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New faces & "older" complexions please!


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Now that the character re-customization kiosk is live in-game, could we please get some new face options &/or some new complexion options?


I'm a gamer well past my teens (like many I suspect), quite willing to spend on attractive cartel options, but to make a character who looks any more mature than barely out of his teens I seem to be limited to a couple of ugly, gnarly faced options.


I can choose different eyebrow shapes, sunburn or "dark side corrupted" complexions, but nothing to add a few wrinkles.


So yeah, maybe it's appropriate for your brand new character to look fresh faced & young, but surely, especialy as they go up in levels, more mature/battle-worn/veteran looks are equally appropriate.

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fully supporting this as well. its in the game even since NPC's have this.


It's quite difficult to make a character look old, and for women its even impossible since they have no older looking faces at all.


Personly I always like creating characters that are not perfect young gods. Even if its just because 80% if not more of the players design their chars that way.

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fully supporting this as well. its in the game even since NPC's have this. .


Exactly! I'm not fussed if the "new" options are completely new or just extra heads already on NPCs.


Either way I'd happily pay for extra choices.

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I take my Legacy and character creation very seriously. Everyone has a story and a role to play.


I have an "old" Vanguard War Hero and I think I did pretty good making him look like he's been there and done that, he still only looks mid-40s when I'd really like him to be around 65.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, I support this with great enthusiasm.


Second of all, I have a story to go with it.


I was lucky enough to be a beta tester for this fine video game, and I saw a lot of good ideas go from player suggestion to in-game feature. I can even say that some of the little things I personally requested ended up in the live game. It might be a coincidence, but it's a good feeling.


One of the requests I made early on was for some older-looking faces. To my great delight, the next beta build had exactly that! I remember making some elderly-looking characters. I really had a personal stake in it, too, because i'd been planning with a few friends to make an "old Jedi" guild full of grizzled veterans coming out of retirement, dusting off their lightsabers to face the unraveling of the treaty. We were really counting on a decent variety of old faces to make the whole concept work. So obviously I was pretty enthused when Bioware granted my wish.


But then some loudmouth came on the beta forums with a huge rant about how there were too many "ugly faces" and it was just way too hard to click past the faces he didn't like and pick one of the cute ones. I mean this dude really went off. And to my great alarm, people started coming out of the woodwork backing him up. There was an actual outcry from a certain warped segment of the test audience to REMOVE OPTIONS from character creation. To this day my mind is boggled.


It might be a coincidence, but come launch day, the old faces were all gone.


My guild didn't do very well. :(

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There was an actual outcry from a certain warped segment of the test audience to REMOVE OPTIONS from character creation. To this day my mind is boggled


People are dumb beyond any hope. They actually wanted to have features removed? :mad:

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  • 2 years later...

"Older complexions" is something I have wanted all the way from Beta. It's odd to play a character who was supposed to be the mother of another character, and she looks almost younger than him... Come on, I want to be epic GrandmaSith! Why can only Human Males have old looking faces! This is speciesist and sexist! :p


No really, aged complexions. For everyone. WANT.


Also all human face for other races too pls. Not just a portion of them.

Edited by Kiesu
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