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Questions questions always so many questions


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Hey Guys,


Sorry first off I know this will have been covered in other threads I have been doing my best reading them and trying to find the information but either I'm horrible at forum searching or reading so I can't find it...its probably both.


Anyway's let me state what I'm in need of help with to parphrase ...so far I suck bawls at this game.


Ok I admit it...I never played WoW or any other recent MMO's (FFXI is really the last one I played...FFXIV I tried but it is terrible). So the whole UI, action bar is new to me...I'm not going to lie its been a challenge


I'm currently Lvl 20 Jedi Guardian with a Vigiliance spec (which I admit is still low to be trying to optimize but better to correct my mistakes now then later) I have put all 10 of my skill tree points in Vig so far...3/3 in the strength one, 3/3 in the accuracy one, improved the one form and got access to Shien form


My crafts are

Synthweaving currently is 65

Archeology is 84

Black market trading is 54


To make it easier to read this eye sore of a thread I'm going to just list my challenges...


1- I have like 90 abilities which should I be using often for DPS PVE? When people say rotation I assume they mean the abilities in a fight right...what would be a good rotation for DPS? I know I spam the master Strike, the twirly one, reg att and the force sweep aoe (as well as force leap which is how I start 90 % of fights)


2- What stats should I be gearing for endurance? Strength? What gives the most back for DPS? Lets assume I'm just doing PvE and heroics/flashpoints etc ....save the PvP stuff for later when I'm not a huge noob


3- How do I upgrade my companions gear? <--Sorry this one is horrible I don't mean Kira you just change the gear but I never have anything for T7


4- How do I give gifts to my campanions...I have the gifts just not how to do it


5- Which form should I be using for DPS? I know soresu is for tanking I have used that in a few heroics that I have tanked but for DPS?


6- How do Learn new recipes for crafts? So far I have a few and have got them from reverse engineering my gear...is there vendors that I can purchase recipes or do I gain them as I level?


Thanks in advance...if you guys have threads that anwser one of these questions well (there are alot on DPS guardian but they all end up just talking about viability) feel free to link the thread and the # of the question that it regards.





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Well, this is what I've found so far but haven't actually crunched the numbers of anything. So this is purely a result of just messing about with different specs and abilities - take it as you will. And I'm interested in what others have found.


1- It's hard to remember what was available at level 20, but now I use a priority rotation that barely uses Master Strike (so barely, in fact, I don't spec Zen and instead stack some PvP talents). I use Sundering Strike as a main builder, pretty much every cooldown, and then priority goes to Plasma Brand, then Overhead Slash and then Bladestorm. You won't have the first two yet. If the enemy is below 20% health I weave Dispatch in there. If I need to AoE then I use (free) Sweeps, but I don't use Cyclonic Kick much at all. Master Strike I only use when everything else is on cooldown and I don't need to build focus - the problem with it is that it takes the same time as two other abilities but doesn't do as much damage, is interruptable and doesn't build any focus and, aside from Zen Strike, the vigilance tree gets no bonuses to it. Finally, if Sundering Strike is on cooldown and I need focus then I use Strike, though I don't tend to have focus issues (unless I have to tank). There's a bunch of other skills I use, but they're situational and not really part of my priority rotation (interrupts, taunts, stasis, push, etc).


2- Endurance and Strength, with the emphasis on strength. When you get higher level more stats will open to you - crit, power, surge, alacrity, etc. You'll want power mostly, though surge does nice things to Bladestorm's 70%+ crit chance.


3- T7, and all droids, use different gear. You're looking for stuff titled Core, Parts, Sensor, that kind of thing.


4- Have your companion out, then right click the gift.


5- Shien is the DPS form.


6- Talk to your crafting trainer, he'll have new recipes for you as your Synthweaving



A keybind is the button you push to activate an ability. By default they're 1, 2, 3, 4 (etc) on your hotbar, but you can change those keys to whatever you want, including modifiers (shift+1, ctrl+g, etc).

Edited by goatfoam
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Well, this is what I've found so far but haven't actually crunched the numbers of anything. So this is purely a result of just messing about with different specs and abilities - take it as you will.


1- It's hard to remember what was available at level 20, but now I use a priority rotation that barely uses Master Strike (so barely, in fact, I don't spec Zen and instead stack some PvP talents). I use Sundering Strike as a main builder, pretty much every cooldown, and then priority goes to Plasma Brand, then Overhead Slash and then Bladestorm. You won't have the first two yet. If the enemy is below 20% health I weave Dispatch in there. If I need to AoE then I use (free) Sweeps, but I don't use Cyclonic Kick much at all. Master Strike I only use when everything else is on cooldown and I don't need to build focus - the problem with it is that it takes the same time as two other abilities but doesn't do as much damage and doesn't build any focus and, aside from Zen Strike, the vigilance tree gets no bonuses to it. Finally, if Sundering Strike is on cooldown and I need focus then I use Strike, though I don't tend to have focus issues (unless I have to tank). There's a bunch of other skills I use, but they're situational and not really part of my priority rotation (interrupts, taunts, stasis, push, etc).


2- Endurance and Strength, with the emphasis on strength. When you get higher level more stats will open to you - crit, power, surge, alacrity, etc. You'll want power mostly, though surge does nice things to Bladestorm's 70%+ crit chance.


