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Thank you Regulators


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For the ranked matches Friday against Gold Nugget Gang + the 4 random strangers we picked up. It was great that ya'll were able to put together a group on such short notice.


I hope to finish getting my guild geared up and build a list of regular primetime fillers/allies soon so we can put up more of a fight next time :-)

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For the ranked matches Friday against Gold Nugget Gang + the 4 random strangers we picked up. It was great that ya'll were able to put together a group on such short notice.


I hope to finish getting my guild geared up and build a list of regular primetime fillers/allies soon so we can put up more of a fight next time :-)


Throw Re'kal on your friends list. I've been looking to get in with a group for some more organized play and I'm trying toget involved in ranked as well. I'm my main hand and off hand away from fully augmented Partisan, full tank specced Guardian. I'm having a hard time convincing myself to PUG lately as a tank though. If you're willing to give me your in game name so I can toss you on my friends list I'll send you a tell in game and we can chat a bit and maybe start running together. :)


Looking forward to some organized play. (Running with the REGULATORS one night totally killed my enjoyment of PUG groups :p)

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Throw Re'kal on your friends list. I've been looking to get in with a group for some more organized play and I'm trying toget involved in ranked as well. I'm my main hand and off hand away from fully augmented Partisan, full tank specced Guardian. I'm having a hard time convincing myself to PUG lately as a tank though. If you're willing to give me your in game name so I can toss you on my friends list I'll send you a tell in game and we can chat a bit and maybe start running together. :)


Looking forward to some organized play. (Running with the REGULATORS one night totally killed my enjoyment of PUG groups :p)




Good thing your a tank, that just happen to be what we need m8 =)

I'll tell Erik that you want to join us.

Gonna try and put together a team on friday and challange them again, dont expect much but getting owned by them though.


Do you have TS3? it is a must! download it if you dont have it. you dont have to have a mic, but it is important to us that you atleast can hear us.


If your on tonight we'll see if we cant gett ya grouped up with us so we can see how things work out.

I'll Contact you ingame.



Edited by Strumpan_SWE
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Good thing your a tank, that just happen to be what we need m8 =)

I'll tell Erik that you want to join us.

Gonna try and put together a team on friday and challange them again, dont expect much but getting owned by them though.


Do you have TS3? it is a must! download it if you dont have it. you dont have to have a mic, but it is important to us that you atleast can hear us.


If your on tonight we'll see if we cant gett ya grouped up with us so we can see how things work out.

I'll Contact you ingame.




I do have TS3, I should definitely be on tonight as well. Hope to see you guys then.


And yeah, REGULATORS, are good. The good news we'll only get better playing against them :).

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If you are looking for some regular fill ins for ranked, I will be on tonight if you wanna Chat, Add Ladez to f list, should be online in an hour or so. We have some conq healears sorc/op. I'm a geared Jugg Tank, was min maxed aug part but now half way to conq myself
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Erik tryed to add ya but was not able to..


um, just to check, you do know we play on imp side right?


Bah, I'm sorry. I thought it was an Imp Vs Pub match when I faced you guys on my Assassin last night. Re'kal is a Guardian, sorry guys. Looks like there are a couple others looking to join with ya. Good luck guys. My search continues :).

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Bah, I'm sorry. I thought it was an Imp Vs Pub match when I faced you guys on my Assassin last night. Re'kal is a Guardian, sorry guys. Looks like there are a couple others looking to join with ya. Good luck guys. My search continues :).


oh, thats to bad..


Well, is your Assassin a tank?

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Is <DEREGULATORS> the Imp guild for <REGULATORS>?


I'm not a member of Regulators, but i have gotten to know quite a few of them on their imp alts. None of them are in Deregulators.


I see Bloodshot from Deregulators sitting at the pvp terminal a lot, but have only been in matches with him a few times. Good player. I don't know any other people in that guild.

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I've only seen two Deregulators. Bloodshot is good? I beg to differ. The games I've seen him in, he's been really, really bad. Capping behind him, seemingly afk, easy to kill etc...

Not trying to give him crap, but he has a lot of ground to cover to be a 'good player' from what I've seen.


