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Dissect my parse, new 55


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Hey all, relatively new to mara dps, power lvled to 55 with PvP and grinding on higher lvl planets. Finally got the patience to wait out a GF Q and get into my first 55HM. :rolleyes:


Anyways my spec is carnage, gear is on the better side of 61, with a couple 58 pieces and crappy implants. This parse was done on the last boss in hammer station. Any experienced maras care to pick my combat log apart? :cool:



Edited by RiChess
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Personally, I'm not great at dissecting non-anni specs. In general, people would be able to dissect your parse better and give better feedback if you parse on the ops dummy for 5+ mins. It gives a better view of if you are using the proper rotation or things you could do better/different.
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To expand on Sameria's point, parses on the Operations Dummy are useful as it eliminates some of the variables. This makes it far easier to identify areas to improve upon. Plus, it is good practice to perfect your rotation/ability activations. I would recommend a real-time parser like MoX or TORParse.


Obviously, dummy parses do not perfectly correlate to real fights. The general theme is if you can't achieve X on a stationary target that isn't trying to kill you, then you won't be able to achieve that result in a real fight either.

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