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Why Are There No Rewards For Open World PvP Kills?


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I love hunting enemies across Tatooine as much as the next guy, and I had a blast this afternoon playing hide and seek in South Jundland, but why do you not get any kind of reward for playing well in Open World PvP? I killed about 20 Sith, and I really don't have anything to show for it. Why do we not get rewarded with a little bit of XP, or some mercenary commendations (with diminishing returns against lower level players to discourage ganking) for taking out an enemy? Not getting rewarded makes participating in Open World PvP seem kind of insignificant.


Does this change when we get to Ilum at level 50?

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it discourages people from just playing for kills rather than objectives if you enjoy killing players then your reward is already that you killed them you dont need additional rewards, the rewards that are additional is ones you get for completeing objectives, If theres a bridge that we need to capture and you see this guy running away who is nearly dead but the bridge needs your help if theres no advantage to running him down and waisting 2-5 minutes of your time you will go choose the bridge if it gets you additional rewards or you will waist your time and lose the bridge and find that you like killing but the loss of rewards slows you down. No reward for not getting the job done thats what i say.
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I love hunting enemies across Tatooine as much as the next guy, and I had a blast this afternoon playing hide and seek in South Jundland, but why do you not get any kind of reward for playing well in Open World PvP? I killed about 20 Sith, and I really don't have anything to show for it. Why do we not get rewarded with a little bit of XP, or some mercenary commendations (with diminishing returns against lower level players to discourage ganking) for taking out an enemy? Not getting rewarded makes participating in Open World PvP seem kind of insignificant.


Does this change when we get to Ilum at level 50?


I would have to say this is not a PvP game , move along

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You do in illum. As for other planets, it's fun to just hunt / pvp and play. Why do people constantly need a carrot on a stick system? As for all the people saying they aren't setting up open world pvp... The only way to get battle master bags ATM is through dailies and weeklies. Two of which send you to illum.
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