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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thank you Regulators


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I'm glad we can help all the up and coming teams out by playing against them. Trust me everyone in regs that plays went through the same thing you guys are going through now. Just keep pushing and the kinks will work themselves out. Always happy to help
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I think most Regs are fairly respectful. We still have gotten rolled over a few times - everyone wins some, but everyone loses some. We work hard to win more than lose. When we do lose, I think we ***** more at each other about why "WE" lost, than to others who rightfully beat us. (I've had to scrap a couple videos cause of this. lol)

Of the games we've lost, I like to think we put up a good fight.

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We don't have a huge ranked community on Jung Ma. So as Regulators it's one of our goals to encourage the rest of the server to queue up. We all started at the bottom and worked our way to where we are now. I won't make any claims that we are the best PvP guild on Jung Ma. Heck, most of the time we aren't running the best team we can put together. We have a lot of good people that strive to not only be the best they can be but also help out their peers. It makes me very happy to see all these teams looking to run ranked. So if you can get something together, let us know and we'll try our best to get in there with ya! Also, if you need any advice just ask your nearest Regulator and they'll send you my way. :) Edited by Tairikoz
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A few points I wanted to hit here.


Sranishor is definitely a beast.


Bloodshot is definitely not good. He's also pretty troll.


I think most Regs are fairly respectful. We still have gotten rolled over a few times - everyone wins some, but everyone loses some. We work hard to win more than lose. When we do lose, I think we ***** more at each other about why "WE" lost, than to others who rightfully beat us. (I've had to scrap a couple videos cause of this. lol)

This is the best mentality to have IMO to foster improvement. If you aren't winning, it is always your fault. I know on a smaller scale I probably drive a few people crazy with that outlook during duels, because if I lose it's normally, "I played that badly. I should've X / I didn't Y" instead of "good duel" and moving on. I don't like the gear excuse that people like Superfish resort to using, or the premade excuse which most Imp pugs use, either.


And finally I applaud GNG's mental fortitude. :p When I started doing ranked pre2.0 with Nightmare Squadron, we would get rolled by Credit Shot or Immortal for 2-4 straight games and call it a night, everyone getting hugely discouraged. There is no team on the server with that caliber of talent anymore (except for TIG who never queues), but nonetheless. I understand how rough it can be.

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I don't like the gear excuse that people like Superfish resort to using, or the premade excuse which most Imp pugs use, either.


I've always looked at it this way: If it comes down to a fight where the gear killed me, I played it like **** anyways. If I play to the best of my ability, and they don't, gear shouldn't matter.

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