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Lack of critical Armstech and Artiface success 72 items


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I can understand some RNG issues with crafting but seems like its too much for just that but maybe someone here can explain this. In the last 20 times on artiface while crafting 72 enhancements on HK with max affection with the legacy crafting ability enabled. I have not gotten a single critical success. This started probably about 2.1 I remember when 2.0 first came out and i started to get 72 enhancement schematics i would crit regularly on them but nothing for quite some time. Also the same has occurred on armstech as well and on that character i should have even more of a chance to crit since i have a character with maxed affection and a +5 chance to crit on them but again in around 20 chances of crafitng a 72 barrel i have not gotten a single one. Have they broken the crafting again? Also, can someone explain if RNG works the same if you are crafting an individual item versus 5 in a queue


Thanks, hope someone can shed some light on this

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as I understand it,

it is a % per item chance. each individual item has a singular % RNG. - nothing is cumulative.

if memory serves (and it may not) the 5% crit your comp has plus all the legacy crit bonuses still only add up to 8% total chance to crit per item. - (is the legacy bonus for augment crits only? can't remember atm).


to put it another way, that's a 92% chance to fail per item.

the same with RE'ing an item. most have a 20% success chance to learn a schematic which means a 80% fail rate.


also, the comp affection only effects the time it takes to craft or gather mats (missions) not the crit % rate or chance to learn a schematic when RE'ing an item.


if any of the uber crafters see I've made a mistake with the above please offer a correction. (bad info helps no one, myself included) - :)

Edited by magecutter
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