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1-50 Length?


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Depends on your play style, if your sub, preferred or F2P and how much you play. I have seen people capable of 1-50 in a double xp weekend within one weekend. Quickest I have done is a week (that was hardcore leveling, lot of flashpoints and war zones and a double xp weekend).
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It took me 5-6 days /played time to get from 1-55 on my Sith Assassin. I did a lot of AFKing from time to time to make meals and such as well as messing around doing stuff in fleet.


I did the bonus series quest line on almost every planet and used up all of my exp boosters I gained in the later levels (30-55).


If I didn't AFK it would have probably been around 4 1/2 days /played. 50-55 took a lot longer than any of the previous levels for sure, but I split it up over around five days and most of my 50-55 leveling was done with dailies.


Note as a stealth class i got to skip past a lot of pointless fights as well.

Edited by Glumish
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Last toon I leveled was a sniper. Did 1-25 during normal XP then 25-50 (before level cap raise) during double XP weekends. My /played time was 2 days, 12 hours. But this was the 8th toon I leveled and I was trying to go as quickly as I could once double XP weekends started.


Under normal conditions I'd say 5-6 days played is more than reasonable expectation.

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i-36 took me two days. Make sure you always do the Bonus Series on each planet and get the weapons and 3-hour XP bonuses. In addition, if a mission has both crappy items and crappy XP, just skip it and onto the next quest. You can go and massacre your way through that mission later.


Also, either join or create a guild as quickly as possible. That 10% XP bonus is really worth it, and with an XP bonus, you can level two or three times an hour. I haven't played all the way to 55 yet 'cause I play my alts to level my Legacy for more bonuses.





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Had a guild mate go from 1-55 in about two weeks of moderate/casual play (ie wasn't on constantly, paused to sort things like crafting and gear out, and got powered through fps by the rest of us). But there's another member that's gone from only 1-20 in probably a month. He, on the flipside of the former, is on a lot, but has been maxing his crafting (on 2+ characters) and spending more time running fps, wzs, and just killing mobs (no missions outside the fps and wzs) or coming up with ways to make credits.


Obviously if you're playstyle is more like the latter, it'll take ya forever :p the former is reasonable if you don't necessarily have mass quantities of time to dedicate. But like others have said, use the xp boosts and join up with a guild and it shouldn't take too terribly long.

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