3- T7, and all droids, use different gear. You're looking for stuff titled Core, Parts, Sensor, that kind of thing.


4- Have your companion out, then right click the gift.


5- Shien is the DPS form.


6- Talk to your crafting trainer, he'll have new recipes for you as your Synthweaving



A keybind is the button you push to activate an ability. By default they're 1, 2, 3, 4 (etc) on your hotbar, but you can change those keys to whatever you want, including modifiers (shift+1, ctrl+g, etc).



Wonderful...thanks that helps a ton


Another noob question while I have got you...focus? How do you build it? I just usually am using abilities as soon as they are off cooldown is that what you mean? or is this something different?

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Focus is those little yellow pips underneath your health. Some abilities build focus (Strike and Sundering Strike), others cost focus (Slash, Bladestorm etc). So to use the good abilities, you need to have enough focus.


In Shien Form everything costs one point of focus less, so it's actually quite fast to build. You also build one focus every six seconds if you're taking damage, and an extra focus if you're stood in AoE (with Narrowed Focus in the tree). I also put two points in Victory Rush (in the defense tree) which makes Sundering Strike build 3 focus every time I use it. Finally, there's Saber Throw (3 Focus), Force Leap (3 focus) and Combat Focus (6 focus). If you ever need to move to another enemy, always use Force Leap if you can.


I open fights by using Combat Focus just before the pull, and then Saber Throw and I'm at 9 focus right off the bat. Force Leap puts me at 12 and I'm pretty much golden for the rest of the fight - I also have 3 points in Momentum (also in the Defense tree) so my first Bladestorm after a leap is free. Having to resort to Strikes is rare once you have Saber Throw but it does happen on occasion.

Edited by goatfoam
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Do our regular hits ever get stronger? (I can't remember if I ever have bought upgrades for them from trainers...I have every ability the trainers sell up till lvl 20)


they do. At various levels, you will be able to purchase "upgrades" to them. You can identify what level your skill is at by looking at the skill in your skills tab {P}, it should list the level, or rank, of the skill in the upper Left(?)...that one is a bit fuzzy. But the rank of the skill isn't the same across all skills...you will get ranks for your skills at different levels, so as long as your hitting your trainer every time you level you should be up to speed with your skills.


A note about keybinds (also called hotkeys). set them up in an arrangement that is comfortable for you. I tend to like my keys close and i like my actions keys under my first few fingers, so my most often used skills will rest there. Stuff like that. there's not setup that is "the best" use what works well for you. I've been playing MMO's for so long I have default keys for skill types (builders, finishers, CC, gap closers, etc), and I often will put those kinds of skills there by default, but play around a bit and use what works well for you. believe it or not, but keybind setup can make a huge difference in your ability to play, and thus your enjoyment.

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Really nice someone actually answered all your questions.


But I do have one advice, try lvling a ranged class, specially a trooper. Way easier, faster and more intuitive.


Probably JK is the hardest class to play, 1st you need to use a lot your interrupts and CCs to win a fight, 2nd you have to learn how to deal with the agro and 3rd it is a close combat class so you need to keep an eye in your back and horizon at the "same time", 4th the healer companion only comes really later on (what suck really bad)

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Really nice someone actually answered all your questions.


But I do have one advice, try lvling a ranged class, specially a trooper. Way easier, faster and more intuitive.


Probably JK is the hardest class to play, 1st you need to use a lot your interrupts and CCs to win a fight, 2nd you have to learn how to deal with the agro and 3rd it is a close combat class so you need to keep an eye in your back and horizon at the "same time", 4th the healer companion only comes really later on (what suck really bad)


Why? If the person is having fun so be it. I do think knight is very tough, and takes twice the time it takes to level a smuggler or trooper, but whatever... If it is fun... who cares. Contrary to many peoples opinions.. PVP isn''t the end all be all of things. Many of us don''t feel the need to prove ourselves. Many of us will be just fine playing the quest lines, and PVE.


So many gamers forget that 75% of the people in these games will never come to the forums, and play this game for a small escape from real life, and not the other way around.

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In Shien Form everything costs one point of focus less, so it''s actually quite fast to build.


As a clarification Shien form refunds focus it doesn''t reduce cost.


IE say you have 3 focus. In Shii-Cho form, you use Slash (3 focus) and have none, while in Shien, you have 1 focus afterwards. But if you have 2 focus you''ll still have to Sunder/Strike to get the 3 focus needed for Slash.


As for a priority, at lvl 20 you''ll want something like this:


Force leap to get into melee with dudes.

Sundering Strike all the time everytime.

Force Sweep if you''re fighting a group of dudes, otherwise skip.

Riposte if it pops up.

Blade Storm.

Master Strike if everything above is on cooldown, once it''s done you should be able to Sundering Strike again.

Slash to drop your focus down to around 6 if you''re sitting higher than that.

Strike if you need focus and Sundering Strike/Combat Focus is on Cooldown.


Also get into the habit of using Force Kick on certain abilities, like Med Scan and such, as it really helps in Flashpoints/Groups.


If you''re taking a lot of damage, don''t forget about Saber Ward! You''ll be garunteed a couple of Ripostes, which may help you deal enough damage to survive the fight.

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