'd like an idea of how a kinetic champion geared shadow performs, my PvP video was actually taken with all champion/centurion gear with a 31/0/10 spec
  6. yeah i was counting upheaval, but i definitely see where you're coming from. I also open with project out of habit because ST never used to give the HS buff
  7. ty, was unaware TT ticked a total of 4. The reason i left out utility skills i.e spinning kick which has saved my life i have no clue how many times is because i stated in the end it's all situational, and it is a priority based system. If you could use the same rotation every time i don't think the class would be working as intended. Resilience, spinning kick, force cloak, and force stun, combined with cybertech grenades makes for an amazing amount of utility. Not even including force pull which is great all by itself. the reason i open with project is because it hits for about 500-600 damage harder than slow time, plus i feel the damage debuff on slow time is important to maintain, and why not buy myself extra time by using it second as opposed to first when no one reacts quickly enough for the first attack anyways
  8. ty for the view! it's a priority based system, at least my playstyle in this video is. I revolve around getting my 3 stacks of harnessed shadows so i can telekentic throw as much as possible coupled with force potency/PA project crits post patch. Your hardest hitting abilities are Spinning strike, Project, and slow time. Telekenetic throw when activated with a surge relic+force potency can also channel for a total of 3-3.2k damage, it all depends on what the situation is
  9. yessss i feel HS actually makes the spec, sure combat technique gives you some decent healing, but the real power of the spec is your ability to withstand punishing dps cooldowns, while actually dishing out damage. Telekentic throw is completely underrated, not only does it do about 1300 per tick with surge trinket popped and force potency added to it, but while your dealing that damage, you're healing yourself for 9%(assuming no cc occurs) ON TOP OF THAT you are actually regenerating your force while attacking. and yes rewatching that vid, i am painfully aware of the moments where im tunnel visioning on my cooldowns and not filling globals ty for making me look at that, these comments help me improve
  10. your spec is very much a preference thing and at one point I considered doing pretty much the same thing. However 1.I actually main tank for my guild and we do ops frequently, so slow time is a necessity as it is my highest aoe threat builder 2.ever since the new patch where slow time gives you a stack of HS, it has become quite useful because it is actually a lower force cost than project 3.Slow time's damage is actually considerable considering it's aoe and you're a tank. In my gear set up mine usually go for around 900-1.2k crits(i know it seems small but it adds up believe me) that being said your spec is a good idea if you don't have any tanking obligations to fill in pve, my spec actually doubles as my raid spec, shadows respite is also nice, however as a tank you don't spend much time in stealth (your fights last longer, you don't die as often so you don't get as many openers) HOWEVER pre nerf i played the second spec i linked (for pvp only) which utilized the energy regen on blackout. That was amazing having so much force to play with
  11. Yeah, I think that's why im able to bear playing this spec, I come from a history of being a pure dps, but I value strong 1v1 capability/utility and being able to protect the people i play with more so this set up suits me well. I use the survivor 2 pc and stalker 2 pc for the increased range, but i just replace most of the stats with anything surge. Even in a tank spec(especially now that they fixed particle acceleration) step 1: proc particle acceleration step 2: pop surge trinket/expertise stim (or surge adrenal if u got it) step 3: activate force potency then use project and laugh as you hit the guy for 4-6k as a tank edit:ty for the view! all feed back is appreciated
  12. Kinetic definitely isn't for the people who rolled shadow to burst things-the fights i show in the video show me winning against better geared players or in 2v1 situations-not because I have huge burst, but because I can outlast their damage cooldowns, while putting out mediocre numbers and healing myself at the same time. Now days i actually run using full stalker gear minus the lightsaber, generator, and 2 pieces of survivor for spinning kick (couldn't live without it). With a surge trinket and ripping out the pvp mods and replacing them with surge mods, i've done easy 4k project crits on full pvp geared players consuming force potency. But the burst is few and far between, it's about sustained damage and getting 3 stacks of harnessed shadows to heal yourself with. Thanks for the view!
