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who wins? The Straw Hat Crew or the Sith


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Okay, suppose for a moment a Time Warp and Galaxy Warp opened up, and the Straw Hat Crew (One Piece) somehow magically made its way into the Star Wars Universe. Now I wonder who would actually win in a straight up fight, the 9 Straw Hat Pirates, or any 9 members of the Sith that you choose to name.


List reasons.


Personally I think that the Straw Hats have a certain unfair advantage over the Sith. Going from weakest to strongest:


Franky can invent all manner of weapons that could theoretically defeat the Sith. Though he is probably the weakest in a fight against the Sith due to his inherent weakness against Lightsabers.


Usopp can attack the Sith from miles away and hit them before they are even aware that they are being attacked. Especially now that he has access to Man-Eating Plant Ammo. All he has to do is get the bullet within a 5 foot radius of the Sith and the plant will do the rest of the work for him.


Nico Robin is not the most combat oriented character, but she can sprout limbs from just about anything, including a Sith, and break their neck without even trying.


Sanji, while his fighting potential against most people is quite admirable, pit him against a lightsaber and force lightning wielding enemy and he will quickly succomb to frailty. This is especially true if the person in question happens to be a female of any sort.


Tony Tony Chopper. Seriously, this guy has 7 different forms he can transform into... one of which has as its feature the ability to determine the exact weakness of any enemy he faces which allows him to exploit said weakness. Doesn't matter if he is facing Palpatine in battle, Tony Tony Chopper given enough time to analyze his opponent (which his comrades would provide him) will find the vital weakspot crucial to defeating any foe in a matter of seconds. Worst case scenerio, he just transforms into a giant and slams the opponent through several walls.


Nami, her Climatact is capable of replicating any natural weather pattern. This means she can hurl lightning as well as the best of the Sith. What makes her more impressive is that she can also hurl many other types of weather phenomena. Such as freezing ice storms, droughts, tornado's. She is a meteorologists dream girl.


Roronoa Zoro. While his ordinary Swords may not stand up to a Lightsaber... give him the opportunity to get ahold of some lightsabers (ideally three of them), and he would be dueling with the best of them. And anyone who argues that you need to be force sensitive to safely wield a Lightsaber, has no idea what their talking about with Roronoa Zoro. This is the man who wields a Cursed Sword that is supposed to cut the limbs off of anyone who holds it, and successfully uses this blade and 2 others in combat without losing his limbs. I think he can handle lightsabers.


And last but not least, Monkey D. Luffy. This is is the man who ate the Gum Gum Fruit. His Body is made of Rubber. He was originally horribly weak against bladed weapons. But ever since he learned how to utilize Armanent Haki, he has become immune to pretty much all weaponry. Add to this the fact that he is able to use both Mantra (Perfect Precognition & Perfect Clairvoyance) as well as Conqueror's Haki which allows him to subdue the most powerful beasts in existence just by looking at them, and you have a recipe for disaster. This man is able to blow air into his bones and turn his fists into building size battering rams. He is able to rapid fire said battering rams with the speed of bullets shot out of a machine gun. He is able to move faster than the speed of sound, some would even go so far as to say he is able to move just shy of the speed of light, enabled simply because of his rubber body not breaking under the stress of such speeds. He is able to attack and destroy incorporeal objects.


Put simply, unless a Sith is able to land a successful Lightsaber attack on Luffy (which is near to impossible), Luffy wins any fight with the Sith.

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The Sith on the cruiser who orders his fleet to bombard the planet Luffy is on.


You do know Luffy can just Gomu Gomu No Gigant Balloon and promptly Armament Haki his entire body in order to reflect the Blaster Bolts back up to the ship, right? Heck, short of the Death Star Super Laser, I don't think Space Craft Warefare is going to have much of an effect on this crew.


I am not certain if Nami's Climatact can accomplish such a feat, but it is possible that she and Usopp could come up with a means to replicate Stellar Storms if given enough time...


And if we are bringing Spacecraft into this fight, thats where Franky shines the brightest. His weapons outstrip most of the conventional space weapons in Star Wars by leaps and bounds.


And... if we really want to get inventive. The Straw Hat's world does have in it's canon, certain super weapons that are comparable to that of the Death Star.


Then again, it would all be null and void if the Straw Hat Crew managed to convince Black Beard to fight against the Sith. That man is a walking Black Hole and Tectonic Front.

Edited by XantosCledwin
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Nihilus, Sidious, Cadeus, Vititate, Krayt, Kun, Malgus, Sadow.


Nihilus can suck the life out of everyone and everything on a planet from space.


Sidious's force storms obliterate entire fleets.


Cadeus can do ungodly things to anyone's minds and he has raw power on the level of Sidious.


Vititate can electrocute or dominate anyone in his presence with ease. On top of this, if he succeeds in his ritual he pretty much kills everyone sooo...


