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Force-sensitivity and siblings


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Thinking about it for only a second I can't think of a case where one sibling has been noted as force sensitive while the other is not.


However, it is possible to have highly sensitive parents and a not sensitive child. An example of this is Revan and Bastila Shan's child was not force sensitive but obviously Satale Shan (side note S Shan's son was not sensitive but the father was not sensitive either) several generations later so maybe this implies that it is like a recessive trait or something. As it is possible to have a child not sensitive I would assume it is then possible for one sibling to be sensitive and one not.


I reserve the right to edit this post if such a sibling pair comes to mind :D

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(side note S Shan's son was not sensitive but the father was not sensitive either


It's been a while since I've read Annihilation (or I'm just trying to block it from my mind), but I seem to recall that Theron in fact had a connection to the Force and was part of the Jedi Order for a time, but his connection to the Force wasn't strong enough to be utilized in such a way required by a Jedi.

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It's been a while since I've read Annihilation (or I'm just trying to block it from my mind), but I seem to recall that Theron in fact had a connection to the Force and was part of the Jedi Order for a time, but his connection to the Force wasn't strong enough to be utilized in such a way required by a Jedi.


From the way I remember and the way it's described on Wooki makes it seem as if Zho expected him to be sensitive as his mother was so strong but realized that Theron wasn't sensitive at all. Think at that time they were also desperate for recruits so that's why Theron started in the Order

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You don't have to look very far for one of these in-game.

Talos Drellik, the Sith Inquisitor companion, talks about his older brother being Force-sensitive and being taken to the Academy on Korriban, current fate unknown. Talos is not sensitive.

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  • 1 month later...
Thank you all very much for the replies.


I'm glad to know that my understanding wasn't wrong. ;)


Not at all. Your understanding was not wrong. In fact, it feels good to have your theories validated, yes?


I have also had similar theories, so this is a victory of sorts for me as well.


Thank you all for the replies, and thank you "loldudewhat" for asking the questions.

Edited by Darth_Krushya
spelling, grammar, more content
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