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Rep side PvP?


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So I have left and come back to this game quite a few times since its release.


Had a few friends talk me into returning, didn't feel like picking up any old characters so I started a new one. Im still in the low end pvp bracket, but seems like nothing has changed. I see tons of premade imperial groups, and reps still dont play the objective, attack healers etc...


I often run into a lot of reps afking for the planetary coms.


Does the next bracket and the 55 bracket continue with this trend?


It has always been something Ive been torn about in this game. I hate sith, I hate RPing as a sith, I hate sith design and architecture, but I love to pvp and since ive played at release the balance has always swung heavily towards sith.


I can deal with low level pvping being awful, no one working together or playing the objective. But if the higher level pvp and end game pvp is this way id just as soon quit the game now before I do a bunch of grinding only to quit as soon as I hit 55.


Any feedback would be appreciated.

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Unless somthing have changed on the repsside the last few weeks, the picture you pain fits for 55 pvp aswell.


Although I got so fed up trying to play my reptoon in pvp that I've been sticking to my true main on Sith.


I will say though that it isnt that bad 24/7, randomly you will get into group of returning exiled(po5 refugees or call'em what you want aka the pro-reps), then your in for a treat.


With such a limited pvp-intrest as there is on a rp-server in general, they really should have had x-server + soloques.


The core issue though is that your playstyle most likely is like mine, prefer soloqueing -> those who dont prefer to soloque aka premades will then dominate the games too heavy with they're premades.


Too bad that one playstyle atm is forceing itself upon another playerpreference this may or may not be adressed though in the comeing pvp-patches etc.


Sith games is generally better cause most of the times they're fairly even with premades on either side & generally more objectivedriven players. There is however alot more sith on sith than I prefer, but thats the nature of the beast.


Best advise is group when pvp'ing if you can at all times. specially on repside or your "doomed" to see what you describe :p

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Quick question. IS RP totally out of the gate for you? I ask because my mandalorian guild transferred to this server only a few days ago. We are a heavy pvp guild looking to get our rp on. We intend to be known for both rp/pvp in a positive way as ****** mandalorians. We take the sith class as long as you look mandalorian and rp to it. We plan on making premade/ranked teams within the month.


If interested go ahead an drop your in-game name and ill msg you when I get back from vegas :D


If not, then good luck with w/e you end up doing

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