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No answer from CS for other serious Sentinel issues


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The reduced accuracy of the offhand weapon is problematic. I understand the damage done should be balanced compared to other classes, but there is the damage reduction already. Tamperring with accuracy messes up combat logs in terms of misses and also makes the Sentinel look like a retarded (you would only expect warriors to dual wield if they are equally skilled with both hands which is not unprecedented in real life either). The damage reduction is an understandable and acceptable compromise though.


As for damage reduction: either the Dread Council boss fight in TFB or the way damage reduction is calculated for the Sentinel is bugged. Sentinels have Defensive Roll passive skill (30%), Rebuke (20%) and Force Camouflage (50%). If every effect is present, that should mean damage immunity for the duration of FC, yet a Sentinel loses 25-30% health when the explosion comes at the end of the lightning phase if they (but no one else) stand in front of Heirad. My theory is that the equation to calculate damage taken is false, there is probably a multiplication 100%*(1-0,3)*(1-0,2)*(1-0,5) = 28% instead of substraction: 100%-(30%+50%+20%)=0%. Same applies for Guarded by the Force (99% damage reduction), that skill alone should protect the Sentinel against the explosion but a player with 25%-30% of a health bar dies (and not owing the splash damage), so it is definitely not working.


What I find strange is when I activate Rebuke and check my character screen, the damage reduction percentage is increased by 20 percentage points. On the other hand, when I activate FC or GbtF the damage reduction number does not change. I would like CS to clarify how game calculates damage reduction in PVE content and why I only see the effect of Rebuke?


Now, onto the third one, Force Leap. If a players is pushed back, Force Leap may be activated in the air. Sometimes the Sentinel changes direction and leaps back to the enemy, but sometimes they suddenly find themselves at the location they would have ended up from the pushback, having a cooldown on Force Leap and they are stuck for half a minute as well (running in one position). Also, it is very annoying when a Focus spec Sentinel Force Leaps to an enemy and presses Force Sweep in the air, but the enemy pushes them away, so the cooldown starts on FS, but the animation and the damage only applies at the new position instead of the destination. If a players is dislocated, the queued command should not apply.


Finally, if you would be so kind, could you please remove the critical+alacrity combination Sentinel drops/tokens from the game? Some would say any Sentinel gear with crit OR alacrity should go to trash as well. At the moment either the players or the developers do not understand how the maths work for this class.

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The reduced accuracy of the offhand weapon is problematic. I understand the damage done should be balanced compared to other classes, but there is the damage reduction already. Tamperring with accuracy messes up combat logs in terms of misses and also makes the Sentinel look like a retarded (you would only expect warriors to dual wield if they are equally skilled with both hands which is not unprecedented in real life either). The damage reduction is an understandable and acceptable compromise though.


As for damage reduction: either the Dread Council boss fight in TFB or the way damage reduction is calculated for the Sentinel is bugged. Sentinels have Defensive Roll passive skill (30%), Rebuke (20%) and Force Camouflage (50%). If every effect is present, that should mean damage immunity for the duration of FC, yet a Sentinel loses 25-30% health when the explosion comes at the end of the lightning phase if they (but no one else) stand in front of Heirad. My theory is that the equation to calculate damage taken is false, there is probably a multiplication 100%*(1-0,3)*(1-0,2)*(1-0,5) = 28% instead of substraction: 100%-(30%+50%+20%)=0%. Same applies for Guarded by the Force (99% damage reduction), that skill alone should protect the Sentinel against the explosion but a player with 25%-30% of a health bar dies (and not owing the splash damage), so it is definitely not working.


What I find strange is when I activate Rebuke and check my character screen, the damage reduction percentage is increased by 20 percentage points. On the other hand, when I activate FC or GbtF the damage reduction number does not change. I would like CS to clarify how game calculates damage reduction in PVE content and why I only see the effect of Rebuke?


