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No Purple Rep tokens for the Bounty event?


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I hit the rep cap in a little over one day because of running multiple toons. At my current rate, I'll have enough of the green and blue rep tokens to cap my rep during the 3 weeks before the event returns. And that's missing the first day of the event.


The amount of time it takes to do one bounty, coupled with multiple toons and the unlocking of the Kingpin bounties means the only thing stopping us now is the weekly rep cap.


I'm going to assume that what we are seeing is just the beginning, the proverbial "tip of the iceberg". We might see more additions as the event goes on, including larger rep tokens, but for now it's pretty easy to cap without them.

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Kingpin rewards dont feel very much like you've accomplished anything. Shame.


Yes, that's a bit ridiculous. It costs me 1900 credits to fly to from the fleet to Voss, so I'm actually losing money or barely breaking even by taking the contract, depending on how many probes I have to buy to get the 4 contracts. Makes no sense. I hope Bioware is watching and aware of this with a fix incoming.


There is no need to use the probes, and for most of the contracts you can just use legacy travel (only a few are not available in cheap destinations if any).

Edited by Asavrede
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I think the rep is fine but the credit were getting is sad particular with how much the rewards cost. We should be at least getting 7-10k like a daily mission, maybe 15-25k for the Kingpin. I suppose you could scale it with level too, if there worried about people getting too much credits by running low level alts. In truth it shouldn’t be a problem with the daily limit of two and it only going for one week. I also think the reward should be lowered and be around what the Gree event item cost. I’m sort of tighter of everything cost 250k, I know for some people that nothing but not all of us have millions of credits. Overall I like the event.
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