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Carnage - Berserk Question


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I used to only use berserk with Ravage and Gore, but I do not believe this is the best way to do it.


Currently, these are the questions I'm working on and do not have a definitive answer for:

Should I pop it whenever I get 30 stacks, or should I wait? I think waiting is best, but I don't know how long is too long.

Should I use it during rage building (The 10s after you use a Slaughter Gore) or wait till Gore is about to come off CD?

If it comes up during the first Gore Window, should I use it? What about the Second?


Currently, I starting to use anywhere from 5 to 3 seconds before Gore comes of CD to right before Slaughter procs. (Mainly for the 15s of 4% buff)

What is your opinion on this? And do you have data/theory that backs up your own opinion?

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I tend to use it most during my rage building phase (FS/Gore/Ravage down) because it builds rage quickly for the gore procced FS and massacre spam right after. Or during high movement phases I save it to shorten the ravage channel. Plus it makes carnage way more fluid IMO, takes the pain out of the sudden pace deceleration of the assault/massacre rage building. ;)
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