Now, onto the third one, Force Leap. If a players is pushed back, Force Leap may be activated in the air. Sometimes the Sentinel changes direction and leaps back to the enemy, but sometimes they suddenly find themselves at the location they would have ended up from the pushback, having a cooldown on Force Leap and they are stuck for half a minute as well (running in one position). Also, it is very annoying when a Focus spec Sentinel Force Leaps to an enemy and presses Force Sweep in the air, but the enemy pushes them away, so the cooldown starts on FS, but the animation and the damage only applies at the new position instead of the destination. If a players is dislocated, the queued command should not apply.


Finally, if you would be so kind, could you please remove the critical+alacrity combination Sentinel drops/tokens from the game? Some would say any Sentinel gear with crit OR alacrity should go to trash as well. At the moment either the players or the developers do not understand how the maths work for this class.


1. I dont understand your point about offhand accuracy. Yea its a bit annoying in the logs but hardly a big deal. If they increased accuracy they would have to decrease damage further to balance, again i dont understand the point..


2. OBVIOUSLY your defensive cooldowns arent added together, like you say that would enable complete damage immunity and ridicilous damage reductions that would be completely insanely overpowered, this is intented and thank god for that..... Its not bugged or "false". Nowhere does it say they should add together.

as far as gbtf goes yes it doesnt work on the lightning field which i think is intended to prevent sentinels to cheese the mechanic (But of course its completely allright for snipers and sages to cheese it with roll/godbubble.............................................................. n1 bioware.)


3. Yes that because rebuke adds 20% to your damage reduction whereas force camo decreases the damage you take by 50% which is NOT the same as adding 50% damage reduction. I agree the tooltips could be a bit clearer in descibing how it works but to be honest its quite easy to find out for yourself.


4. Yes i completely agree with the issues with force leap, evey other game in pvp i find myself stuck in "the netherworld" as i call it and have to either call a sage for a pull or /stuck. Will probably never be fixed.


5. Well the gear sets have both challenger and weaponmaster gear so you can always choose a piece with the stats you want, as far as random drops in raids go well.. theyre often kinda **** ye.

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1. I do not mind if they further reduce offhand damage if accuracy is the same for main and offhand. Logs are easier to read (min-maxing gear), plus overall damage depends less on luck.


2. Not only can sages and scoundrels roll out of Lightning Explosion, but they can survive Doom as well that way. Funny thing is that mechanism is a must for there are less green circles spawning than the number of players getting Doomed would require which leaves me wondering again...


3. Skill description says:

Rebuke = Reduces all damage taken by 20%.

Force Camouflage = Reducing all damage taken by 50%.

Defensive Rolls = Reduces damage taken from area affects by 30%.

Guarded by the Force = 99% damage reduction


Based on the description, Rebuke, Force Camouflage and Defensive Rolls should work the same way by all means. Also, I do not understand yet why "Reduces all damage taken by X% " and "X% damage reduction" would mean a different mechanism.

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1. I do not mind if they further reduce offhand damage if accuracy is the same for main and offhand. Logs are easier to read (min-maxing gear), plus overall damage depends less on luck.


2. Not only can sages and scoundrels roll out of Lightning Explosion, but they can survive Doom as well that way. Funny thing is that mechanism is a must for there are less green circles spawning than the number of players getting Doomed would require which leaves me wondering again...


3. Skill description says:

Rebuke = Reduces all damage taken by 20%.

Force Camouflage = Reducing all damage taken by 50%.

Defensive Rolls = Reduces damage taken from area affects by 30%.

Guarded by the Force = 99% damage reduction


Based on the description, Rebuke, Force Camouflage and Defensive Rolls should work the same way by all means. Also, I do not understand yet why "Reduces all damage taken by X% " and "X% damage reduction" would mean a different mechanism.


1. Fair enough, although i dont share your opinon.


2. No if you do the fight correctly without anyone eating green circles without having doom there is enough circls for eveyone to survive, we have done this in our group. I agree its stupid that sages and slingers can cheese it and we can only hope bioware will sort that kind of things for upcoming raids.


3. Yes like i said the descriptions arent really explaining how it works exactly.

There is a *very* big differance between increasing your damage reduction and decreasing your damage taken.

