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SWTOR Sith Marauder Pvp Montage 2.3 (Video)


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Hello all.


I was reading the forums and I suddenly got the feeling that I should make an marauder pvp montage, because i haven't seen any lately or after 2.1.


This was made in a few hours all footage was recorded this week (Game Update 2.3) please tell me what you think and share your opinion with me and tell me what I can improve or what I could possibly change.


I was playing Carnage/Annihilation (I don't play smash anymore because I keep getting the feeling that it doesn't require any skill when I play it, which means less challenging)


Here is the link:



I hope you guys will enjoy it and leave your opinion here so I know what I can do better in the future.

Edited by Xarthron-Kun
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Its a fun vid and all.. Always fun to see a video that isnt some derpsmash reroller

but i don't see how owning some random pugs with carnage and anni proves people wrong about the specs (i love and play those 2 specs all the time btw).

Rage is still ridiculously overpowered you even said so in the op. :D Its the sad truth that sometimes, you are gimping your team by not running it. (and i run anni/carnage all the time)

This is a shame because its pretty boring to play Smash..

Edited by AngusFTW
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Its a fun vid and all.. Always fun to see a video that isnt some derpsmash reroller

but i don't see how owning some random pugs with carnage and anni proves people wrong about the specs (i love and play those 2 specs all the time btw).

Rage is still ridiculously overpowered you even said so in the op. :D Its the sad truth that sometimes, you are gimping your team by not running it. (and i run anni/carnage all the time)

This is a shame because its pretty boring to play Smash..


Awesome video, but I tend to agree with this. I won't claim to be even slightly good at PvP but I do run Carnage when I PvP on my Mara and its pretty much only baddies who let you get off a full Ravage channel (which is exclusively what I saw in that video). Smash is just boring and OP and that seems to be what BW wants for the moment :/

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