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My final thread, my final tip


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After playing SWTOR for about 2 years now, I've finally unsubbed. No, this isn't a QQ I hate PvP whine thread. I have 7 55s, and 5 other characters over level 45. I've played thousands of hours of PvP, and have almost every achievement. I love the game. But I feel that the PvP is taking a back seat to the cartel market, and paying $15 a month really isn't worth it. On that note, I would suggest trying out different games if you aren't satisfied. I'm currently playing Neverwinter, and the class balance is superb. The only "FOTM" class is very squishy and easy to kill. Overall, I feel that, especially for a free game, the developers CARE about PvP. While there are less maps, and less "objectives" in PvP, it's much more enjoyable. Regardless, SWTOR was a great game. I loved it. I don't regret a single month of playing it, but I'm taking a break.


Now, some of you (or all of you) are wondering why the **** I posted this. Well, I want people to not be afraid to try something new. I was. I spent months wondering if this was the best game. I got frustrated, and bored. I love PvP. I feel that SW in general should revolve around PvP. PvE should be for fantasy games, destroying hordes of orcs or giant creatures. SWTOR should be focused on defeating the opposite faction. Neverwinter is fun. While it lacks the communication between players, and the opposite factions, it has balance. Something SWTOR doesn't. Balance in classes, and because there's one faction, you're not getting rolled over all day and all night, or rolling pugs over.


I enjoy it. If you're stuck on SWTOR, then I suggest trying other classes to learn them. Don't just group up. You need to learn to not be carried. Think before you act. In Neverwinter, I've learned that throwing out massive damage isn't all that great. I've had matches where our team had negative K/Ds, and we still won. Take that into account. Winning is more fun than losing, no matter what the score board says. Read the enemies' game plans. Move into position, and communicate with allies to crush resistance. Offer advice, and accolades to team mates. It's a game, but a little praise can go a long way.


With this, I leave what advice I can, and hope you all the best. Perhaps in the future, 2.4 will involve a REAL PvP patch, where gimped classes can finally have a role in the game. Until then, may the force be with you.

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But I feel that the PvP is taking a back seat to the cartel market, and paying $15 a month really isn't worth it.


MMOs like SWTOR and WOW's sub model, are severely outdated. If you are a player who clears content fast, what do you have left to do till the next content cycle? Wait 6 months doing the same stuff? You have no reason to stay subbed because there is nothing to do, so you can go preferred status and buy weekly warzone passes, but wait, those don't include ranked warzones for some ODD REASON>?

Edited by DkSharktooth
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If you are a player who clears content fast, what do you have left to do till the next content cycle? Wait 6 months doing the same stuff?


One could learn "patience" from that.


Learn to clear content much, much, much slower.


But people usually don't learn things like "patience".


"I want everything, and i want it now."

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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One could learn "patience" from that.


Learn to clear content much, much, much slower.


But people usually don't learn things like "patience".


"I want everything, and i want it now."

Another crappy excuse for you not having a char on 55 since you started to play half a year ago?

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Neverwinter is basically an AD&D game simplified to make a realtime MMO. The result is you are button mashing 3 skills over and over. This is pretty much the same for all the classes.


And balanced? No. Try getting ganked by an all burglar or all mage team lol


I think CoD might be more entertaining.

Edited by ErikGW
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