For example lets assume you have 50% damage reduction (wont happen but just to simplify). If force camo would add 50% damage reduction popping force camo would give you 50 + 50 = 100% damage reduction meaning you would take no damage.

They way it actually works is decreases damage taken by 50% which means if you get attacked by something dealing 1000 damage, 50% will be reduced from your damage reduction and then half of that damage will be reduced by force camo so you would take 250 damage. (1000/2/2 = 250)

Rebuke adds to your damage reduction, force camo does not.

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The reduced accuracy of the offhand weapon is problematic. I understand the damage done should be balanced compared to other classes, but there is the damage reduction already. Tamperring with accuracy messes up combat logs in terms of misses and also makes the Sentinel look like a retarded (you would only expect warriors to dual wield if they are equally skilled with both hands which is not unprecedented in real life either). The damage reduction is an understandable and acceptable compromise though.


I disagree that it is an acceptable compromise. Later on, you say "...I do not mind if they further reduce offhand damage if accuracy is the same for main and offhand. Logs are easier to read (min-maxing gear), plus overall damage depends less on luck."


Since the majority of classes only have one weapon and all Force/Tech attacks are singular, changing the formulas to accommodate the minority dual wielders does not make sense.


The basic damage formulas are:

  • MH Damage = Hilt Damage + Standard Damage + Bonus Damage
  • OH Damage = Hilt Damage
  • Force/Tech Damage = Standard Damage + Force/Tech Bonus Damage

There are several varying coefficients for each of these terms as well.


In the most extreme example, the OH damage for Merciless Slash will account for 25% the attack's damage. This assumes a maximum critical OH hit, and the minimal possible MH hit. In reality, the expected damage including crit and accuracy means the OH will be 11% of the damage of this attack.


We - just like every other class - are heavily dependent on MH not missing hence it is important to get MH accuracy to the right level. I would actually argue that our damage output offers better outcomes because we have more volatility in our damage.


If you need help deciphering your combat logs, let me know which spec you play and I can direct you to a couple of places that offer tips. Generally, all of your misses will come from your OH. Every instant attack only has one OH component, but it may have 2 or 3 MH hits. Master Strike/Ravage has an equal number of MH & OH hits.


As for damage reduction: either the Dread Council boss fight in TFB or the way damage reduction is calculated for the Sentinel is bugged. Sentinels have Defensive Roll passive skill (30%), Rebuke (20%) and Force Camouflage (50%). If every effect is present, that should mean damage immunity for the duration of FC, yet a Sentinel loses 25-30% health when the explosion comes at the end of the lightning phase if they (but no one else) stand in front of Heirad. My theory is that the equation to calculate damage taken is false, there is probably a multiplication 100%*(1-0,3)*(1-0,2)*(1-0,5) = 28% instead of substraction: 100%-(30%+50%+20%)=0%. Same applies for Guarded by the Force (99% damage reduction), that skill alone should protect the Sentinel against the explosion but a player with 25%-30% of a health bar dies (and not owing the splash damage), so it is definitely not working.


What I find strange is when I activate Rebuke and check my character screen, the damage reduction percentage is increased by 20 percentage points. On the other hand, when I activate FC or GbtF the damage reduction number does not change. I would like CS to clarify how game calculates damage reduction in PVE content and why I only see the effect of Rebuke?


The lack of damage reduction from Guarded by the Force on this fight seems like a bug. It has already been posted in the bug report forum although there has been no response.


There is not a cumulative damage reduction element. Each factor is considered sequentially. Thus, defensive forms applies it 30% reduction first so you will never see 100% of the incoming damage. I don't know which is next, but it effectively becomes the multiplicative example you outline.


Incidentally, this is the same way store sales work. If a shirt has a price of $100 and the item is on sale for 20% off and you have a coupon for 20% off, you do not get the shirt for $60. It would be $64, which is effectively 36% off of the original price.