  13. I made this video recently, pre patch 1.1.2a so changes to harnessed and circling shadows were not yet in effect except for two of the fights. You'll see im not gear capped as i tried to make a video where im not completely gear stomping fresh 50s with massive infiltration crits, instead you'll see what a kinetic shadow is capable of in full champion/centurion gear http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNUqQxOZ9lU -Bheezem <Epic> Port Nowhere server specs used spec seen through most of the vid-> http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rsrokrskbsZZf0cM.1 (31/0/10) http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rsrokrskbZhGbMk.1 (27/14/0) tools used: fraps windows live movie maker...lol praise/criticism welcome
  14. ty for the reply, as i was genuinely curious. I agree there is more burst to be gained from upheaval specs, and can even understand wanting to pad your numbers, i guess its just more common for someone to choose a bursty spec
  15. Ok, so it may be because I haven't tampered with kinetic upheaval, but from what I see on the forums an underwhelming amount of people are making use of the harnessed shadow talent in pvp coupled with circling shadows Some people may argue that telekenetic throw isnt an efficient or good ability to use, but in my mind it's a great talent to have coupled with circling shadows, seeing as i feel as a kinetic shadow in pvp my hardest hitting ability is project. If i'm spamming it, why not get a free 9% heal every time i do 3? Some people may argue you don't get stacks fast enough to justify the points into the talent, but i feel like if im spamming double strike to make my project come up faster anyways, why not get a reduced energy cost on the project anyways? not to mention a talent that justifies the use of shadow strike, even if it isnt amazing versus geared players, when it crits it still annihilates lowbies/undergeared people. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rIMokrskbZhGbMk.1 ^thats the spec im running, and it has an incredibly force efficient arsenal. it revolves around spamming project and using telekenetic throw whenever you reach the 3 stacks, which with particle acceleration and circling shadows, projects are readily available pretty much all the time. telekenetic throw hits surprisingly hard when you pop a relic right before channeling as its applied to the whole channel, and not only does it heal you while channeling it, it gives your force time to regenerate after casting a low cost ability, i usually end my channel with 75%-100% of my force. Plus it's always nice to be able to heal yourself when you're guarding pugs and they don't realize you're absorbing 50% of their damage, and you're more likely to die in a corner unaware of your cause of death, than they are to die when being assaulted and transferring their damage to you. Oh yeah did i mention shadow strike crits? very enjoyable, albeit hard due to positioning in pvp. But thats not even why i put the points into that talent, its just a nice side perk Anyways i was just wondering, why dont i see more of this type of set up? am i really missing out on a fantastical world filled with joy and happiness by not going balance for my secondary tree? (constructive criticism welcomed) (edit for the correct skill tree)
  16. Some suggestions... Far be it from me to say I could make an entire story driven adventure better than bioware, but I have collected some ideas on what could potentially improve the game in small, yet meaningful ways. (sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, couldn't find a suggestions forum) 1.Targeting-The targeting hit box for players and mobs alike in this game is pretty lacking, especially in fast paced pvp where people are moving around, your screen is shaking from getting knocked back, or you simply need to quickly select the healer who is in the fray of potentially eight other people. Believe me, im a fast clicker and i'd even go as far as to say accurate, my reflexes on a keyboard aren't to be trifled with (if they only transferred to IRL all the time) But even so, i find myself having a hard time targeting the person that I want, when my screen is getting thrown every which way because of knock backs or grapples. 2.Healing and health frame bugs- I've been hearing complaints from numerous people that when they're healing people's health bars are actually full, when in reality im at 20% crying like a little girl as the nasty empire people point their weapons at me to finish me off. I've noticed the bug as well, but since im not a healer it doesnt give me as much grief, but in my opinion thats a huge problem for a game that encourages team work and healing 3.Its only happened twice or so, but dying in warzones and then getting kicked out of the warzone because the door that is supposed to let me out takes too long, doesn't seem like working as intended. Just saying maybe I'm just incompetent and forgot the code word to low the door or i missed the button to open it on the left Anyway, i know we just left launch, but im critical like this BECAUSE I hold bioware in high esteem. Out of only three things i mentioned the targeting is the only one that could possibly be intentional design, so i figured i'd bring this to someones attention if it hasn't been done already. If bioware actually reads this post i apologize to whatever poor sap has to read through wall of text, tyvm
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