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Need help with graphics performance issue


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I have a Geforce GTX 570 and I'm having horrible graphics performance. My network latency runs around 100ms. When I CTRL-SHIFT-F and look at my frame rate, standing still it is around 60-65. As soon as I am moving at all or turning side to side, it plummets and frequently dips to 5 causing a lot of stutter in the game. I have ALL of my graphics settings on Low. I have Bloom Off, and Conversation Depth of Field Off, I have Shadow Quality Off. I am running at 1920x1200 but I have a bangin' video card, I'm baffled that it can't run this game.


Oddly I can't even change my resolution. I try to lower it and it takes SO LONG for the screen to pop back up (it goes black, then I get the loading screen) that the dialog that asks if I want to keep this resolution times out.


Anything I can do?

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I'm having the same problem. I thought maybe switching servers from a 'Full' one to 'Standard" would help but it didnt. Its not that great when my persons swinging her vibroblade around at things and it looks like slide-show instead of a video game...:confused:

Would be nice if someone knew how to fix this.

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I had same card same problem, I did a few things now i get a steady 40-60 fps

I was running at 1600/900 i turned it down to 1366/768

I turned off shadows and grass left other settings high

added swtor to nvidia's control panel "white list"

What really makes me p.o.'d is during some of the cut scenes my fps is 100-110

So its a game issue not a video card one so hopefully they will fix it.

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I cannot tell you anything about how to work on your computer, lest I become liable legally for it...


First things first,

Does my PC meet game requirements/recommendations?


Next, I start off by check my card is properly seated in the Mobo... all cables secure, etc.


THEN, what I do is check to see if my drivers for the video card are up to date from the Card manufacturer's website, if that does not clean things up considerably, I <may> try the chipset manufacturer's latest drivers.


for example, I have a EVGA 9800 GTX that uses the Nvidia chipset. I got to EVGA website first, get their drivers/software/card bios, etc. to make sure it is in bingo shape. If I am feeling froggy, I may go to Nvidia's site to see if the chipset used in the EVGA card is better/more recent etc.... and try that one too.


Once I got my PC graphic card going, I test it to see if that improves things, if not, I go do same actions, this time with my MotherBoard. (Mobo)


After all that blood sweat and tears, I test the game again, and if I am STILL getting fubar results, I dumb the settings in the game to the absolute lowest settings to see if I can get the problems to go away. If it does go away, I then test out each function of the game settings to see which one is causing my troubles, after i isolate it, I check these forums to see if there is a workaround.


If the game still does not work, and All of the above has been tried, then I pine incestantly on forums till I get halp.


Good luck and all that.

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try 290.36 I believe latest beta driver.


I have a 560ti 448 core.. just slightly under the 570 performance wise, and not having any issues.


also when you're running the installer


choose custom install


after that choose "fresh install" this will remove old drivers first before installing the new one.





You may also want to try the latest one.. I was mistaken above that's the driver i'm using will upgrade to 290.53 later tonight, but couldn't hurt.

Edited by Shammus
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try 290.36 I believe latest beta driver.


I was having alot of trouble with my Radeon card so I installed a old Geforce 9800 I had laying around and got the 290.36 drivers and it worked miracles. I can play on high with shadows on right now only time I turn it down is on space missions and on low I have hit up to 100 FPS. So these beta drivers make a world of difference or at least they did for me. Best of luck I was about to pull my hair out when I couldn't fix the choppyiness


The only problem is, some graphic cards just don't work well with this game, its unfortunate and I am sure Bioware are doing what they can to fix it but there was nothing I could do with my Radeon 5450 that didn't give me a insanely low FPS

Edited by Amoreorignalname
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