Now, onto the third one, Force Leap. If a players is pushed back, Force Leap may be activated in the air. Sometimes the Sentinel changes direction and leaps back to the enemy, but sometimes they suddenly find themselves at the location they would have ended up from the pushback, having a cooldown on Force Leap and they are stuck for half a minute as well (running in one position). Also, it is very annoying when a Focus spec Sentinel Force Leaps to an enemy and presses Force Sweep in the air, but the enemy pushes them away, so the cooldown starts on FS, but the animation and the damage only applies at the new position instead of the destination. If a players is dislocated, the queued command should not apply.


I believe this is a client/server disparities or lag. Plus, since it does not happen every time, it is tough to call it a bug. I agree it can be frustrating, but I am not sure there is a solution.


Finally, if you would be so kind, could you please remove the critical+alacrity combination Sentinel drops/tokens from the game? Some would say any Sentinel gear with crit OR alacrity should go to trash as well. At the moment either the players or the developers do not understand how the maths work for this class.


I am pretty sure they did remove Alacrity from Kell Dragon gear. Crit rating is a more interesting issue; I would suggest revamping the crit rating formula to make it more useful instead of removing it from the gear.

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Thank you for the responds, I hope CS will take the time as well to let us know how the developers intend to clarify how damage reduction is calculated if simultaneous effects are present and make it easier to understand based on the ingame tooltips as well.


Actually there was one thing I forgot to mention here: am I the only one to find it absurd a Sentinel has a skill called Merciless Slash whereas a Jedi should always be merciful?

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I could be wrong but in general percentages are never added but rather always taken as a multiple. For example: You go into a store to buy a $100 shirt with a 25% off coupon. When you get there you find it is already marked down by 25%. If you simply add the percentages then the cost would be $50 but this is not the case. First you apply one of the 25% discounts and it reduces the price to $75. Then you apply the second and it comes to $56.25. Not that big of a difference in this example but trust me, the store would care enough to correct your misunderstanding. So regardless of the wording (and in this case I believe references to Damage Reduction refer specifically to the Stat Damage Reduction, whereas the abilities that reference reducing damage are simply reducing incoming damage so while confusing they are functioning separately) these abilities are not added but are multiplied. So if you take 1000 damage and you use gbtf you would take 10 damage. But you also have Force Camo active (30%? Sorry its super late/early and I can't remember off the top of my head) so then you would take 30% off of that which would leave 7 damage.


Oofalong is probably waaaaaaaaaay better at the math and mechanics than I am but that is my understanding.

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I could be wrong but in general percentages are never added but rather always taken as a multiple.


In general, yes, but TOR does some freaky things. Most percentage buffs in TOR are added, not multiplied. Thus, if you're a tank and you have a talent which increases damage reduction by 2%, and also a set bonus which increases damage reduction by another 2%, your net damage reduction increase from those two factors is 4% (shadows have exactly this). Guarded By The Force and Force Camo all fall into a special category of buffs that affect the "Damage Received Modifier", which doesn't show up on a character sheet and (I am fairly certain) stacks additively. Thus, GBTF + Force Camo = >100% damage reduction. When percentage reductions exceed 100%, they are rounded off (percentage increases are not). Thus, GBTF + Force Camo should in theory prevent all damage.


Except it doesn't, and the reason it doesn't is additive buff stacking. Lightning Field applies a debuff in Nightmare Mode which decreases your movement speed. That debuff also increases the damage you take by an enormous amount. If all of the debuffs are applied, your damage taken is increased by 570%!! Remember, additive debuffs, so we have 570 - 99 - 50 = 421%. In other words, Guarded and Camo *are* working, it's just really hard to see the effect because you're getting blasted so hard.


Note that Saber Ward falls into another category of buff and does stack separately (and multiplicatively) with the damage received buffs. It's hard to say exactly why it isn't working (possibly AoE damage?). Rebuke works because it simply affects Damage Reduction (which also comes from other sources like armor) and thus stacks multiplicatively with the Lightning Field debuffs, reducing the damage by a very large amount.

