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Most terrible class in the game


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For powertech in PvP there's a really good spec that I've seen people get 300k damage and 100k protection on (not in 55) It's advanced prototype build, not getting anything that upgrades the gas cell for it (high energy or whatever it is). Then you use a shield generator, ion cell, and guard and taunt while doing dps. It's a really good PvP spec.

As for PT tanking vs Jugg tanking, I have a guardian that i originally wanted to be a tank, but after tanking some FPs and PvP with them, I really didn't like it, especially in the PvE. It's tough to hold aggro when all your damage dealing stuff is 4m range. Also, it's hard to see everything when you're always in the face of an enemy. i switched my PT to tank and it's awesome. Lots of fun and much easier to hold aggro because you get more AoEs, a jump, a pull, and you have ranged abilities too.

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While not all the information in there is correct, you are right, PT currently does not excel as dps or tank in neither PvE or PvP. The tank is okay, but PvE Jugg is stronger, PvP, again Jugg is stronger and sin is better defending nodes.


I agree, my powertech is a good tank, I have learned to play the class, but my jug is just awesome in pve and pvp. I would like to see reduced cooldowns on powertech tanking abilities and possible add some more tanking abilities, that way powertech is brought in line again and at the same time we don't have to ruin juggernaut tanks ( I saw a thread by a shadow tank ,you know how they have fallen, who wants to nerf guardian/jug tanks so that way there will be no good tanking class left and we will all fail in ops together!)

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When leveling powertechs take longer than other tanking classes to get tanking abilities. As a result the first time I tanked in hammer station I couldn't hold agro very well ( I have tanked hammer on both my jug and assassin no problem) and the group blamed ME because I only had one little agro ability with a cooldown and at the same time the maurader was getting a lot of agro from all his dps that they just decided to kick me and later trash me in fleet chat. I didn't even play on him for weeks after due to that emabarrasment ( again its not me I am not a bad player I did not have all the tanking abilities needed to properly hold agro.)
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When leveling powertechs take longer than other tanking classes to get tanking abilities. As a result the first time I tanked in hammer station I couldn't hold agro very well ( I have tanked hammer on both my jug and assassin no problem) and the group blamed ME because I only had one little agro ability with a cooldown and at the same time the maurader was getting a lot of agro from all his dps that they just decided to kick me and later trash me in fleet chat. I didn't even play on him for weeks after due to that emabarrasment ( again its not me I am not a bad player I did not have all the tanking abilities needed to properly hold agro.)


It's hammer station, nobody's gonna have that many abilities yet. The healer would only have 1-2 heals probably. How can they expect you to be an awesome tank when you don't have the abilities yet?

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It's hammer station, nobody's gonna have that many abilities yet. The healer would only have 1-2 heals probably. How can they expect you to be an awesome tank when you don't have the abilities yet?


I know those guys were stupid, the maurader who always jumped in first before the whole group even got there and couldn't stop getting agro was the one who put the vote against me, and the other people just went with it, they needed someone to blame and later trashed me in fleet chat when they failed anyway saying I threw the whole flashpoint off and even after I was gone they couldn't win. How was that my fault that even after they kicked me and got a new tank they still lost!?!

Edited by Sangrar
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I know those guys were stupid, the maurader who always jumped in first before the whole group even got there and couldn't stop getting agro was the one who put the vote against me, and the other people just went with it, they needed someone to blame and later trashed me in fleet chat when they failed anyway saying I threw the whole flashpoint off and even after I was gone they couldn't win. How was that my fault that even after they kicked me and got a new tank they still lost!?!


Hammer station is more about following proper boss mechanics than anything. If you are failing is it because people are not doing what they are supposed to do. The last boss can be especially difficult for that reason because people like to either stand in front of the boss and get a nice smack to the face, or stand in the AOE. This has nothing to do with tanking as a PT or a lack of abilities. As someone who leveled full time in both a PT tank and a guardian tank I can honestly say that leveling as a PT is far easier because they give you all of your AOE at such an early level (minus flame sweep which is minor when compared to FT and DFA).


I am sure everyone has been kicked from a group by stupid people that feel the need to trash you because they are too dumb to see their own mistakes at playing. I wouldn't let it phase you, and it shouldn't have let you stop playing the game. PT tanking early levels is amazing.

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Yeah, quit talking about leveling complaints.


Powertech are by far the best leveling tanks due to heavy armor and good aoe early on. Juggs don't get decent aoe until the top of their tree (lvl 40) and saber reflect (lvl51). Ptechs get explosive dart, flamethrower and DfA before level 20. Assassins are super squishy due to light armor until tanking stats start showing up on her a lot, which isn't realistically until the 40s.


Similarly, pyrotech is very strong while leveling, as it has the core mechanic of the spec (PPA) at level 25, along with amazing AoE from FT, DfA and explosive dart.


