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Watchman PVE, help with my dps


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My main is a watchman sentinel, and I've been in a progression guild for HM and we are moving to NiM soon. But I dont know if my dps is good enough, I only parse 2.5ish k on a dummy with all buffs and nano might stim. Here is my gear and spec



I would really appreciate any help.

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A few general comments:


  1. Valorous Call, Inspiration and Adrenals will all boost your DPS, and you didn't use any of them
  2. You missed out on 17 ticks of Cauterize because you reactivated that ability before its DoT had ended. This alone cost you 20 DPS. This is commonly called clipping the DoT. At most Cauterize should be used every 4th ability.
  3. I would drop some of your crit rating as well. I personally recommend 0 crit.
  4. The biggest challenge you have is your low APM. On average you are activating an ability every 1.71s while the GCD is 1.5s. (I had to do some analysis to discover this so it is not something that is necessarily apparent to you.) This lag of 0.21s per GCD hurts your DPS a ton. In a 5m parse or 200 GCDs, the best parses are able to use 190+ while you are only using 175. This represents a 10% loss in DPS.
  5. In you ~9m parse, you only used Merciless Slash 70 times, but you could have used it nearly 90 times. Maximizing your biggest hit is important.

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A few general comments:


  1. Valorous Call, Inspiration and Adrenals will all boost your DPS, and you didn't use any of them
  2. You missed out on 17 ticks of Cauterize because you reactivated that ability before its DoT had ended. This alone cost you 20 DPS. This is commonly called clipping the DoT. At most Cauterize should be used every 4th ability.
  3. I would drop some of your crit rating as well. I personally recommend 0 crit.
  4. The biggest challenge you have is your low APM. On average you are activating an ability every 1.71s while the GCD is 1.5s. (I had to do some analysis to discover this so it is not something that is necessarily apparent to you.) This lag of 0.21s per GCD hurts your DPS a ton. In a 5m parse or 200 GCDs, the best parses are able to use 190+ while you are only using 175. This represents a 10% loss in DPS.
  5. In you ~9m parse, you only used Merciless Slash 70 times, but you could have used it nearly 90 times. Maximizing your biggest hit is important.

Thank you very much for your input. :D

1. Yeah I figured it was a dummy fight and didn't want to use adrenal :p. I will work on timing Valorous Call and Inspiration.

2. Sorry English isn't my 1st language. I should use Cauterize, then 3 abilities before reactivating Cauterize right?

3. I will try and parse again later.

4. I only have some abilities on my keyboard, still mostly a clicker when I'm dpsing. And my server lag is 200-300ms, maybe it has something to do with low APM. Do you have suggestion how I can improve my APM ?

5. I will work on it.


Thanks again for your help :o

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Thank you very much for your input. :D

1. Yeah I figured it was a dummy fight and didn't want to use adrenal :p. I will work on timing Valorous Call and Inspiration.

2. Sorry English isn't my 1st language. I should use Cauterize, then 3 abilities before reactivating Cauterize right?

3. I will try and parse again later.

4. I only have some abilities on my keyboard, still mostly a clicker when I'm dpsing. And my server lag is 200-300ms, maybe it has something to do with low APM. Do you have suggestion how I can improve my APM ?

5. I will work on it.


Thanks again for your help :o

200-300ms is bad latency so it doesnt surprise me that you are getting bad apm. Also clicking is pretty much a nono for mdps classes especially the likes of watchman which has overload saber off the gcd.

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200-300ms is bad latency so it doesnt surprise me that you are getting bad apm. Also clicking is pretty much a nono for mdps classes especially the likes of watchman which has overload saber off the gcd.


I usually click leap + push overload saber at the same time or push them both on my keyboard, it's not a prob :o + have Zen on keyboard too, I only click abilities which have gcd :D. I have everything binding when I'm playing my scoundrel heal tho.

I'm playing halfway across the world from the US... cant help with that ping :( Maybe I should switch to a gunslinger

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Thank you very much for your input. :D

1. Yeah I figured it was a dummy fight and didn't want to use adrenal :p. I will work on timing Valorous Call and Inspiration.


I agree for general testing you want to minimize the number of variables. This can make it tough to compare your DPS to the top parses you see on TORParse though.


2. Sorry English isn't my 1st language. I should use Cauterize, then 3 abilities before reactivating Cauterize right?




4. I only have some abilities on my keyboard, still mostly a clicker when I'm dpsing. And my server lag is 200-300ms, maybe it has something to do with low APM. Do you have suggestion how I can improve my APM ?


You can adjust your Ability Activation Queue. I forget what the default setting is, but you can increase to 1s or 0.75s, which will help you use every GCD.


Thanks again for your help :o


No problem, good luck.

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My hotbar setup is a bit different than most people (probably because ive got a really awesome gaming keyboard of which i can utilise 1 through - keys properly) but my hotbar goes something like this (this will be in Marauder Terms so you will need to translate this for Sent terms)


1. Assault


2. Vicious Slash


3. Force Leap


4. Ravage


5. Battering Assault


6. Intterupt


7. Rupture


8. Vicious Throw


9. Deadly Saber


0 (or 10 on my keyboard's side bar). Annihilate


- (or 11 on my keyboard's sidebar). Berzerk


[. Dual Saber Throw


]. Deadly Throw


R. Crippling Slash


F. Throw The Huttball/Scream (depends on PvP or PvE play)

Edited by Kaos_KidSWTOR
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Is anyone else annoyed at the overload saber animation sometimes? There are cases when I wish the animation would not exist as there are rare occasions where you may lose a dot because of it.


Well It's Off the GCD so it should not Proc the GCD, if it does proc the GCD then there is a bug.

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1 more question, if overload saber and merciless slash and cauterize come out of cd at the same time. What is my priority ? Assuming if I miss 1 gcd on merciless slash I still have all my stacks up.


1) Overload Saber

2) Cauterize

3) Merciless Slash



Burns are the biggest portion of your DPS and keeping them as close to 100% time on the target is a big part of doing the most DPS. Also, because Overload Saber is not an attack but rather a buff (it doesn't hit the target but gives you charges that then are applied to the target with subsequent attacks) using it before Cauterize allows you to get both Burns on that target with one attack in one GCD, which is very efficient. The basic concept as I understand it from Oofalong (who by the by is an amazing person to be so damn helpful to everyone) is that your #1 having sufficient Focus to put Burns on the target, #2 putting Burns on the target, #3 Merciless Slash and so on but remember Burns will be the highest portion of your DPS for most of the time so get them up as soon as possible when possible.

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