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Re-Call Gudarzz as Marauder Class Representative


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This thread needs to be resurrected, Gudarzz has done a terrible job at representing the class and constantly brags about it on his stream. He's clearly a power mad ego maniac, no doubt he comes from a privileged background where his parents would buy his affection.


He clearly doesn't care about the class with him frequently bragging about flying to vegas to take drugs and beat up women, he should be removed and replaced by kennethdale who clearly cares more about the class performance.



Edited by Projawa
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Of course, I do not recall him arguing against the Sentinel/Marauder nerf. I guess I should not fault him, though. It is unlikely he would have affected the outcome positively.


I should correct what I quoted up above. Bioware seems only to pander to the uninformed masses.


I think I will just start complaining about stuff. I won't give reasons--I'll just lodge my complaints and hope to effect change regardless of whether it's good for the game or not. It's not like it hasn't been done to my class. "What is good for the goose is good for the gander" as the platitude goes.

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  • 2 years later...
Note #1: If you disagree with this thread, you will be tempted to bash me. To call me names or call out my abilities or anything else to undermine me when the simple fact remains that the best way to undermine myself and this thread is to simply ignore it and not post. If I am wrong and if I am alone in my views, this thread will get buried in a matter of hours never to be seen or heard from again. Personally, I doubt any of the QvQers who read this will have the self-control to not post some sort of flame response, but I wanted to try to point out the logical step.


Note #2: Only posts which contain the name, level, and server of the posters Jedi Sentinel or Sith Marauder will be taken into consideration (EG: Kàryu - 55 - The Harbringer) because too much regarding the Sith Marauder Class Representative was decided by people who do not play that class.


Note #3: In all instances the colloquial term "PvP" has been replaced with the moniker "QvQ" based on the popular phrase "QQ" referring to crying, in particular of the childish variety as it is clear that this is what the QvQ community stands for. Also, this is an attempt to inflame the QvQ community into "blowing" this thread up and getting it read by a much larger community. It is a shallow and silly attempt, but one I feel is worthwhile.




The point of this thread is to 1) raise awareness of the actions of the Sith Marauder Class Representative Gudarzz which indicate that his bias lies not with the class he represents but rather with the QvQ faction that he associates with and 2) propose that the role of Sith Marauder Class Representative be given to Oofalong who was the second most voted for in the poll and actively participates in conversations regarding Sith Marauders and Jedi Sentinels across the forums.


The first, and most significant point can be shown using the following quote:



The link at the bottom leads to the thread in which many aspects of the Sith Marauder Advanced Class were being discussed until the thread was hijacked by QvQers attempting to subvert the desires of the Sith Marauder and Jedi Sentinel community. This quote indicates that Gudarzz has already agreed, without consulting with or listening to the Sith Marauder Community, to use one of the Sith Marauder's questions in this way. This flies directly in the face of what Gudarzz himself stated during the voting:



However, it is possible that what was meant in his reference "the community" was not in fact the Sith Marauder community but rather the QvQ community, which is not the group he was selected to represent.


Gudarzz, if by chance you read this (though given how rarely you have posted both before and after being nominated, I doubt you will unless one of the QVQers tells you to), please prove me wrong. The honest truth is the odds that I will even vaguely succeed in my attempts are effectively nil. I am no fool in this but given the absolute flood of support for something which had never before been proposed, the way in which you were elected (see quote below), and the fact that someone close to you claims they have your support openly and freely (just not in the forum for the community you were elected to represent) its hard to believe I am wrong. Still I ask that you do one of the following things:


1) If you cannot separate representing the Sith Marauder community from representing the QvQ community, simply step down. Ask the devs to give the position to someone who will truly, in your own words, collec[t] and organiz[e] the concerns/ideas of the community".


2) Simply do what you claimed you would and represent the Sith Marauder Advanced Class in terms of its desires and ideas.




Kàryu - 55 - Sith Marauder - The Harbringer // Adrostya - 42 Jedi Sentinel - The Harbringer


Oh wow, came to this thread looking to revive some old memories for our charity event that Gudarz and us did.


And this guy was up against Gudarz? For some class ****?


I feffin hope you all voted for Gudarz for this. His opponent is to PC (Politically Correct - **** those guys btw). Just give me a beer and lets play video games. What a douche this guy is.


Love you gudarz, I really hope you got that election lol. Sad this was your competition in 2014.

Edited by murkin
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The freaking out is about the part where some are saying that you promised to dedicated a question for the PvP community who feel the 8v8 was wrongly removed. But I agree the other thread with that person demanding your removal just because you were away for few days is crazy!


and this is why there is no legitimate pvp (team wise) community in this game anymore. The guy was for keeping 8v8 and for smaller 4v4. What happen?


Ditch the 8v8. Teams consolidated and kicked out the others or they left because they felt left out and went to other teams or just quite the game altogether.


Going to the next question to see how else you ****ed up on voting.

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This thread needs to be resurrected, Gudarzz has done a terrible job at representing the class and constantly brags about it on his stream. He's clearly a power mad ego maniac, no doubt he comes from a privileged background where his parents would buy his affection.


He clearly doesn't care about the class with him frequently bragging about flying to vegas to take drugs and beat up women, he should be removed and replaced by kennethdale who clearly cares more about the class performance.


This does not sound like my buddy Snave would say, during that time. I hope he wouldn't say some **** like that to my buddy. Some ********

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