Krayt can't die he'll just resurrect himself. On top of this Dark Transfer will drive anyone insane by essentially killing them then bringing them back repeatedly. He can also use lightning to great effect as well as crush things rather easily with his mind.


Kun another master manipulator who is also seemingly immortal as he can bind his spirit, and he is immensely powerful in the force


Malgus a living embodiment of carnage. He is essentially the Sith wrecking ball. Nothing survives a duel with him.


Sadow uses the force to create a massive army of warriors purely in the minds of the opponents (that can still kill them). As the opponents have no force ability they're screwed and will never realize that they're only force shadows.


These are just the best imo... others may have done even more powerful feats. Not to mention just about each one has their own superweapon (especially Sidious who has a whole host including the Eclipse, Death Star, Death Star II, Eye of Palpatine, World Ravagers, Sun Crusher ect...).


sooooo... yeah....

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Nihilus can suck the life out of everyone and everything on a planet from space.


Roronoa Zoro would just use Armament Haki and his Onigiri to create a slash so powerful that it cuts the ship that Nihilus is in in half. And yes, he can do that (at least in theory).


Sidious's force storms obliterate entire fleets.


Hrm... impressive. But if Luffy got into space, and had a Space Worthy version of the Bubble Coral, then he could probably accomplish the same feat... WITH HIS FISTS!!!!


Cadeus can do ungodly things to anyone's minds and he has raw power on the level of Sidious.


You do know what Conqueror's Haki is right? It basically makes Luffy immune to mind influencing effects...


Vititate can electrocute or dominate anyone in his presence with ease. On top of this, if he succeeds in his ritual he pretty much kills everyone sooo...


See above about Conqueror's Haki. And Vitiate would have a very hard time focusing on his Ritual with Luffy going all Gear 2nd on his ***.


Krayt can't die he'll just resurrect himself. On top of this Dark Transfer will drive anyone insane by essentially killing them then bringing them back repeatedly. He can also use lightning to great effect as well as crush things rather easily with his mind.


Luffy and his crew rarely kill their opponents. They don't have any problem leaving them maimed and seriously injured though. Also, Lightning has no effect on Luffy. As for Dark Transfer, the Straw Hat Crew has seen far worse than that in their travels through the Grand Line.


Kun another master manipulator who is also seemingly immortal as he can bind his spirit, and he is immensely powerful in the force.


You keep mentioning binding their spirits. But keep in mind that the Straw Hat Crew has multiple people that can attack incorporeal things. That means if their spirits are incorporeal for any period of time, the Straw Hat's can attack and damage those spirits.


Malgus a living embodiment of carnage. He is essentially the Sith wrecking ball. Nothing survives a duel with him.


Malgus would find a match in Roronoa Zoro who is the master Duelist of the Straw Hat Crew and has been called a Demon by multiple people.


Sadow uses the force to create a massive army of warriors purely in the minds of the opponents (that can still kill them). As the opponents have no force ability they're screwed and will never realize that they're only force shadows.


Again, see Luffy's immunity to mind influencing effects.


These are just the best imo... others may have done even more powerful feats. Not to mention just about each one has their own superweapon (especially Sidious who has a whole host including the Eclipse, Death Star, Death Star II, Eye of Palpatine, World Ravagers, Sun Crusher ect...).


Let's not bring super weapons into this. Lest I have to bring up the Pluton, Poseidon, Pacifista Army, and the as of yet unknown potential of the Uranus... much less the Dyna Stone. All of which are capable of devastation on the scale of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombs. Sure they aren't as powerful as the Death Star's... but they do cause enough devastation to wipe continents off of planets.


sooooo... yeah....

Edited by XantosCledwin
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I don't know who these guys are, but Star is right. They would be destroyed with ease. They can bubble haki punchy muchu all the like but the fact of the matter is Sidious can destroy whatever planet they are on after a moments notice from the other side of space. And if that fails Nihilus will just gobble then up if they ever get in range.


I'm also guessing these guys have some sort of means of detecting ships in orbit above a planet. And can yuki muki wuki cleave an entire fleet or Star Destroyers and Super Star Destroyers in half before they Base Delta Zero the place?

Edited by Beniboybling
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I don't know who these guys are, but Star is right. They would be destroyed with ease. They can bubble haki punchy muchu all the like but the fact of the matter is Sidious can destroy whatever planet they are on after a moments notice from the other side of space. And if that fails Nihilus will just gobble then up if they ever get in range.


I'm also guessing these guys have some sort of means of detecting ships in orbit above a planet. And can yuki muki wuki cleave an entire fleet or Star Destroyers and Super Star Destroyers in half before they Base Delta Zero the place?


Let me make something clear. If you don't know who the Straw Hat Pirates are. Or what is possible in the One Piece Manga. You are not qualified to participate in this discussion.