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The common theme is that the math is never in the player's favor. I don't mean this an indictment; I am fine with how it is. I do recognize it can be misleading and difficult to decipher at times.


Well, it's occasionally in the player's favor. Additive DR buff stacking is really nice, especially for tanks. It makes a lot of the tanking talents a lot more valuable than they would first appear. Additive damage and armor pen buff talents are also extremely nice. In fact, arsenal/gunnery spec merc/comandos really rely on this additive stacking being as advantageous as it is.


It certainly does cut both ways though (e.g. Lightning Field). It's absolutely difficult to decipher. I spend a lot of time crawling through the script files, reading meta-stat buff/debuff declarations for various abilities and trying to figure out how they all fit together. Even with all that, I didn't realize exactly why GBTF didn't work on Lightning Field in Nightmare Mode until quite recently.

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I think I may have caused some semantic confusion. From a player's perspective the way percentage-based modifications are applied is disadvantageous from the perspective of damage/healing done and damage prevented. The mechanics are universal so they technically harm bosses assuming they are present within the fight.


Using KBN's tank example, a skill for 2% damage reduction and a 2% set bonus buff currently results in a combined damage reduction of 4%. The alternative way to view is to say my damage reduction is currently X and now this skill boosts it by 2% resulting in 1.02 * X. Now my set bonus further boosts this by another 2% resulting in 1.02 ^ 2 * X. In this case, the total damage reduction would actually be 4.04%. The current methodology is less beneficial for the player.


Next, let's look at varietasplus example of Defensive Forms, Force Camo and Rebuke. These provide 30%, 50% and 20% damage respectively. Given incoming damage of 10,000 a player would actually be hit for 2,800. {10,000 * (1 - 0.30) * (1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.2) = 2,800}. The alternative way would be to assume 100% damage reduction. Again, the current methodology is less beneficial for the player.


As another example, let's consider the stacking Charged Barrel/Tracer Lock buff with boosts the next High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot by 6% per stack. Let's assume the ability does 5,000 base damage. Currently, with 5 stacks you would see a 30% increase in its damage to 6,500 (5,000 *130%). Alternatively, if each stack did 6% more damage and they compounded you would expect the damage to be 6,650 (5,000 * 133% or 1.06^5 or 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06 * 1.06). Again, the current methodology is less beneficial for the player.


Finally, let's look at Inspiration/Bloodthirst, the Weaponmaster Buff and six Juyo Stacks. These contribute 15%, 4% and 12% more damage respectively. If a tick of Cauterize/Rupture typically deals 400 damage boosted by all of these it would do 524 (400 * (1 + 0.15 + 0.04 + 0.12)). The alternative would be 400 * 1.15 * 1.04 * 1.12 which would be 535 damage.


In all of the situations the player receives the least benefit possible between the two methodologies, and both additive and multiplicative methodologies are used. Are there examples where this isn't true?

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In all of the situations the player receives the least benefit possible between the two methodologies, and both additive and multiplicative methodologies are used. Are there examples where this isn't true?


Off the top of my head, the stacking of GBTF and Force Camo is an example where things are beneficial, since the combination of the two achieves 100% damage reduction (absent other modifiers, like on Lightning Field), whereas it really should just achieve 1 - (1 - 0.99)(1 - 0.5) = 99.5% DR. Basically, any combination of buffs or debuffs that approaches 100% from below or 0% from above is going to hit a threshold where additive stacking is superior to multiplicative.

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Off the top of my head, the stacking of GBTF and Force Camo is an example where things are beneficial, since the combination of the two achieves 100% damage reduction (absent other modifiers, like on Lightning Field), whereas it really should just achieve 1 - (1 - 0.99)(1 - 0.5) = 99.5% DR. Basically, any combination of buffs or debuffs that approaches 100% from below or 0% from above is going to hit a threshold where additive stacking is superior to multiplicative.


