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Marauder Abilities Missing at 110%


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Ok, so I've looked through tons of posts about Accuracy and haven't found anything about this, I use ACT parser and I just noticed for the first time that I'm only hitting Appr. 91% of the time. Big abilities such as Annihilate (59/68 Attempts), Ravage (61/66 Attempts), Rupture (67/76 Attempts), so on and so forth. I always thought once you get your Force up to 110% you no longer miss or get defended. Am I missing something?
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110% is for your yellow dmg (the dots). Those abilitys are white dmg which meelee accuracy so there is still a 10% chance to miss, the rupture miss is likely the initial hit from it (which is white dmg the dot after that is yellow) Edited by AngusFTW
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Ambush is also white dmg.

Force/tech 110% = 100% ranged/meelee.

Chances are he had 110% tech accuracy.

You have a 10% chance to miss on ops bosses which is why you go 110% force/tech but once you get that you still have 10% chance to miss your white attacks.

Same thing.

Edited by AngusFTW
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Just went and parsed my Jugg


Ravage 34/34 White Damage.


How does that Ravage never miss, but my Mara's does?


And if it's a matter of single saber then I revert back to how the Sniper's Ambush misses.

Edited by Sppomike
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Sorry edited that statement as you posted yours. Then explain the sniper.


As others have mentioned it is most likely your off-hand missing. Snipers don't have an off-hand that is used in attacks.


You mentioned a few abilities and their hits:

  • Annihilate 59/68
  • Rupture 67/76
  • Ravage 61/66


Each of these abilities have multiple hits 2, 2, and 6 respectively; thus, you activated the abilities 34, 38 and 11 times. Next, each of these abilities have equal parts MH and OH hits; Annihilate and Rupture have 1 each while Ravage has 3 each.


This gives us a total of OH hits of:

  • 34 from Annihilate
  • 38 from Rupture
  • 33 from Ravage


A total of 105. You had a total of 23 misses. Assuming your misses were all OH, your observed OH Accuracy was 78.10% (82 hits/ 105 chances). Given 110% MH Accuracy the OH will have ~75% Accuracy based on the sample size everything seems correct.


Also, technically the direct damage from Rupture is not a big hit; it is the DoT that does 75% of that ability's damage.

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Sorry edited that statement as you posted yours. Then explain the sniper.


Random Sniper chiming in here ^^ Ambush is a _Special_ Attack, hover over Ranged Accuracy and you'll see 110% Accuracy on Special attacks.


Ambush will never miss on an Ops Boss if you have +10% Accuracy, UNLESS you're debuffed or the mob is using some kind of deflect skill. You'll see plenty of misses on trash because of various defenses they often have.


OK, back to lurking now :)

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