Just because you think you know what will happen based on your extensive knowledge of Star Wars, does not entitle you to make a judgement call on this without knowing the characters of One Piece. That would be like arguing "Who Would Win, Superman or Goku" without knowing who Goku is...

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That would be like arguing "Who Would Win, Superman or Goku" without knowing who Goku is...


If he could get into Super Sayan 4 mode, then Goku would win, he is nearly as indestructable as Superman, slightly faster than Superman in super sayan 4 mode, and his kami-hami-ha wave would vapourise Superman. And Goku can teleport as well.


If he couldn't get into Super Sayan 4 mode, then Superman would probably trounce him.

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Let me make something clear. If you don't know who the Straw Hat Pirates are. Or what is possible in the One Piece Manga. You are not qualified to participate in this discussion.


Just because you think you know what will happen based on your extensive knowledge of Star Wars, does not entitle you to make a judgement call on this without knowing the characters of One Piece. That would be like arguing "Who Would Win, Superman or Goku" without knowing who Goku is...

Well have fun with that...
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If he could get into Super Sayan 4 mode, then Goku would win, he is nearly as indestructable as Superman, slightly faster than Superman in super sayan 4 mode, and his kami-hami-ha wave would vapourise Superman. And Goku can teleport as well.


If he couldn't get into Super Sayan 4 mode, then Superman would probably trounce him.


actually according to the analysis put together by the deathbattle team at screw attack using the sources of both the manga, the show vs Supe's comic books and in collaboration with reputable DBZ and Superman sites even with SSJ 4 Goku got thoroughly trounced by superman who was massively faster stronger and far more durable, the infinite mass punch of Supe's was shown to be more destructive then goku could ever put forth.

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okay we got a little off topic, please go back to the topic of Sith vs. Straw Hats. I would rather not have my thread derailed into a Superman vs. Goku thread. Especially since this is the Star Wars Discussion thread. So if we are going to discuss anything, it has to include at least some Star Wars, and I already provided a valid discussion topic.
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You do know Luffy can just Gomu Gomu No Gigant Balloon and promptly Armament Haki his entire body in order to reflect the Blaster Bolts back up to the ship, right? Heck, short of the Death Star Super Laser, I don't think Space Craft Warefare is going to have much of an effect on this crew.


You do realise that a turbolaser bolt wont be "reflected" by haki or gomu gomu ballon, Luffy might not be seriously hurt, but he will notice the effect seeing as a turbolaser blast will vaporize a mountain, and we're talking both the Galactic Empire and Sith Empire if Vitiate and Sidious join forces, millions of capital ships and Luffy wont stand a chance.


There is also a fault in your assumption about Luffy, yes he's immune to normal lightning seeing as he's rubber, but sith lightning doesn't just physically hurt you, it drains your spirit and very life essence.


I personally love One piece but the straw hats are way out of their league in this fight, they would in OP terms be fighting 9 yonko level haki users(The Force, its precognitive abilities will simulate the ability to predict movement with haki, Conqueror's haki will find its match in Force illusions/mind domination and manipulation and outmatched by Sith sorcery off which Sidious, Vititate and Kun were all masters off. And Armament haki will find its match in the Control aspect of the Force, where Force users have been seen bolster their physical strength to bend durasteel with ease, or use the force to shrug off re-entry to a planet.) These "Admirals" will also all possess Lightsabers and (with the exception of Vitiate) be masters of this weapon, Malgus, Exar Kun, Sidious and Cadeus all outmatch Zorro with a blade. Then we add in the fact that they will all be moving almost as fast as Luffy in gear 2nd and be able to predict the Straw hats movements with ease. And then I'm not even mentioning som of their most unfair abilties they have availabe to them, like Force Drain, Deathfield, Force storm(Seriously, this alone would decide the fight instantly).


Then we come to the most common display of Alter, Telekinetic techniques. Appart from Luffy, no one on the straw hats team will be able to resist Force Crush or just a simple Grip, and Luffy only because he's rubber. If the straw hats had a Logia-type devil fruit user on their team they'd have a shot, but even then I do not see how they'd overcome Force Drain.


Nami's ability to manipulate the weather is child's play for masters of Alter Environment, a force ability that basically does what it names suggest.


Let's not bring super weapons into this. Lest I have to bring up the Pluton, Poseidon, Pacifista Army, and the as of yet unknown potential of the Uranus... much less the Dyna Stone. All of which are capable of devastation on the scale of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombs. Sure they aren't as powerful as the Death Star's... but they do cause enough devastation to wipe continents off of planets


Yeah... the abilities of those "super weapons" are on par with... oh i don't know, maybe like a few star destroyers..

Whereas all the superweapons in SW are pretty much able to obliterate entire planets, so lets not bring in superweapons seeing as the straw hats would be cosmic dust quite quickly.

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