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I play Balance Sage and I LOVE IT. What I'm doing wrong?


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I play since Early Acces. I love PvP.


My main is Guardian Tank. I also have Assassin DPS (boring on PvP, never liked him), Commando DPS (I was leveling him as healer, got to endgame, was really dissapointed, came back after 2.0 as DPS and liked it) and also both Operative an Scoundrel - I play them as DPS and Healing, depends on my mood. I loved them. I started with Operative, got him to endgame but since I mostly play on Republic side I decided to abandon my boring Sniper and reroll Scoundrel. I don't regret that decision.


I was also playing 8v8 Ranked for 5 months as main tank.


So, I'm experienced and I PvP a lot.


Now I will go to the point of this topic.


I also have a Sage.


Recently we have huge rage related to Sorcerers/Sages and dev reponse. And there is my problem - I LOVE my Sage DPS in Balance tree (dots).


This is my favorite class to PvP with and I even consider to call her my main. I'm hard to kill and I do a lot of DPS. It's not only amazing damage, but also abilities that help me survive and play with enemies - stuns, Force Speed, shield, heals. It's fun and it works.


So this is me. I love my Sage and I don't understand the whole "healing to full" problem.


Please, tell me what I'm doing wrong! How can I suck with this class and rage about how unbalanced the game is?

Edited by Apophis_
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It's a lot easier to hide and dot (or do anything as a sorc) in 8v8 when both teams have to worry about objectives. But ranked 8v8 is getting removed in 2.4 and getting replaced with TDM 4v4 arenas.


In such an environment it is a lot more difficult to hide because there is no back line (if your team is too spread out you'll just get yanked or charged and immediately focus fired).


Sorcs as a class are generally going to be much weaker in that environment.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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