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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Interrupts Skills for JEDI SHADOWS


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All Consulars, Shadows included, get Mind Snap at level 18, which is our *only* interrupt. We've got Force Wave, which is a pushback that can be used as a pseudo-interrupt on players and some NPCs (generally not the ones you actually have to worry about though) but it's not a "true" interrupt.


I'm not sure where you're getting level 29 from.

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My guess is that he's level 29 on his shadow and wants to be able to stop caps without being on top of the enemy :)


For that, really speaking, only Force in Balance from the Balance tree is truly effective, but going Balance in PVP is probably the worst of the three at present.

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To add to this, you cannot use periodic damage effects to stop caps in PvP (e.g. Force Breach while in Force Technique).


Mind Crush works, but that's because it does direct damage before the DoT starts ticking.

Edited by DaftVaduhhh
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and at high enough levels you can talent into spinning kick out of stealth in the KC tree. I use this as my second interrupt in PvE and its awesome in PvP


Thats a lvl 42 ability


For Tanks - Force Pull (lvl 21 minimum).


For all around use - (Mind Snap), Force wave, Force Stun, [ Force Lift ]

Edited by Missandei
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To add to this, you cannot use periodic damage effects to stop caps in PvP


Though such (other classes) abilities could stop you from cap objective in PvP. Recently had several occasions when ninjaing a node i had lost my channel due to the periodic damage.

Edited by Missandei
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All Consulars, Shadows included, get Mind Snap at level 18, which is our *only* interrupt. We've got Force Wave, which is a pushback that can be used as a pseudo-interrupt on players and some NPCs (generally not the ones you actually have to worry about though) but it's not a "true" interrupt.


I'm not sure where you're getting level 29 from.


Thanks Kitru !

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