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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Faction Change Ideas!!!!


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Ok, so I am not sure how often ideas that are placed in the forums by players are actually implemented into the game.


But I have a good idea to solve the faction change issue.


I have heard that they don't want to incorporate faction changes because each class has a specific quest line.

And I agree to an extent. In the realm of star wars people constantly change from light side to dark or dark side to light. and im not just talking about their light/dark meter.


SWTOR should incorporate faction change by charging a specific cartel coin amount that unlocks a quest change for a player to do certain missions that would take them to the dark side, once said quest chain is done, they complete their faction change. I think this would allow for a more FUN game play and allow those who want to faction change from the imp to rep side or v/v.


That's just my two cents.

Edited by Darth-Syph
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I think the easiest way to do a faction swap is to clone the character over to the opposite faction as its Imp/Pub mirror. Sorc becomes Sage, Shadow becomes Assassin, Slinger becomes a sniper, etc. All side quests are deleted, the main story line is deleted, and the progress of the story line is checked off on the opposite side. For example, if Jedi Knight killed the Emp, and later swaps to the Empire he killed Baras. Some of our legacy perks already have this mapping, and I believe that it would be feasible to take it one step further.


But the development on this would be pretty intensive and would require something to recoup the cost. I think those who suggest that it have a large cartel coin cost are right on the money so to speak. Something around 1500-2000 would be good, and is approximately what other MMO's charge for faction swaps.

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I think the easiest way to do a faction swap is to clone the character over to the opposite faction as its Imp/Pub mirror. Sorc becomes Sage, Shadow becomes Assassin, Slinger becomes a sniper, etc. All side quests are deleted, the main story line is deleted, and the progress of the story line is checked off on the opposite side. For example, if Jedi Knight killed the Emp, and later swaps to the Empire he killed Baras. Some of our legacy perks already have this mapping, and I believe that it would be feasible to take it one step further.


But the development on this would be pretty intensive and would require something to recoup the cost. I think those who suggest that it have a large cartel coin cost are right on the money so to speak. Something around 1500-2000 would be good, and is approximately what other MMO's charge for faction swaps.


Cloning the character that way is basically power leveling. Not to mention class changing, if we're getting technical. Plus, if you clone the character, then it has to be renamed, and since you didn't play the story, you may have to have the computer generate the backstory for you, and it may decide that your light side Jedi is not a light side Sith, which is not what you wanted at all. And what if you wanted Dark Side Jaesa, but the game gives you Light Side? Did you travel with Qyzen to Tatooine? Did you help Risha with her problem on Dubrillion?


Too many variables.

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Why don't you just play the faction you want? Why do you need to swap? You have LS and DS options, why do you need to change faction?


It's too fundamental. It's like if you are a Republic Trooper, what are you supposed to change to? Surely you'd have to become an Imperial Trooper, which doesn't exist? And a Jedi who works for the Empire is a Sith. It's class change. You can't be a Jedi who works for the Empire, it doesn't work.


I don't see how to make faction changes work in a logical way. And if you just move e.g. Sentinel to Marauder... what's the point? Roll a marauder.

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Sorry but the only suggestion you are adding here is to add CC.

The idea of a quest has been mentioned many many times in the forums and it is not ideal for a story driven quest.


If they ever expand the class stories or make a more class specific planet like Makeb they will have more stories they have to work with for each side. The number of stories go consideribly up if you allow the person to go back and forth.

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Hey there! I talked to the Technical Director of the whole game at the community cantina event in Chicago. He said it would be a complete technical nightmare to do faction changes because the factions are set with their stories, abilities, companions and they really couldn't make different stories just for the people who wanted to defect. There wouldn't be anymore story for them and changing everything in the system for those characters to redo the things for that side would not work well with the companions, abilities, powers, and what you did. It just wouldn't make sense.


Hope I answered your question quite well. I know it's not the answer you wanted probably, I wish I could have told you different but at least I asked that question to him :) Most likely we won't ever get faction change/defection anytime soon. But you never know. With the technology that's coming out these days, maybe. :)

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It still doesn't change the storyline problem.


The only way we'll see faction changing is post 50, and no one would seriously go through 50 levels just to change factions.


Plus, technically, you're a "canon" Star Wars character, so side swapping may not be in the character's bio at all.


by that canon logic, LS/DS choices should not be made, since these canon characters made either an LS or a DS choice - and you can choose whatever.


Too much effort for faction change.... baaaad.

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by that canon logic, LS/DS choices should not be made, since these canon characters made either an LS or a DS choice - and you can choose whatever.


Too much effort for faction change.... baaaad.


Actually they can. Canon says the Hero of Tython killed the Emperor, The Voidhound controlled the Underworld after killing the Voidwolf, Bar'sen'thor freed the Rift. etc. The histories never specified HOW they achieved the ends or if they were good or bad.


Your character stayed to their respective sides the entire time, though, because that's where the stories too place. They never changed sides. That's why I pointed out that you can't do a faction change unless it's post 50.

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