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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Players seeking guild information


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Hi, Shadowlands.


I'm a longtime Harbinger player who is seeking to move East to find a server that fits my playtimes better. I'm Central time based. Furthermore, the majority of my characters are Pubside.


I know I'd have to earn a spot in any progression guild, but I wanted to know a few things, and hopefully some of this community can tell me:


1. Is there a group of central-based raiders on Shadowlands?

2. Are they open to new players of any particular role? I prefer to DPS, but i can tank or heal if necessary. I'm 5/5 TfB Hm, 3/7 S&V HM, and haven't bothered with NiM content due to my schedule and flux in my current raiding group.

3. If I were to bring over a number of talented players with me, would there be a spot in that guild for us? I'm unsure of the number, but it'd be about five or six, maybe more.

4. If (1) and (2) are a no, are there any players who are looking for a guild who fills this niche?


If you want to drop me an ingame line, I ported over my backup tank, Traska. Send him a message. Unfortunately, I can't exactly raid with him right now until they fix the armor bug.

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