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Doing some of the thinking, for a change.


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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm getting rather sick of all the answers being handed to me. Like for the bounty contracts, I was hoping to have to do some real hardcore investigating with a few dead-ends in order to find the person I was hunting.


To find out I all I had to do was interrogate a few people (who by the way, didn't appear to actually tell you anything) I was disappointed. I'm tired of the location of the bounty being given away by an obvious point on your map. I think this game should at least try to challenge people mentally.


And I know there are people out there that agree, things are just too easy and unrealistic from a mental point of view.

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I have to admit, I did find it a bit underwhelming that locating a kingpin involved nothing more than sending out some drones and then scanning for them with your macrobinoculars from the same position. Edited by Bleeters
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I'm one of those people who like finding things out for themselves. And having all of the answers handed down to you just tends to get old after a while.


And when I said unrealistic, I was referring to the fact that your character suddenly knows the location of a target, without even hearing any actual info. I don't wanna go about questioning a "shady character", I want to go and find someone that my employer told me had connections with my target.


Sometimes it's just.....too easy.

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I agree that there's a "too easy" element to this, also to the point that it just becomes a tedious annoyance to do the back and forth. However, being as this is as short an event as it is, I think the way they have it is good.


If this were something that wasn't a temporary event (just a daily for the rep), then I could get behind altering the missions to involve a bit more investigating. But as it is, I think it would be too frustrating and too tedious for people to want to grind any rep at all for the faction if they had a week to do it with the process requiring more involved time than it currently does.

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