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The Emperor's Return


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The debate over the Emperor being dead or alive is irrelevant. He'll return at some point, whether his Voice or his body was killed. So how should he return?


He's going to take over Satele Shan or Supreme Chancellor Saresh.


They better not have him take over Satele Shan. Especially already having to deal with him controlling my Guardian for months.


Satele Shan is one of my favorite NPCs and Jedi, in any media.

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The debate over the Emperor being dead or alive is irrelevant. He'll return at some point, whether his Voice or his body was killed. So how should he return?


He's going to take over Satele Shan or Supreme Chancellor Saresh.


plz do emperor take over shan's body. its only fair that the figurehead of the empire (malgus) dies that the figurehead of the republic (satele shan) also dies. but ill also be satisfied with saresh gone as well. her rebuilding efforts on taris are as likely to continue as we are to retake balmora

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plz do emperor take over shan's body. its only fair that the figurehead of the empire (malgus) dies that the figurehead of the republic (satele shan) also dies. but ill also be satisfied with saresh gone as well. her rebuilding efforts on taris are as likely to continue as we are to retake balmora



I have doubts. According to the exiles ghost, It could be more likely to be Revan.


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plz do emperor take over shan's body. its only fair that the figurehead of the empire (malgus) dies that the figurehead of the republic (satele shan) also dies. but ill also be satisfied with saresh gone as well. her rebuilding efforts on taris are as likely to continue as we are to retake balmora


Your assessment makes no sense at all.


Malgus died as a result of spearheading a revolution from within the Sith Empire, in order to enforce change; Satele, like the rest of the Jedi order, is an ally to the Galactic Republic. Also, imperials took Taris ages ago and it's fair to assume that all plans to rebuild the planet have been abandoned.

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