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Ever wonder why...


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To be honest, I never realised it. But I always wondered why there is a dark side vendor on the republic fleet in the first place?! This sounds like the worst business idea to me. Who would ever want to buy dark side stuff in the Republic? We are the good guys.




wrong wrong wrong it is the individual that is ether good or bad being in the pug does not mean you go hey I am a pug I am a saint I do all good things. that's why as a pug character there are dark-side options cause pugs have the capacity for good.

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I'm betting the dark side vendor has some buddies waiting for a signal in case of emergencies. The Jedi Master would do well to bring some backup...some player backup, if ya know what I mean. ;)


Nah, if we dealt with him the Empire would just kill the lightside vendor on their fleet; which isn't ideal :p

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To be honest, I never realised it. But I always wondered why there is a dark side vendor on the republic fleet in the first place?! This sounds like the worst business idea to me. Who would ever want to buy dark side stuff in the Republic? We are the good guys.




Not necessarily. The knight story if FAR more interesting if you try it as a character who cares about winning the war as much or more than the code. It makes the decisions increasingly difficult as you progress through the story. Give it a try :) I never ended up being ds, but he was neutral for a long time.

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It'd be kinda funny I think. I know I enjoyed when Leia chocked the crap out of Jabba (zomg! spoilerz!) :) That was rather satisfying...I think it would be in game as well, but I suppose the devs think it's like shooting fish in a barrel...we'd beat the tar out of them..cause they can't move very fast and have squawgly little arms lol.


Even still, I'd like to play a Hutt. That'd be fun too...but in a game that needs you to earn xp through fighting...well it might prove tough. Now if they could make it so you xp doing crafty deals or sales, or betting....that might be fun too :D


Edit: They could give Hutts the ability to shoot poison venom out their mouths for battling for xp lol


Teenage hutts can kick some serious ***, man.

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