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This is a game from 2011?


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This game is faaar from being WoW in space.


World of Warcraft built its name,brand, fanbase on being a good game first and everything else last. SWTOR on the other hand is centered around cutscenes. That is why every time you try to step outside these cutscenes youre met with either social restrictions or poor barebones gameplay.

Most people will drop this game within the first 2 months (some just dont know it yet, but the lack of content will make them lose interest soon enough).


god not sure why you think there is lack of content outside of the starer zone i have yet to do hald the content on a planet before i love on. To me this alone show promise for a long life. When i make an alt their experince will be different. Not just their class stories but what quests i do what decisions i make as to light or dark it all changes the game

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To be honest, I really didn't expect this game to have a ton of content at start and I'm perfectly ok with it. Why? Because I played Eve for a while and saw how they did things. They started out with a very bare-bones structure on which to build a great game. It's now a completely different, and much better game then it was at launch, because instead of trying to do everything at once they played with one idea at a time to see what worked and what didn't. For the most part, I'm perfectly fine with an MMO taking it slow in early stages.
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I'm just gonna throw this out there:


If they took all the money used for VO's, and put it into game/mechanic/content design, we'd have a super-game that would last at least 2 decades.


If they did that i wouldn't be here. STORY is why i'm here.

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Name 1 thing SWTOR does that other MMOs havent done before? ANd no, youre precious VO has been done by AOC in 2008 so thats nothing new either.


Just admit youve never played an MMOrpg before in youre entire life, its OK.


actually fully VO was not done in AOC i played AOC you obviously have not. Companions with an intelligent AI instead of just pets. The fact that the stories are so deep and not just random quests

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This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


These complaint threads get torn apart because they're clearly written by people who have not played the game. No, we are not going to give you respect if you're proving you either haven't touched the game or have but are complaining about anything that is different from WoW- and yes, if you want WoW, you should go back to WoW.


The game has done many things differently, and those things happen to be the target of much disappointment from a very vocal and obnoxious minority. Frankly, if you don't like the game, go play a game you like- I don't play SWTOR because you enjoy the game, I play it because I do.


Not every game is meant for everyone, and there will always be whining about that.


Frankly, the pvp is far more enjoyable than WoW's, it has something to it, the combat system is more complex, CC isn't an instant win button, and everyone has a variety of options for getting into and out of combat. The warzones actually have plausable reasons for me to be there- stealing a datacron or blowing up an enemy ship with turrets makes sense... compare that to picking up a flag somehow having something to do with cutting lumber. Further, PvP actually has player versus player in it- whereas WoW has made it more and more clear with each year, that battlegrounds are where you run past your enemy and pray they do not attack you because that would slow your precious gear grind.


If you hate story, which you clearly do, you are in the wrong game- that is nobody's problem but yours, and you don't belong here. Deal with it.

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Dynamic combat/dynamic quests.


Personally, I think it would be cooler if there was a massive 30+ hour story quest line and then large amounts of xp be gained from fighting in a war.

That like never ends. PvP and PvE, same time, same place. It would be awesome.


Which still has the same elements as all other MMO's. Also, since GW2 hasnt been finished yet we can only assume these things are true and actually work properly.


Anyway, I dont recognize the issues the OP has with SWTOR so yeah, perhaps he should go back to WoW, if this game doesnt tick the boxes for him then that's too bad, move on.

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This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


You are contradicting yourself. First, you make claim that WoW built upon Everquest and improved it. In short, you're pretty much praising WoW for doing that and making improvments upon Everquest's mmo sytle. I could be wrong about the praise thing, but that's what I get from your message. Now you're saying TOR isn't new and it just copied WoW? Were you just not saying WoW copied Everquest too?


Also, how can you not say this game hasn't brought anything new to the mmo world? You don't consider companions, and the voice over new ideas and features for an mmo? In my opinion, I think Bioware has done some fantastic things with this game and has set a new expectation level for mmos. Lets also not forget that mmos constantly evolve. This game is great as it is now, but I bet in a few years it will have a bunch of different features that will make the game that much more enjoyable.


One last thing, if you're going to make references comparing this game to WoW and bash it, you can't expect people not to say go back to WoW.

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So tell us then. How would you make a MMO quest without killing, fetching, or delivering something. I'd love to know what this new direction is.


The problem with TOR quests is they are very bland and static 1-50. Either outside circle of mobs with a glowy in the middle or a hallway of mobs with a glowy at the end.


There are only 4 pulls for most of the trip:

1 Champion guy standing there

1 Strong guy patrolling

1 Strong and his normal buddy standing there

3-4 normal buds standing there


There is almost no variation or creativity within that system. Very rarely do some guys jet pack in or show up stealthed. All these indoor zones and you never get ambushed or sniped at from the catwalk. Never an explosion where baddies run in. Just bland dudes standing there lifelessly over and over and over. They have these interesting elements in their flashpoints but nowhere while questing. That is very thoughtless in terms of a BioWare experience. I'm not suggesting everyone phase should have these elements but even just a few would spice things up.


The quests are just a bridge to more cutscenes. Cutscenes are meant to augment gameplay, not replace it. They've had a balance between story and actual gameplay in many of their games but it feels careless in this game.

Edited by icanhasraegtiem
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Dynamic combat/dynamic quests.


