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LF Nighmare SnV OP Group


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Depends on if your open to server transfer or not. W-T-F over on Harbinger has 2 NiM ops teams and 2 working on getting there. Snipers are ALWAYS in demand but with this many raiders and raids the alt shuffle is fairly common. If your interested Roll a new toon on Harbinger and ping Bluejor or Jerruch they can let you know for certain if there is a specific slot for you. If they aren't on feel free to ping me at Davuc or Davk.
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<No Name Guild> (Dead Rabbits's Imp side guild) is looking for 1 more healer to fill our ranks and begin completing TFB & SnV NiM. On pub side, we're currently 3/5 TFB NiM & progressing more and more each week. This group is on track to be on par, if not better in my eyes, than the pub side group (Don't kill me Tco :p) If you're interested at all, whisper or send me a mail on any of my Imp toons (Yoloborg, Yolotroll, Yoloking) and I will get back to you asap!
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