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watchman vs combat pve/pvp?


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I am now thinking what is the best spec to learn. I am the guy who wants to play only one spec for all pvp and pve content. So my question what spec should i learn overall i like both spec mechanics? I tjust need some advise ... i tjust cant decide.
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Well, it was easy for me to decide :p Combat!


But seriously, they are both very good and if u like self heals and sustained damage then pick watchman. If you're into more defenses and higher burst damage, then go combat.

Edited by Jesz
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  • 5 weeks later...
Well, it was easy for me to decide :p Combat!


But seriously, they are both very good and if u like self heals and sustained damage then pick watchman. If you're into more defenses and higher burst damage, then go combat.


Watchman is completely useless now. It has become a joke. Don't waste your time. Why they nerfed it, I have no clue, but it's not even worth learning anymore.

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Watchman is completely useless now. It has become a joke. Don't waste your time. Why they nerfed it, I have no clue, but it's not even worth learning anymore.


for pvp yes, for pve no.


But if you want only one spec for both, combat is definitely the way to go

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  • 2 weeks later...
But if you want only one spec for both, combat is definitely the way to go


I use focus for both. I don't even respec between pve and pvp half the time, and I've done several nightmare bosses in focus spec. The only one that's been untenable so far has been OPiX because of the core bug, but I respec from watchman to focus during black obtuse. :o


We're currently progressing on TFB, and I don't feel gimpy at all. Since focus is great for pvp, you might want to consider learning it for pve as well.

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