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Daboolhat skill sounds too much Loud


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First off im loving Treek as companion. The "basic" version wasnt my kind, but the "scuba" version? AWESOME! Looks almost like a sith or a infiltrator ewok :D


But the points is: the skill daboolhat when used on "Fekur stance" (healer) makes a very loud and anoying sound. Im using Razer Headphones and the sound really hurt my ears. Of course ive downgraded the sound but even by doing that its too high compared to the other skills sounds. The same skill (daboolhat) on X1ekra Stance (tank) isnt so loud, even when release all those bees on the enemy.


Maybe you could tune down the sound just a little bit??

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I see that this has been around for a year and a half, so I don't expect Bio/EA to give a rats behind, but seriously, for everyone else using this ball of fur, this is the sound that's been driving you nuts. I was getting ready to delete the game for good when I realized that it only happens with treek, and only when in Fektur stance. Anyone know if there is a file you can remove/replace to get rid of this sound?
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