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Battlestation Sexywagon Duel Nights


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Hey guys! I wanted to post and ask if any guild would like to do a Ranked game for practice. We need a way to train our new recruits and wanted to know if anyone was willing to que up against us or a pug, whichever you choose!


We're going to be out in Den's doing duels to test our guildmates on Friday/Monday nights and see what we need to change, and I figured the more practice we get INSIDE a ranked game the better. Soon we'll be all prepared and you'll see us Sunday nights :D. If anyone is interested in coming to our duel nights to help us out with testing or wanting to be tested/wanting to get help yourself, you're more than welcome to come! Just hit me up in a message or reply to this thread and we'll get things going.


We're going to start at around 7:00PM EST, not sure how long it will last but seeing as it's a Friday night, I'm assuming it will be more than two hours.


To any guilds/pugs who want to help us run practice games, let me know!


PS. PLEASE let me know who you are/if you're imperial or republic. I want to get a head count beforehand to know how many people we should be expecting. Note: this is not a gank fest, this is solely for practice and testing out your specs/seeing how well you do against your kryptonite classes etc etc.



Edited by Damsyl
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If you needed more test dummies for duels in outlaw's den I'd be willing to go on my guardian. I could use the practice too. If a ranked group happens to be down a member i'm willing to fill in for them but i think i would prefer just some friendly duels in outlaws den. Did you want to PM me your vent/TS/mumble info? I think it would work better if ppl were all in the same voice chat so people can distinguish friendly duelist from potential gankster XD Edited by UrbanSaint
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If you needed more test dummies for duels in outlaw's den I'd be willing to go on my guardian. I could use the practice too. If a ranked group happens to be down a member i'm willing to fill in for them but i think i would prefer just some friendly duels in outlaws den. Did you want to PM me your vent/TS/mumble info? I think it would work better if ppl were all in the same voice chat so people can distinguish friendly duelist from potential gankster XD



p 0 r n5t4r is our info for those of you who want to show up =D.


without the spaces of course;


We're in the second instance of Tattooine.

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I'm down for ranked!


p.s. Damsyl! Scoperatives have a kryptonite class??? Tell me more! :cool:


p.s.s. I should come by so you can teach me how to click faster.


1.) Op healers may be good at dueling, but try beating another op healer :rak_03: That **** is tough.


2.) You click fast enough as is

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Thanks for hosting it :D. Learned a few new tips to try to do better at my 1 v 1's. Was nice to get some practice in for those few times i end up node-guarding in a warzone. In a way, these duels made me realize that every class/spec seems to have a hard counter to another class/spec. Ex. I beat person 1 multiple times but person 2 always beat me, and person 1 always beat person 2, etc.


Hopefully it was a learning experience for everyone else and I dont know about you guys, but it made me a little more excited to see how these 4v4 arenas in the 2.4 patch may turn out :D

Edited by UrbanSaint
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