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The REAL Most Powerful Lightsaber Duelists


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Actually just do this...seeing as were not gonna budge, just have Vader and Kun be in the same spot then to compromise.


If we do that I think we have totally destroyed rules set in when Beni started this whole series.


Me and Beni are for Kun at no.6, the reasoning being displayed beforehand with no true counter-arguments towards it.


Anyone else want to agree or would anyone care to make a serious counter-argument post to tell us why no.6 shouldn't go to Kun.


I mean he mastered a form to a degree no one had ever before done or has since, that made him a master of Forms I-V and then mastered Ataru to a greater degree directly and then mastered Form VII Juyo combat, not to mention mastering Jar'kai combat.


Not to mention he did all this with no help and practically invented certain forms and techniques or at the very least established them.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Not like I haven't made arguments....but fine w/e you want Kun at 6 there ya go, seeing as no one else is with me on this. But really...they just seem even, though Vader gets 7 I won't budge on that.


Edit: Beni, Vader too has vast knowledge of all the lightsaber forms, how does Kun when he doesn't know them? He was only around a time, when a few saber forms were around was he not?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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I've got to make a decision here, and I feel the arguments made for Kun are stronger.


So for now lets place Kun as #6.


I'm not sure if its necessary (its probably is) but some opinions on the next few spots are welcome.


IMO it should be Vader #7 and Dooku #8.


And just for the record, I'd nominate Obi-Wan for #9. But at the same time, we shouldn't neglect the NJO era.

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Not like I haven't made arguments....but fine w/e you want Kun at 6 there ya go, seeing as no one else is with me on this. But really...they just seem even, though Vader gets 7 I won't budge on that.


Edit: Beni, Vader too has vast knowledge of all the lightsaber forms, how does Kun when he doesn't know them? He was only around a time, when a few saber forms were around was he not?


I never stated you didn't make an argument but they certainly didn't take down other arguments for Kun.


Also Niman is basically a combination of Forms I-V, normally this makes you moderately good at each of those forms, what Kun did was take it to it's highest degree and therefore mastered I-V, he then took on Ataru specifically and incorporated Juyo.


You see, Kun pretty much put those missing forms on the map, as well as new weapon styles and and weapon wielding techniques such as the double-bladed lightsaber and the Jar'kai technique.


He did something better than learn of them, be basically put them on the map as widespread techniques and forms.

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Also Niman is basically a combination of Forms I-V, normally this makes you moderately good at each of those forms, what Kun did was take it to it's highest degree and therefore mastered I-V, he then took on Ataru specifically and incorporated Juyo.


Ok and Vader didn't have his own combination of fighting style and didn't master it to its highest degree?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Edit: Beni, Vader too has vast knowledge of all the lightsaber forms, how does Kun when he doesn't know them? He was only around a time, when a few saber forms were around was he not?
All seven lightsaber forms had been invented by Kun's time. Admittedly Juyo was in its infancy, but it would seem Kun mastered it to a greater extent that Vader. He was effectively a swordmaster.
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I'm going to go ahead an nominate a few for the last spots.


Darth Maul

Asajj Ventress

Qui-Gon Jinn

Kit Fisto

Shaak Ti

Plo Koon


I think Depa Billaba could take most of these guys. If she rivals Windu's skill with a saber, how did she not make the list?

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All seven lightsaber forms had been invented by Kun's time. Admittedly Juyo was in its infancy, but it would seem Kun mastered it to a greater extent that Vader. He was effectively a swordmaster.


Ok and Vader wasn't? On that note, Vader has shown to be good with weapons other then a lightsaber just to point out, most noting he was good with a vibrostaff.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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While I don't want to question the Jensaarai's knowledge, he doesn't take into account Kun's mastery over Juyo and Ataru.


Then Again, he also quite openly states Kun relies heavily on the force to be as formidable as he is... Then again, I guess if we allow Yoda the force to augment his abilities, Kun gets it too

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I will open with some rather basic arguing.


Caedus could equal GM Luke Skywalker in a duel and ROTJ Luke Skywalker defeated Vader, Vader used everything he had to take down his son in that final battle but still lost.


And then we have the fact that Jaina could hold her own against Caedus, someone more than a match for Luke.

I just re-read Invincible, the book depicting the final battle between the twins and it seemed pretty even to me.

Caedus has the advantage of the Force, but he also had the disadvantage of not giving a damn about this fight and having a hand missing and a hole through his stomach.

Caedus could solo Katarn and easily take down other Jedi, yet Jaina he found incredibly difficult to kill off with any ease, she matched him in outright close combat.


And Jaina got even better, a lot better, after her battle with Caedus, she fulfilled Luke's title as Sword of the Jedi.


Now even if Caedus wasn't really paying her much attention, it says a lot that she could still effectively battle him when the likes of Katarn with multiple Jedi could do next to nothing to him and he himself could more than match GM Luke Skywalker.


What weigh this all holds is of course up to you guys.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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