Powertech are one of the best classes to level as. We even get our healer companion first, with a good DPS companion showing up on tattooine if you prefer not using a healer comp.



We have some problems in endgame PvP, and pyro (at endgame) is kinda bad. But we ate perfectly fine as tanks (could maybe use 1 cool down to bring us up to the level of juggs) and DPS (playing hybrid and soon to be AP) in endgame operations. However none of this detracts from the powertech leveling experience, which is great as either DPS or tank.

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And Sangrar, please don't take either one of these posts as a personal attack. I know mine wasn't meant in that way, for certain. But rather as fire to tell the next group that thinks that PTs suck or something while leveling to f-off. Cause seriously, that is what made me fall in love with the class (was a Vanguard in closed beta, and then went PT in live). I just wish end game was the same story... :(
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  • 2 weeks later...
Tanking: PT is the worst tank, simply because of lack of solid cooldowns , solid Crowd control abilities and abilities to save teammates , any team any day would take juggernauth over PT.Juggernauth has by far more cooldowns to save himself, he has superior CC and he has amazing abilities like intercede. Even if you look at tanking tree of both classes you will see that pt has so many pointless feats for dps and actual tank feats for jugg are better than for pt. Example: every time pt charges he gets 30% speed increase , but jugg gets 30% increase every time his guarded target is atacked so it's ALWAYS, pt has 15% armor for 2 points and jugg for 1 only, i can continue to name feat points , but i think you got my point.


Look, your not wrong that Powertech is a worse tank than a Juggernaut. But, and this is a big but... it is hardly the worst tank in the game right now. That honor goes solely to the Assassin, whose only saving grace is that it is the king of crowd control. The Assassin is forced to wear Light Armor, and it's cool downs hardly make up the difference between Light Armor and Heavy Armor when it comes to innate Armor Rating (not counting Defense Chance, Shield Chance, Absorption, and Damage Reduction). That fact alone means that Assassins will always die faster than either the Powertech or the Juggernaut.


Damage: Powertech is one of the worst dps classes in the game on the same level as lethality Op's , PT has useless dots and no cooldowns, befor 2.0 pt was a glass canon with burst and no defense, now pt has no damage and no defense.. even in Pve its one of worst classes, where you need only damage and pretty much standing still and dps. PT 's damage is spreaded TOO MUCH among abilies like dots. Every class has 1 new ability with 2.0 and i am not afraid to say, that Shoulder cannon is the worst one: damage /range /cooldown for it is awefull. Shoulder cannon has to be something like : loads one missle every 10 seconds and no cd up to 3 missles.So i would say pt needs more direct damage , less dots , and 1 very solid cd for defense.

I have heard some people say : you still hit people for 6 k rail shots pt is fine.... on my sniper most basic ability like snipe wich you can spam 24/7 crits players for 4-5k an aimed shot for 7-9 k and iam not talking about 8-10 k smashes and dispatches, 6 000 damage is not that much nowadays, when people have 30k+ hp.


Um... no... The top-5 DPS Powertech's using a Hybrid build are able to dish out on average 2,949.122 DPS on a Operations Training Dummy. The Top-5 DPS Assassins averaged at 2,744.614 DPS on the same dummy. To put this into perspective, the top-5 Marauders averaged out at 3,147.112 DPS, and the top-5 Snipers averaged out at 3507.404 DPS.


Point is, while Powertech's DPS is on the lower end of the spectrum, it's DPS is technically still higher than the Assassin's DPS. Thereby making it NOT the worst DPS'ing class in the game. Assassin is officially the worst DPS class and the worst tank class in the game. Makes one start to wonder "What good is Assassin, then?"


The PT parses are all hybrid and are not useful in PvP. Full Pyro or full AP parse 200 DPS lower, slightly ahead of assassins.


As I have had pointed out to me, using the DPS Leaderboard to determine what you should be DPS'ing in Warzones is going to result in failure. The entire DPS Leaderboard is based on doing Damage in an Operation setting, not in a Warzone. Thus the DPS Leaderboards are geared primarily for PvE, not PvP. As such you will find people parsing way way higher than you will ever find in a Warzone setting. Not to mention that you will have situations where the builds being used are not optimal for Warzones in any way, but are much more efficient in PvE. Trying to make a decision on how to build a character based on that leaderboard should be done only if you plan on going PvE.

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Don't compare DPS specs on that thread by averaging the top 5. Precisely because they are doing better currently, there are many more people playing, gearing, and parsing on maras and snipers, which means there will be more people parsing closer to the potential of the spec. Notice how the top 5 snipers/maras are much closer than the top 5 ptechs.


Also don't use wall bang spec in that comparison. Its not usable on most boss fights.

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