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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

AFK Timer / Multi Character Queue / Universal Fleet Chat


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In response to other guy's post... For that matter, let us disable the stupid AFK timer all together!


For those of you who are DPS only, I don't have to tell you about the atrocious queue times for flashpoints (not even talking about ops) which can take up to 4 hours sometimes. So how am I supposed to queue and wait for 4 hours if the game kicks me in 30 min or whatever? Why should I have to program my keyboard or set up some intricate mechanical device to keep W + A pressed so I can drive in circles to not be kicked while I go watch TV and wait for the queue to pop.


Also I might need to switch characters to do crafting or crew skills or whatever... Well too bad, if you need to switch over your queue gets screwed to hell and you have to wait another 2 hours. This game has a history of screwing over those of us with big legacies in favor of the single-character noob. I personally need to log over every 42 min to handle crafting orders, how am I supposed to ever sit in a DPS queue?


You need to give us the minute or two you give us to accept the queue to log back over to the character we queued on so we can actually keep playing while we wait instead of just browsing the internet or running circles on fleet spouting stupid nonsense into genchat. General chat wouldn't be so bad if you didn't force everyone to just sit there and wait.


If we had a universal fleet channel that was accessible form any planet, we could go do dailies while trying to get crafting business or LFG for ops. Instead, everyone who wants either of these things has to come to fleet, sit, and make stupid jawa or anal jokes because they're so bored all they can think of is juvenile nonsense.

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If we had a universal fleet channel that was accessible form any planet, [...]

Actually many servers do have such a channel.


You can create it or join it by typing "/cjoin lfg" (on Vanjervalis chain it is "sng").


This will create or join you to a global channel. Now all you need to do is getting other people to join that channel too and you will have your global looking for group channel.


I find more than 75% of my PUGs that way and usually only use the GF, when the group is already formed.

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If we had a universal fleet channel that was accessible form any planet, we could go do dailies while trying to get crafting business or LFG for ops. Instead, everyone who wants either of these things has to come to fleet, sit, and make stupid jawa or anal jokes because they're so bored all they can think of is juvenile nonsense.


I am both for and against this...


First, a universal chat channel that is seen everywhere is not needed and shouldn't be added.. That would be the one channel that is constantly turned off.. As it is now, I by default have the general chat channel for everywhere turned off.. If I need something then I turn it on.. Like you, I am tired of the juvenile antics of some of the other players..


WOW's had 2 general chat channels.. One that was regional and one that was city.. The city one could be seen from any city.. The regional only worked depending on the area you were in.. Basically what we have now.. General on Illum only works on Illum..


We need a general that works on the fleet, Coruscant (Not in the quest areas.), and any main or starting base on every planet.. That way, everyone has as far as the main base on the planet they are on to get fleet chat.. They could even go further and connect all the space port stations and orbital stations.. Instead of the bases, just connect the orbital and space ports.. That would actually make more sense story wise.. Plus it would give more use for the orbital stations.. All of them..


Which by the way.. CZ-198 needs either a space port or an orbital station.. Just saying.. :)

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We need a general that works on the fleet, Coruscant (Not in the quest areas.), and any main or starting base on every planet.. That way, everyone has as far as the main base on the planet they are on to get fleet chat.. They could even go further and connect all the space port stations and orbital stations.. Instead of the bases, just connect the orbital and space ports.. That would actually make more sense story wise.. Plus it would give more use for the orbital stations.. All of them..

Sorry, but I fail to see the logic in this suggestion.


Either you are idle, then you can as well be idle on fleet or you are not idle, then you are not in the starting areas. However I want to be non-idle (doing dailys, leveling a twink, doing achievements...) and still want to listen to the global LFG channel... that is the whole reason, that we did create one on VC and it works great.

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It's more than ridiculous being logged out of the game while you making use of the GTN, and clicking on the UI.


yesterday I got logged out while activly designing my new sniper.

It seems that swtor doesn't notice the changes I make to the character I'm currently designing as actions.

(I have a long time until the character looks right to me :o)

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And the first one emerges from under his bridge. Obviously nobody needs to do anything, we could all just stop breathing and die... For the rest of us, we try to improve our lives by making suggestions. If you are happy with the game as it is why are you even here in this forum?


But no the fleet channel wouldn't be mandatory, it would just be joinable from anywhere. A simple /cjoin fleet would give you access to be able to do all the things you would otherwise have to be on fleet to do.


And the guy who suggested the /LFG channel- that's actually a great idea, unfortunately very few people on my server actually use such a thing. They normally just pop out of the instance and ask in general and guild chat. If we could get the devs to add the LFG channel to one of the /# commands that would be great (if it spanned all planets) as it would make others aware of it.

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