See if you can come up with another example because the conditions you outline don't really exist. That is, there really isn't a need to use both CDs at the same time, and in the few cases where it may be beneficial there other other mechanics to negate this. It's like they did this on purpose :cool:


Also, are you sure they stack like this? That would imply Sentinels/Marauders too could negate Ciphas's Doom. I do not believe this is possible.

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See if you can come up with another example because the conditions you outline don't really exist. That is, there really isn't a need to use both CDs at the same time, and in the few cases where it may be beneficial there other other mechanics to negate this. It's like they did this on purpose :cool:


It's largely I think the fact that GBTF is so friggin good at just about everything that there's no need to stack them together. Point taken though. :-)


Also, are you sure they stack like this? That would imply Sentinels/Marauders too could negate Ciphas's Doom. I do not believe this is possible.


Almost 100% positive. I've never actually tried to negate Doom through this combination, but I'm totally willing to try. I do know that the combination negates Deletion Protocol in Op IX, and that's really the only time I've ever tried the two of them paired together.


I'm basically just going off of a) how I know the game composes effects that touch the same meta-stats, and b) what the torhead effect details tell me.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I guess we agree on the fact how happy we are to have this game therefore we have been overlooking every minor and major design flaw or bug for this is the first MMO for Bioware, but there is a point where we rightfully lose our patience. We are not playing this game to inspect combat logs or to guess game mechanisms but to have fun. If we are to minmax our gear and use our skills properly to survive nightmare mode, the least we expect in return is to have a consistent and transparent game system for both damage and healing done and damage mitigation. Having skills with same description but different maths (damage reduction for instance) is unacceptable and irritating. Also, if a class has an essential skill for survival (Guarded by the Force), it is not appropriate if it is bugged by intention to prevent that class from gaining advantage compared to other classes while other classes' are not ripped off their unique capabilites (Force Barrier, roll).
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Ciphas' Doom is totally negated by GBTF. In NiM I ignore it, watch the timer on the debuff and hit GBTF at the last second.


Another off-topic but interesting thing I've experienced, is the ability to skip Styrak's Nightmare by using your CC break at the moment you bend over, stunned(right before entering the nightmare)

Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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Ciphas' Doom is totally negated by GBTF. In NiM I ignore it, watch the timer on the debuff and hit GBTF at the last second.



Doom hits for 13278432478163241264 (no, this is not the exact number) damage, 1% is more than enough to kill a player, how would you survive that with GbtF?

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Doom hits for 13278432478163241264 (no, this is not the exact number) damage, 1% is more than enough to kill a player, how would you survive that with GbtF?


Yeah, this is what I recall as well. I just haven't taken a hit of it recently cause it hurts :)

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Doom hits for 13278432478163241264 (no, this is not the exact number) damage, 1% is more than enough to kill a player, how would you survive that with GbtF?


How do I cheese doom in NiM then? Is it a miracle? Go try it, it totally works. When doom is at 2s, click gbtf, and you live, with only minor dmg..moreover, why on earth would i make something like this up?

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Oh yeah, I thought I posted this already, but I survived NM Dread Guard Doom with Force Camo and Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage. I don't know if you need both up or just Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage. Obviously you have to time it well...
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Oh yeah, I thought I posted this already, but I survived NM Dread Guard Doom with Force Camo and Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage. I don't know if you need both up or just Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage. Obviously you have to time it well...


Like I said, additive stacking. :-)

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you don't need force camo. I never use it for doom. just gbtf on it's own. I'll look through some of my logs to see if I can see how much dmg I take from doom with gbtf.


Edit: here is a log that proves ZERO dmg from doom, using only gbtf-


and a screen of the log


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you don't need force camo. I never use it for doom. just gbtf on it's own. I'll look through some of my logs to see if I can see how much dmg I take from doom with gbtf.


Edit: here is a log that proves ZERO dmg from doom, using only gbtf-


and a screen of the log



KBN: Hmm, based on this not necessarily additive, hmmm...


EDIT: I can't swear to it, but when NM DG was first out, I thought Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage did not keep you alive. I wonder if the nerf in 2.2.3 affected Doom's damage allowing you to survive it.

Edited by oofalong
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