With that said: No, Deregulators is not our imp guild. Just some imps having fun with names, I suppose.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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I've only seen two Deregulators. Bloodshot is good? I beg to differ. The games I've seen him in, he's been really, really bad. Capping behind him, seemingly afk, easy to kill etc...

Not trying to give him crap, but he has a lot of ground to cover to be a 'good player' from what I've seen.


With that said: No, Deregulators is not our imp guild. Just some imps having fun with names, I suppose.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


That's funny :-) i have only been in a few matches with him and i think they might've all been voidstar where snipers have it pretty easy anyway!

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Since we're already thanking Regulators, I wanted to give them a shout out as well.

Penumbral has only recently started queuing for ranked and while many of us are still learning, we have faced Regulators a few times now. Afterwards, I stopped to wish them a good game. Their tank was doing an AMAZING job keeping those healers shielded no matter how fast I tried to switch attention from one to the other so I HAD to compliment them. I was expecting "LULZ, U SUCK!" but we got polite responses instead. Even if we were losing, it made me feel like I wanted to keep trying so our team can get better and better in an effort to actually give them some form of competition.


Thanks for your kindness, Regs. It is highly appreciated for those of us who are still learning to work well with one another.

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Since we're already thanking Regulators, I wanted to give them a shout out as well.

Penumbral has only recently started queuing for ranked and while many of us are still learning, we have faced Regulators a few times now. Afterwards, I stopped to wish them a good game. Their tank was doing an AMAZING job keeping those healers shielded no matter how fast I tried to switch attention from one to the other so I HAD to compliment them. I was expecting "LULZ, U SUCK!" but we got polite responses instead. Even if we were losing, it made me feel like I wanted to keep trying so our team can get better and better in an effort to actually give them some form of competition.


Thanks for your kindness, Regs. It is highly appreciated for those of us who are still learning to work well with one another.


We should meet up some time and see if we can mix groups some night when you are short a few players. We have run 4/4 with ya'll a bit in random matches. Might be fun to do a ranked together.

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We should meet up some time and see if we can mix groups some night when you are short a few players. We have run 4/4 with ya'll a bit in random matches. Might be fun to do a ranked together.


Sure thing! Just contact Sranishor, he is our PvP leader (and a damn good one at that). I hope to see you guys at our world pvp event this weekend as well! <3

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Since we're already thanking Regulators, I wanted to give them a shout out as well.

Penumbral has only recently started queuing for ranked and while many of us are still learning, we have faced Regulators a few times now. Afterwards, I stopped to wish them a good game. Their tank was doing an AMAZING job keeping those healers shielded no matter how fast I tried to switch attention from one to the other so I HAD to compliment them. I was expecting "LULZ, U SUCK!" but we got polite responses instead. Even if we were losing, it made me feel like I wanted to keep trying so our team can get better and better in an effort to actually give them some form of competition.


Thanks for your kindness, Regs. It is highly appreciated for those of us who are still learning to work well with one another.





Yeah, I agree, also would like to say that they dont give crap and it sure makes me/us wanna gett better and be able to put up more of a fight!


Will try and form a ranked team in about 2-3 hours. pst to Rona if anyone wants in!

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Yeah, I agree, also would like to say that they dont give crap and it sure makes me/us wanna gett better and be able to put up more of a fight!


Will try and form a ranked team in about 2-3 hours. pst to Rona if anyone wants in!


I will gladly tank or dps. I can heal but you know i don't wanna :-)


So GNG will put together a ranked group tonight. If anyone wants in plz contact Rona. We could use a healer or two, a tank or two, and 3-4 dps.


7pm EST sound good Rona? Trix and i will be on teamspeak when we get home!

Edited by ErikGW
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I will gladly tank or dps. I can heal but you know i don't wanna :-)


So GNG will put together a ranked group tonight. If anyone wants in plz contact Rona. We could use a healer or two, a tank or two, and 3-4 dps.


7pm EST sound good Rona? Trix and i will be on teamspeak when we get home!



7pm EST sounds good to me m8!

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