Personally, I think it would be cooler if there was a massive 30+ hour story quest line and then large amounts of xp be gained from fighting in a war.

That like never ends. PvP and PvE, same time, same place. It would be awesome.


well we had the never ending war ( well it woudl run for a month then restart) in POTBS unfortunatly people started QQing that the war was to tuff so they kept tuning the pvp down which drove the pvpers away and the game has been on lifesupport ever since

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I think everyone gets the "it will get added in" type deal. No reasonable person expects everything, but some of the stuff not available (esp. custom UI elements) makes one wonder why they didn't implement this from BETA. The game could have launched with a ton of player produced addons that would have improved the game quality immensely.


They are doing a good job, no doubt. Just curious some of the decisions.


You really think making it so players can mod the game is that easy? Think about it, you can't just let people do that, you have to also have it so the mods being made can't exploit the game- that's where it gets tricky. Frankly, I can see why BW doesn't want to be dealing with problems that rise with launch AND all the problems that players have made with mod hacks/exploits at the same time.


Much easier to wait til you have everything under control, and then deal with the issues that come from modding.

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The problem with TOR quests is they are very bland and static 1-50. Either outside circle of mobs with a glowy in the middle or a hallway of mobs with a glowy at the end.


There are only 4 pulls for most of the trip:

1 Champion guy standing there

1 Strong guy patrolling

1 Strong and his normal buddy standing there

3-4 normal buds standing there


There is almost no variation or creativity within that system. Very rarely do some guys jet pack in or show up stealthed. All these indoor zones and you never get ambushed or sniped at from the catwalk. Never an explosion where baddies run in. Just bland dudes standing there lifelessly over and over and over. They have these interesting elements in their flashpoints but nowhere while questing. That is very thoughtless in terms of a BioWare experience. I'm not suggesting everyone phase should have these elements but even just a few would spice things up.


The quests are just a bridge to more cutscenes. Cutscenes are meant to augment gameplay, not replace it. They've had a balance between story and actual gameplay in many of their games but it feels careless in this game.


you need to get out and do more quests. Just today I was ambushed by assasins because of a choice I made during a quest yesterday

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well we had the never ending war ( well it woudl run for a month then restart) in POTBS unfortunatly people started QQing that the war was to tuff so they kept tuning the pvp down which drove the pvpers away and the game has been on lifesupport ever since


I wanted to get into pirates but never ended up doing so.

anyway, I think this is one possible solution to the end of the MMO grind.


60 years of writing or whatever BioWare said they put into the various story lines are still just grind.

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I like the voice acting, but i feel the resources used to voice all the quests could have been used to improve the game as a whole. My trooper has said "i live to serve the republic" too many times in my opinion.


The depth of story is similar to what i would find in a single player game, which isn't a bad thing, but this is an MMO. And following my class story leaves a linear questing experience. It seems i have less choice on the places i want to visit to level because of this.


thats the whole point. Instead of just the same old MMO they wanted to really make the story an important part so they did give it the depth you would find only in a single person RPG. part of this games whole appeal is the stories. Not just the class ones but all of them. Instead of feelling like you are sent out to kill 6 wombats you are given a reason to kill them so that you feel like you are part of what is going on

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Read and watch videos on this.


I watched the GW2 PAX 2011 East and a vast majority of people were extremely disappointed with the PvP that was presented. Not to mention the problem GW2 is having with optimizing their "just swing" mechanics.


Every game gets over hyped and every game disappoints SOME PEOPLE!

Edited by Teilo
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The problem with TOR quests is they are very bland and static 1-50. Either outside circle of mobs with a glowy in the middle or a hallway of mobs with a glowy at the end.


There are only 4 pulls for most of the trip:

1 Champion guy standing there

1 Strong guy patrolling

1 Strong and his normal buddy standing there

3-4 normal buds standing there


There is almost no variation or creativity within that system. Very rarely do some guys jet pack in or show up stealthed. All these indoor zones and you never get ambushed or sniped at from the catwalk. Never an explosion where baddies run in. Just bland dudes standing there lifelessly over and over and over. They have these interesting elements in their flashpoints but nowhere while questing. That is very thoughtless in terms of a BioWare experience. I'm not suggesting everyone phase should have these elements but even just a few would spice things up.


The quests are just a bridge to more cutscenes. Cutscenes are meant to augment gameplay, not replace it. They've had a balance between story and actual gameplay in many of their games but it feels careless in this game.


You've already mentioned a half dozen ways enemies show up, and there's dozens more.


Compare that to WoW and 99% of other mmos where you walk into the open world... and enemies are just walking around or standing aimlessly with no purpose. Most enemies are doing something- slicing, checking data, fixing robot teammates, etc...


What exactly are you expecting? That every time you take a step something completely unexpected happens? People don't want to be fighting a group of enemies they saw and felt they could take on, only for a swarm to show up out of the sky or someone in a catwalk they can't reach to start killing them, that happens in flashpoints for a reason.

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I watched the GW2 PAX 2011 East and a vast majority of people were extremely disappointed with the PvP that was presented. Not to mention the problem GW2 is having with optimizing their Just swing mechanics.


Every game gets over hyped and every game disappoints SOME PEOPLE!


Interesting points.

I cannot comment on the PAX experiences.


It's too bad Christopher Nolan couldn't make an MMO. All of his films are so overhyped yet somehow exceed almost all expectations.

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