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[RP event 8/31] The Explorer's Society Bazaar


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On Saturday, August 31st, the Explorer's Society will be hosting its monthly Emporium Bazaar. This event is designed with the new RPer in mind, as well as those who wish to introduce new characters or bring out their crafters to RP about crafting.



Are you interested in rare goods that cannot easily be acquired on the galactic market? How about custom armorsmithing and weapons modification? Haute cuisine? The Explorer's Society lives up to its name by bringing you the very best.



Or perhaps you'd rather bring a vendor, selling your goods or services to the highest bidder? Slots are still available (as of this posting). See the end of last month's thread for more information: http://begerencolony.org/forum/index.php?topic=1364.msg15870#msg15870


The event officially starts at 7pm server-time on Saturday, August 31st and will last until 10pm. There will doubtless be follow-up RP for the west-coast folks. We've selected a timeslot that should be doable for most west-coasters, east-coasters, and APAC players as well. The bazaar will be held on the lower level of the Nar Shaddaa promenade, just south of the Slippery Slopes cantina, and just north of the Republic trainer NPCs.


As heavy bribes have been paid to the authorities IC, troublemakers can expect swift retribution from Cartel security, private enforcement hired by the Society, and various participants. In short: please be civil. :)


Feel free to contact Semah, Se'brik, or Crystanna ingame for more information, or just post here.

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Thank you for bringing the RP back to begeren colony.It seems every thread on our server is about PvP.


The forums are mostly dominated by PvPers here. The RP on this server has been healthy for a good while, imo, and if you want to find out where a majority of the RPers gather, head over to begerencolony.org


Just wanting to clear up the idea that RP has been dead. It's just relocated, due to the PvPers dominating these forums

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